Issue 3, 2008

Target-induced strand release (TISR) from aptamer–DNA duplex: A general strategy for electronic detection of biomolecules ranging from a small molecule to a large protein


We describe a general strategy for electronic aptamer-based biosensor that is based on target-induced strand release (TISR) of a redox-modified aptamer from the aptamer-capture DNA duplex bound on an electrode.

Graphical abstract: Target-induced strand release (TISR) from aptamer–DNA duplex: A general strategy for electronic detection of biomolecules ranging from a small molecule to a large protein

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 Dec 2007
17 Dec 2007
First published
10 Jan 2008

Analyst, 2008,133, 323-325

Target-induced strand release (TISR) from aptamerDNA duplex: A general strategy for electronic detection of biomolecules ranging from a small molecule to a large protein

J. Yoshizumi, S. Kumamoto, M. Nakamura and K. Yamana, Analyst, 2008, 133, 323 DOI: 10.1039/B719089C

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