Issue 1, 1989

Artifactual chemiluminescence in the determination of nitrogen monoxide in the vapour phase of mainstream cigarette smoke


Evidence is presented for the artifactual chemiluminescence from olefins in the determination of nitrogen monoxide in the vapour phase of mainstream cigarette smoke. The interference may be quantified by measuring the residual chemiluminescence remaining in the vapour phase of mainstream cigarette smoke after 24 h. For the nitrogen monoxide analyser used, corrections to the yield of most cigarette brands retailed in the UK were found to be about 1.5 µg of nitrogen monoxide per puff, each machine puff being defined by international standards.

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Article type

Analyst, 1989,114, 71-75

Artifactual chemiluminescence in the determination of nitrogen monoxide in the vapour phase of mainstream cigarette smoke

P. R. Houlgate and W. H. Evans, Analyst, 1989, 114, 71 DOI: 10.1039/AN9891400071

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