Issue 57, 2016

Polyaniline films photoelectrochemically reduce CO2 to alcohols


In this communication, we demonstrate that polyaniline, the very first example of an organic semiconductor, is a promising photocathode material for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to alcohol fuels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas; thus using solar energy to convert CO2 to transportation fuels (such as methanol or ethanol) is a value-added approach to simultaneous generation of alternative fuels and environmental remediation of carbon emissions. Insights into its unique behavior obtained from photoelectrochemical measurements and adsorption studies, together with spectroscopic data, are presented. Through a comparative study involving various conducting polymers, a set of criteria is developed for an organic semiconductor to function as a photocathode for generation of solar fuels from CO2.

Graphical abstract: Polyaniline films photoelectrochemically reduce CO2 to alcohols

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 May 2016
16 Jun 2016
First published
16 Jun 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 8858-8861

Polyaniline films photoelectrochemically reduce CO2 to alcohols

D. Hursán, A. Kormányos, K. Rajeshwar and C. Janáky, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8858 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04050K

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