Issue 21, 2020

The role of surface properties in CO2 methanation over carbon-supported Ni catalysts and their promotion by Fe


The surface chemistry of the activated carbon supporting material was tailored to investigate the influence of O and N groups as well as O-free Lewis basic sites on the performance of Ni-based catalysts for CO2 methanation. Catalytic experiments demonstrated that 15% Ni on carbon with O-free Lewis basic sites showed the best performance (XCO2 = 76%, SCH4 = 97%, T = 450 °C, P = 1 bar), suggesting that the methanation reaction is highly dependent on the basicity of the support. Promotion with 5% Fe enabled the decrease of the optimal reaction temperature while improving the stability of the catalyst. Microstructural and compositional studies of the catalyst after a prolonged time on stream experiment suggested that the slight but gradual catalyst deactivation during methanation is associated with the sintering of Ni nanoparticles and the development of a distinct Ni@NiO core–shell nanostructure.

Graphical abstract: The role of surface properties in CO2 methanation over carbon-supported Ni catalysts and their promotion by Fe

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Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2020
21 Aug 2020
First published
24 Aug 2020

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2020,10, 7217-7225

The role of surface properties in CO2 methanation over carbon-supported Ni catalysts and their promotion by Fe

L. P. L. Gonçalves, J. P. S. Sousa, O. S. G. P. Soares, O. Bondarchuk, O. I. Lebedev, Y. V. Kolen'ko and M. F. R. Pereira, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2020, 10, 7217 DOI: 10.1039/D0CY01254H

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