Issue 9, 2019

Metal-free nitrogen -doped carbon nanosheets: a catalyst for the direct synthesis of imines under mild conditions


Herein, a highly stable, porous, multifunctional and metal-free catalyst was developed, which exhibited significant catalytic performance in the oxidation of amines and transfer hydrogenation of nitriles under mild conditions; this could be attributed to the presence of numerous active sites and their outstanding BET surface area. The obtained results showed that most of the yields of imines exceeded 90%, and the cycling performance of the catalyst could be at least seven runs without any decay in the reaction activity, which could be comparable to those of metal catalysts. Subsequently, a kinetic study has demonstrated that the apparent activation energy for the direct synthesis of imines from amines is 67.39 kJ mol−1, which has been performed to testify that the catalytic performances are rational. Via catalyst characterizations and experimental data, graphitic-N has been proven to be the active site of the catalyst. Hence, this study is beneficial to comprehend the mechanism of action of a metal-free N-doped carbon catalyst in the formation of imines.

Graphical abstract: Metal-free nitrogen -doped carbon nanosheets: a catalyst for the direct synthesis of imines under mild conditions

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Article information

Article type
16 Mar 2019
21 Mar 2019
First published
03 Apr 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 2448-2461

Metal-free nitrogen -doped carbon nanosheets: a catalyst for the direct synthesis of imines under mild conditions

K. Wang, P. Jiang, M. Yang, P. Ma, J. Qin, X. Huang, L. Ma and R. Li, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 2448 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC00908F

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