Themed collection Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons: Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine

28 items
Open Access Minireview

Integrated therapy platform of exosomal system: hybrid inorganic/organic nanoparticles with exosomes for cancer treatment

Hybrid inorganic/organic nanoparticles with exosomes can be applied as a novel platform for drug delivery systems. This biomimetic nanoplatform combines the functions of natural biomaterials to efficiently carry drugs to the center of cancer cells.

Graphical abstract: Integrated therapy platform of exosomal system: hybrid inorganic/organic nanoparticles with exosomes for cancer treatment
Review Article

Advances in nanoparticle-based mRNA delivery for liver cancer and liver-associated infectious diseases

Nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery can increase the effectiveness of mRNA-based therapeutics and vaccines. These nanoparticles can deliver mRNA to treat liver diseases such as hepatocarcinoma and hepatotropic infections.

Graphical abstract: Advances in nanoparticle-based mRNA delivery for liver cancer and liver-associated infectious diseases
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Review Article

Engineered extracellular vesicles as intelligent nanosystems for next-generation nanomedicine

Engineered EVs containing an intelligent core have been designed to interact with a living host environment and function in an ideal situation. This review provides a new insight into design of next-generation EV-based theranostic platforms.

Graphical abstract: Engineered extracellular vesicles as intelligent nanosystems for next-generation nanomedicine
Review Article

Phase-shift nanodroplets as an emerging sonoresponsive nanomaterial for imaging and drug delivery applications

The scheme of loading drugs/decorations in nanodroplets and US/laser irradiated drug release (figure created with

Graphical abstract: Phase-shift nanodroplets as an emerging sonoresponsive nanomaterial for imaging and drug delivery applications
Review Article

Recent advances in nanotechnology-based COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutic antibodies

This review summarizes the nanotechnology-based COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics, including protein nanoparticle-based vaccines, lipid nanoparticle-formulated mRNA vaccines, and nanobodies as unique therapeutic antibodies.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in nanotechnology-based COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutic antibodies
Open Access Review Article

Cell-free exosome-laden scaffolds for tissue repair

Exosome seeded on the designed scaffold can achieve local and sustained-release for efficient tissue repair.

Graphical abstract: Cell-free exosome-laden scaffolds for tissue repair
Review Article

Exosome-mediated delivery of gene vectors for gene therapy

Exosome encapsulation protects and delivers AAV vectors for gene therapy.

Graphical abstract: Exosome-mediated delivery of gene vectors for gene therapy
Open Access Communication

Discrimination between protein glycoforms using lectin-functionalised gold nanoparticles as signal enhancers

Biolayer interferometry is used to distinguish between glycoforms of the same using lectin-functional nanoparticles as both readers, and signal enhancers. The use of this is exemplified with prostate specific antigen.

Graphical abstract: Discrimination between protein glycoforms using lectin-functionalised gold nanoparticles as signal enhancers

Attenuating endothelial leakiness with self-assembled DNA nanostructures for pulmonary arterial hypertension

Self-assembled DNA is constructed to attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling by restoring the endothelial barriers. Self-assembled DNA inhibits HPAEC growth by the Atg101/Beclin-1/VE-cadherin pathway.

Graphical abstract: Attenuating endothelial leakiness with self-assembled DNA nanostructures for pulmonary arterial hypertension
From the themed collection: Nanoscale Horizons Community Board Picks

Polyclonal aptamer libraries as binding entities on a graphene FET based biosensor for the discrimination of apo- and holo-retinol binding protein 4

We report a sensor based on polyclonal aptamer libraries which is capable of label-free discrimination between retinol binding protein 4 isoforms (an important biomarker for kidney disease and diabetes) at sub-nM concentrations.

Graphical abstract: Polyclonal aptamer libraries as binding entities on a graphene FET based biosensor for the discrimination of apo- and holo-retinol binding protein 4

A novel phage display based platform for exosome diversity characterization

We present an innovative approach allowing the identification, isolation, and molecular characterization of disease-related exosomes based on their different antigenic reactivities.

Graphical abstract: A novel phage display based platform for exosome diversity characterization

Innovative transdermal delivery of insulin using gelatin methacrylate-based microneedle patches in mice and mini-pigs

Painless and controlled on-demand drug delivery is the ultimate goal for the management of various chronic diseases, including diabetes.

Graphical abstract: Innovative transdermal delivery of insulin using gelatin methacrylate-based microneedle patches in mice and mini-pigs

A self-amplifying nanodrug to manipulate the Janus-faced nature of ferroptosis for tumor therapy

A self-amplifying nanodrug was precisely designed to reprogram the Janus-faced nature of ferroptosis via harnessing the positive role of ferroptosis along with reversing its inherent negative role to achieve optimal ferroptotic tumor therapy.

Graphical abstract: A self-amplifying nanodrug to manipulate the Janus-faced nature of ferroptosis for tumor therapy

Dual agonist immunostimulatory nanoparticles combine with PD1 blockade for curative neoadjuvant immunotherapy of aggressive cancers

Neoadjuvant combination immunotherapy based on a potent immunostimulatory nanoparticle resulted in significant efficacy, curative responses, and protective immunological memory.

Graphical abstract: Dual agonist immunostimulatory nanoparticles combine with PD1 blockade for curative neoadjuvant immunotherapy of aggressive cancers

Spatial confinement of chemically engineered cancer cells using large graphene oxide sheets: a new mode of cancer therapy

A concept of cancer treatment is developed by imposing large graphene oxide sheets as a “cage” on cancer cells to limit their spatial behavior through the inhibition of cell migration and invasion, which directly addresses the defining trait of cancer on the cellular level.

Graphical abstract: Spatial confinement of chemically engineered cancer cells using large graphene oxide sheets: a new mode of cancer therapy
Open Access Communication

Encapsulation of polyprodrugs enables an efficient and controlled release of dexamethasone

Encapsulation of pH-responsive polyprodrugs in semipermeable nanocontainers enables controlled release of water-soluble low molecular weight drugs under acidic conditions.

Graphical abstract: Encapsulation of polyprodrugs enables an efficient and controlled release of dexamethasone

Tumor-targeted gene therapy with lipid nanoparticles inhibits tumor-associated adipocytes and remodels the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in triple-negative breast cancer

In breast cancer model, we identified C–C Motif Chemokine Ligand 2 (CCL2) as the key mediator which is secreted by tumor associated adipocytes, and developed targeted lipid-protamine-DNA (LPD) nanoparticles to locally “trap” CCL2 to ameliorate the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment.

Graphical abstract: Tumor-targeted gene therapy with lipid nanoparticles inhibits tumor-associated adipocytes and remodels the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in triple-negative breast cancer

Immunostimulatory silica nanoparticle boosts innate immunity in brain tumors

An immunostimulatory nanoparticle was specifically designed to boost the local innate immune compartment of brain tumors leading to a robust antitumor immune response.

Graphical abstract: Immunostimulatory silica nanoparticle boosts innate immunity in brain tumors

Cerium oxide nanozyme attenuates periodontal bone destruction by inhibiting the ROS–NFκB pathway

A detailed anti-inflammatory mechanism study of CeO2 nanozymes with reactive oxygen species scavenging abilities toward periodontitis treatment advances future nanozyme-based clinical applications.

Graphical abstract: Cerium oxide nanozyme attenuates periodontal bone destruction by inhibiting the ROS–NFκB pathway

Integration of a capacitor to a 3-D DNA walker and a biofuel cell-based self-powered system for ultrasensitive bioassays of microRNAs

A self-powered microRNA biosensor with triple signal amplification systems was assembled through the integration of three-dimensional DNA walkers, enzymatic biofuel cells and a capacitor.

Graphical abstract: Integration of a capacitor to a 3-D DNA walker and a biofuel cell-based self-powered system for ultrasensitive bioassays of microRNAs
Open Access Paper

Surface enhanced Raman scattering of extracellular vesicles for cancer diagnostics despite isolation dependent lipoprotein contamination

SERS can “see through” varying lipoprotein contamination present in extracellular vesicles isolated from cancer patient samples for accurate diagnostic classification.

Graphical abstract: Surface enhanced Raman scattering of extracellular vesicles for cancer diagnostics despite isolation dependent lipoprotein contamination

Hypoxia-specific anti-RAGE exosomes for nose-to-brain delivery of anti-miR-181a oligonucleotide in an ischemic stroke model

An exosome linked to RAGE-binding-peptide was developed as a hypoxia-specific carrier for nose-to-brain delivery of anti-microRNA oligonucleotide for ischemic stroke therapy.

Graphical abstract: Hypoxia-specific anti-RAGE exosomes for nose-to-brain delivery of anti-miR-181a oligonucleotide in an ischemic stroke model

In situ injection of dual-delivery PEG based MMP-2 sensitive hydrogels for enhanced tumor penetration and chemo-immune combination therapy

Improving the deep penetration of nanoparticles and realizing the combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy have become a promising strategy for cancer treatment.

Graphical abstract: In situ injection of dual-delivery PEG based MMP-2 sensitive hydrogels for enhanced tumor penetration and chemo-immune combination therapy

Doxorubicin and PD-L1 siRNA co-delivery with stem cell membrane-coated polydopamine nanoparticles for the targeted chemoimmunotherapy of PCa bone metastases

Polydopamine nanoparticles camouflaged with stem cell membranes could effectively target tumor sites and showed excellent performance in synergistic chemoimmunotherapy for PCa bone metastases.

Graphical abstract: Doxorubicin and PD-L1 siRNA co-delivery with stem cell membrane-coated polydopamine nanoparticles for the targeted chemoimmunotherapy of PCa bone metastases

A novel electrochemical lung cancer biomarker cytokeratin 19 fragment antigen 21-1 immunosensor based on Si3N4/MoS2 incorporated MWCNTs and core–shell type magnetic nanoparticles

Lung cancer is one of deadliest and most life threatening cancer types.

Graphical abstract: A novel electrochemical lung cancer biomarker cytokeratin 19 fragment antigen 21-1 immunosensor based on Si3N4/MoS2 incorporated MWCNTs and core–shell type magnetic nanoparticles

Layer-by-layer coated nanoliposomes for oral delivery of insulin

Nanosulin – a highly stable multilayer insulin-coated nanoliposome, enhanced insulin permeation across the intestinal epithelium and maintained bioactivity via oral administration in vivo.

Graphical abstract: Layer-by-layer coated nanoliposomes for oral delivery of insulin
Open Access Paper

Local administration of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in a thermoresponsive hydrogel promotes a pro-healing effect in a rat model of colo-cutaneous post-surgical fistula

Local minimally-invasive EV delivery on a thermo-actuated PF-127 gel enhanced EV residence time in colo-cutaneous fistulas promoting a therapeutic effect.

Graphical abstract: Local administration of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in a thermoresponsive hydrogel promotes a pro-healing effect in a rat model of colo-cutaneous post-surgical fistula

Self-assembled chromogen-loaded polymeric cocoon for respiratory virus detection

Inspired by the self-assembly approach, in this work, the chromogen, 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), was successfully co-precipitated in aqueous solution to form collective nanoparticles (NPs) of signal molecules (TMB-NPs).

Graphical abstract: Self-assembled chromogen-loaded polymeric cocoon for respiratory virus detection
28 items

About this collection

This online collection from Nanoscale and Nanoscale Horizons showcases some of the recent nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine papers published in the journals.

We hope you enjoy reading these articles!

