Issue 11, 2012

A visible light excitable “on–off” and “green–red” fluorescent chemodosimeter for Ni2+/Pb2+


A pyrene derivative has been synthesized as a visible light excitable fluorescent chemodosimeter which exhibits “on–off” and “green–red” fluorescence behavior for Ni2+ and Pb2+ with different reaction speed, respectively, and its sensing ability toward metal cations and counter ions was investigated in detail. The high selectivity of the ‘in situ’ prepared Ni2+ and Pb2+ complexes toward EDA and the reaction speed difference provide two new effective methods for distinguishing between Ni2+ and Pb2+.

Graphical abstract: A visible light excitable “on–off” and “green–red” fluorescent chemodosimeter for Ni2+/Pb2+

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Jul 2012
22 Aug 2012
First published
22 Aug 2012

New J. Chem., 2012,36, 2176-2179

A visible light excitable “on–off” and “green–red” fluorescent chemodosimeter for Ni2+/Pb2+

L. Wang, M. Yu, Z. Liu, W. Zhao, Z. Li, Z. Ni, C. Li and L. Wei, New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 2176 DOI: 10.1039/C2NJ40597K

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