Issue 24, 2014

Rapid synthesis, structure and photocatalysis of pure bismuth A-site perovskite of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3


Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3, a member of a small group of pure Bi3+ A site perovskites, exhibiting a high ferroelectric Curie point (Tc), was rapidly synthesized by a sample method of molten salt synthesis. The purity of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3 samples is directly affected by the reaction conditions such as the soaking temperature, and the heating and cooling rates. The as-prepared Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3 particles are well-formed, cube-shaped single-crystals with sizes ranging from 200–300 nm. The chemical states of Bi and Fe ions are Bi3+ and Fe3+ in Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3. UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra and preliminary photocatalytic experiments indicate that the pure Bi3+ A site perovskite of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3 has a suitable energy bandgap (1.86 eV) and shows obvious photocatalytic activity for the decolorization of methyl blue under visible-light irradiation. The present work suggests potential future applications of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3 in photocatalysis and ferroelectric photovoltaic effects.

Graphical abstract: Rapid synthesis, structure and photocatalysis of pure bismuth A-site perovskite of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3

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Article information

Article type
25 Dec 2013
17 Mar 2014
First published
17 Mar 2014

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 9255-9259

Author version available

Rapid synthesis, structure and photocatalysis of pure bismuth A-site perovskite of Bi(Mg3/8Fe2/8Ti3/8)O3

W. Zhang, J. Chen, X. An, Q. Wang, L. Fan, F. Wang, J. Deng, R. Yu and X. Xing, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 9255 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT53621A

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