Issue 17, 2001

Design and post-functionalisation of ordered mesoporous zirconia thin filmsElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD and SEM data showing the influence of water content in solution and atmospheric relative humidity in the organisation and optical quality of the films, and details about the post-functionalisation. See


Bidimensional hexagonal or centred-rectangular mesoporous zirconia thin films have been reproducibly prepared by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA), which are stable up to 300 °C, with pore size around 35 Å; the films can be post-functionalised with organic ligands presenting different functions, opening a land of opportunities for the design of new hybrid mesostructured materials, based on the synergy of a transition metal oxide network and organic groups.

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 May 2001
13 Jul 2001
First published
06 Aug 2001

Chem. Commun., 2001, 1582-1583

Design and post-functionalisation of ordered mesoporous zirconia thin films

E. L. Crepaldi, G. J. D. A. A. Soler-Illia, D. Grosso, P. Albouy and C. Sanchez, Chem. Commun., 2001, 1582 DOI: 10.1039/B104623N

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