Issue 5, 1997

Use of Tricarbonyl-(η6-Phenyl Methanols) of Chromium(0) for the Estimation of Alkyllithium Concentration


Several chromium(0) tricarbonyl-(η 6 -phenyl methanol) complexes have been assayed for the routine quantitative determination of alkyllithium solutions. The results show that these reagent indicators offer an alternative for the accurate quantification of alkyllithium concentrations providing values in agreement with published procedures. In addition, of one of the chromophores was isolated and its structure characterized by 1 H NMR as methylated derivatives.

Article information

Article type

Anal. Commun., 1997,34, 155-157

Use of Tricarbonyl-(η6-Phenyl Methanols) of Chromium(0) for the Estimation of Alkyllithium Concentration

G. Arroyo, R. Miranda, F. Delgado and J. Tamariz, Anal. Commun., 1997, 34, 155 DOI: 10.1039/A702269G

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