Issue 98, 2020

The stable cycling of a high-capacity Bi anode enabled by an in situ-generated Li3PO4 transition layer in a sulfide-based all-solid-state battery


The most processable solid electrolyte, Li2S–P2S5 (LPS), exhibits the drawback of a limited potential window, which leads to the deterioration of the interface stability and limits the application of high-capacity anodes, such as those based on Li, Si, and Bi. Here, the in situ formation of a designed artificial solid electrolyte interface provides an effective way to apply low-voltage anodes in solid-state batteries.

Graphical abstract: The stable cycling of a high-capacity Bi anode enabled by an in situ-generated Li3PO4 transition layer in a sulfide-based all-solid-state battery

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Article information

Article type
27 Feb 2020
27 Aug 2020
First published
04 Sep 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 15458-15461

The stable cycling of a high-capacity Bi anode enabled by an in situ-generated Li3PO4 transition layer in a sulfide-based all-solid-state battery

Q. Li, Y. Cao, G. Yin and Y. Gao, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 15458 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01552K

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