Issue 23, 1984

Crystal structure of a noval µ-hydroxo copper(II) piperazine–phenal complex containing a short copper–copper distance and displaying weak exchange coupling


The crystal structure of a binuclear CuII complex which contains both µ phenoxo and µ-hydroxo bridging groups as well as two terminal piperazine N and one water O atoms on each Cu shows a very short Cu–Cu distance [2.872(2)Å] and an unusual pyramidal geometry around the phenoxo O atom; this complex is unusual in that no net antiferromagnetic coupling is evident and reasons are put forward to explain this reduced coupling.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1984, 1561-1563

Crystal structure of a noval µ-hydroxo copper(II) piperazine–phenal complex containing a short copper–copper distance and displaying weak exchange coupling

G. D. Fallon, K. S. Murray, B. Spethmann, J. K. Yandell, J. H. Hodgkin and B. C. Loft, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1984, 1561 DOI: 10.1039/C39840001561

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