Issue 19, 2017

A high performance lithium–selenium battery using a microporous carbon confined selenium cathode and a compatible electrolyte


Rechargeable lithium–selenium (Li–Se) batteries are promising electrochemical systems with higher energy density than traditional Li ion batteries. Nevertheless, the dissolution of high-order lithium selenides and the shuttle effect in electrolytes lead to low Se utilization, inferior capacity and poor cycling performance. This study proposes a combination of nanostructured Se cathode materials and compatible carbonate electrolytes for promoting the performance of Li–Se batteries. Se/MC composite nanoparticles (∼35 nm) with a moderate Se content (≈51.4 wt%) were prepared by embedding Se into a metal–organic framework derived microporous carbon. The resulting Se/MC cathode exhibits significantly high rate capability and cycling stability in LiDFOB/EC-DMC-FEC electrolyte. It delivers a capacity of 511 mA h gSe−1 after 1000 cycles at 5C, with an inappreciable capacity decay of 0.012% per cycle. Even at a very high rate of 20C, a large capacity of 569 mA h gSe−1 can be obtained, corresponding to a decrease of only 5.6% compared to that at 0.5C. The impressive high rate performance is attributed to the co-effect of selenium confined in ultra-small microporous carbon particles and excellent compatibility of the electrolyte with both the Li anode and selenium composite cathode.

Graphical abstract: A high performance lithium–selenium battery using a microporous carbon confined selenium cathode and a compatible electrolyte

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Article information

Article type
20 Feb 2017
11 Apr 2017
First published
12 Apr 2017

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 9350-9357

A high performance lithium–selenium battery using a microporous carbon confined selenium cathode and a compatible electrolyte

J. Zhou, J. Yang, Z. Xu, T. Zhang, Z. Chen and J. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 9350 DOI: 10.1039/C7TA01564J

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