Issue 0, 1971

Solutions of potassium fluoride in glacial acetic acid


Potassium fluoride is very soluble in glacial acetic acid and the solutions have several unusual properties. These have been studied by cryoscopic, spectroscopic, thermochemical, and electrochemical methods. The collected data have been interpreted in terms of fluoride ion solvation being the most important factor in such solutions. This anion solvation is thought to be by the initial formation of a strong hydrogen bond F ⋯ H–OAc. This bond is the second strongest hydrogen bond known and solvation and i.r. measurements suggest that it has a bond energy of about 120 kJ mol–1(29 kcal mol–1).

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1971, 2702-2708

Solutions of potassium fluoride in glacial acetic acid

J. Emsley, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1971, 2702 DOI: 10.1039/J19710002702

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