Issue 19, 2008

Dielectric anisotropy of a homochiral rare-earth metal complex


A homochiral rare-earth metal Tb complex that exhibited a very large dielectric anisotropic property with a temperature-independent feature is obtained. Our findings on high-dielectric anisotropy will provide a new impetus in this field of materials science.

Graphical abstract: Dielectric anisotropy of a homochiral rare-earth metal complex

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Dec 2007
04 Mar 2008
First published
28 Mar 2008

Dalton Trans., 2008, 2527-2530

Dielectric anisotropy of a homochiral rare-earth metal complex

G. Wang, G. Han, Q. Ye, R. Xiong, T. Akutagawa, T. Nakamura, P. W. H. Chan and S. D. Huang, Dalton Trans., 2008, 2527 DOI: 10.1039/B719580J

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