Issue 19, 2015

A class of rare antiferromagnetic metallic oxides: double perovskite AMn3V4O12 (A = Na+, Ca2+, and La3+) and the site-selective doping effect


We have investigated the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of A-site-ordered double-perovskite-structured oxides, AA′3B4O12 (A = Na, Ca, and La) with Mn and V at A′ and B sites, respectively, using first-principle calculations based on the density functional theory. Our calculation results show that the antiferromagnetic phase is the ground state for all the compounds. By changing the A-site ions from Na+ to Ca2+ and then to La3+, the transfer of charge between Mn and O ions was changed from 1.56 to 1.55 and then to 1.50, and that between the V and O ions changed from 2.01 to 1.95 and then to 1.93, revealing the cause for the unusual site-selective doping effect. Mn 3d electrons dominate the magnetic moment and are localized, with an intense hybridization with O 2p orbitals, which indicates that the magnetic exchange interaction between Mn ions is mediated through O and that the super exchange mechanism will take effect. These materials have a large one-electron bandwidth W, and the ratio of the on-site Coulomb repulsion U to W is less than the critical value (U/W)c, which leads to metallic behavior of AMn3V4O12. This is further evidenced by the large number of free electrons contributed by V at the Fermi surface. These calculations, in combination with the reported experimental data, prove that these double perovskites belong to the rare antiferromagnetic metallic oxides.

Graphical abstract: A class of rare antiferromagnetic metallic oxides: double perovskite AMn3V4O12 (A = Na+, Ca2+, and La3+) and the site-selective doping effect

Article information

Article type
16 Jan 2015
14 Apr 2015
First published
15 Apr 2015

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015,17, 12717-12721

Author version available

A class of rare antiferromagnetic metallic oxides: double perovskite AMn3V4O12 (A = Na+, Ca2+, and La3+) and the site-selective doping effect

G. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Cheng, Y. Yan, C. Peng, C. Wang and S. Dong, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 12717 DOI: 10.1039/C5CP00186B

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