Issue 20, 2015

A hybrid Si@FeSiy/SiOx anode structure for high performance lithium-ion batteries via ammonia-assisted one-pot synthesis


Synthesised via planetary ball-milling of Si and Fe powders in an ammonia (NH3) environment, a hybrid Si@FeSiy/SiOx structure shows exceptional electrochemical properties for lithium-ion battery anodes, exhibiting a high initial capacity of 1150 mA h g−1 and a retention capacity of 880 mA h g−1 after 150 cycles at 100 mA g−1; and a capacity of 560 mA h g−1 at 4000 mA g−1. These are considerably high for carbon-free micro-/submicro-Si-based anodes. NH3 gradually turns into N2 and H2 during the synthesis, which facilitates the formation of highly conductive FeSiy (y = 1, 2) phases, whereas such phases were not formed in an Ar atmosphere. Milling for 20–40 h leads to partial decomposition of NH3 in the atmosphere, and a hybrid structure of a Si core of mixed nanocrystalline and amorphous Si domains, shelled by a relatively thick SiOx layer with embedded FeSi nanocrystallites. Milling for 60–100 h results in full decomposition of NH3 and a hybrid structure of a much-refined Si-rich core surrounded by a mantle of a relatively low level of SiOx and a higher level of FeSi2. The formation mechanisms of the SiOx and FeSiy phases are explored. The latter structure offers an optimum combination of the high capacity of a nanostructural Si core, relatively high electric conductivity of the FeSiy phase and high structural stability of a SiOx shell accommodating the volume change for high performance electrodes. The synthesis method is new and indispensable for the large-scale production of high-performance Si-based anode materials.

Graphical abstract: A hybrid Si@FeSiy/SiOx anode structure for high performance lithium-ion batteries via ammonia-assisted one-pot synthesis

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Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2015
12 Apr 2015
First published
14 Apr 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 10767-10776

A hybrid Si@FeSiy/SiOx anode structure for high performance lithium-ion batteries via ammonia-assisted one-pot synthesis

M. Gao, D. Wang, X. Zhang, H. Pan, Y. Liu, C. Liang, C. Shang and Z. Guo, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 10767 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA01251A

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