Issue 7, 2011

Cellularized alginate sheets for blood vessel reconstruction


Development of blood vessels remains a big challenge for vascular tissue engineering. We recently demonstrated that poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(styrene sulfonate) (PAH/PSS) films are excellent substrates for vascular progenitor cell differentiation. However, no intact cell sheets could be harvested. Using a spraying procedure, we develop here a user-friendly technology for the development of small blood vessels based on alginate membranes. The key point of our approach is based on a multilayered PAH/PSS film built on micro-textured alginate gels, about 140 μm thick and which can be peeled off. The alginate, calcium chloride and polyelectrolyte solutions are sprayed on a vertical glass substrate. Due to the drainage of the calcium chloride solution on the adsorbed alginate layer, an oriented micro-textured gel is obtained. The PAH/PSS film, built on top of the gel, induces a good proliferation without phenotype alteration of smooth muscle cells. Parallel micro-textures on the top of the gel allow the orientation of cells. After peeling off the substrate, the cellularized membrane is rolled around a mandrel. Confocal microscopy observations show the formation of concentric layers with a presence of cells. This work represents the initial stages of a new, original blood vessel reconstruction strategy via tissue engineering.

Graphical abstract: Cellularized alginate sheets for blood vessel reconstruction

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Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2010
15 Dec 2010
First published
10 Feb 2011

Soft Matter, 2011,7, 3621-3626

Cellularized alginate sheets for blood vessel reconstruction

H. Kerdjoudj, F. Boulmedais, N. Berthelemy, H. Mjahed, H. Louis, P. Schaaf, J. C. Voegel and P. Menu, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3621 DOI: 10.1039/C0SM00998A

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