Themed collection Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

70 items

Enabling high-throughput single-animal gene-expression studies with molecular and micro-scale technologies

How can microfluidics address the significant limitations to the current tools that measure gene expression in single-animal studies?

Graphical abstract: Enabling high-throughput single-animal gene-expression studies with molecular and micro-scale technologies
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Tutorial Review

Interfacing cells with organic transistors: a review of in vitro and in vivo applications

This review focuses on the applications of organic transistors in cellular interfacing. It offers a comprehensive retrospective of the past, an overview of the latest innovations, and a glance on the future perspectives of this fast-evolving field.

Graphical abstract: Interfacing cells with organic transistors: a review of in vitro and in vivo applications
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Tutorial Review

Tumor-on-a-chip platforms to study cancer–immune system crosstalk in the era of immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a powerful therapeutic approach able to re-educate the immune system to fight cancer. In this scenario, tumor-on-chip can help to choose the right immunotherapeutic treatment.

Graphical abstract: Tumor-on-a-chip platforms to study cancer–immune system crosstalk in the era of immunotherapy
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Tutorial Review

Single-cell microfluidic impedance cytometry: from raw signals to cell phenotypes using data analytics

Review of chip designs and data analytics to stratify heterogeneity in cellular systems via microfluidic impedance cytometry.

Graphical abstract: Single-cell microfluidic impedance cytometry: from raw signals to cell phenotypes using data analytics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Critical Review

Trapping and control of bubbles in various microfluidic applications

Active and passive techniques for bubble trapping and control in various microfluidic applications.

Graphical abstract: Trapping and control of bubbles in various microfluidic applications
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Phase separation of a nonionic surfactant aqueous solution in a standing surface acoustic wave for submicron particle manipulation

Acoustic induced nanoparticle patterning and location migration in inhomogeneous media formed in situ.

Graphical abstract: Phase separation of a nonionic surfactant aqueous solution in a standing surface acoustic wave for submicron particle manipulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A facile multi-material direct laser writing strategy

We present an accessible strategy for printing multi-material 3D nanostructured components via microfluidic two-photon direct laser writing.

Graphical abstract: A facile multi-material direct laser writing strategy
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A miniaturized optical tomography platform for volumetric imaging of engineered living systems

Volumetric optical microscopy approaches that enable acquisition of three-dimensional (3D) information from a biological sample are attractive for numerous non-invasive imaging applications.

Graphical abstract: A miniaturized optical tomography platform for volumetric imaging of engineered living systems
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Microfluidics-enabled rational design of immunomagnetic nanomaterials and their shape effect on liquid biopsy

A microfluidics-enabled strategy for the controllable synthesis of immunomagnetic nanomaterials was developed, and the shape-dependent screening efficiency of CTCs was investigated.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidics-enabled rational design of immunomagnetic nanomaterials and their shape effect on liquid biopsy
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Dynamic pneumatic rails enabled microdroplet manipulation

This study presented a convenient method of gathering, splitting, merging, and sorting microdroplets by dynamic pneumatic rails in double-layered microfluidic devices.

Graphical abstract: Dynamic pneumatic rails enabled microdroplet manipulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A high-throughput multiplexed microfluidic device for COVID-19 serology assays

A microfluidic device to quantitate antibody reactivities to SARS-CoV-2 antigens: spike protein, RDB, S1 subunit, and nucleocapsid, from 50 serum samples.

Graphical abstract: A high-throughput multiplexed microfluidic device for COVID-19 serology assays
From the themed collection: Celebrating Latin American Chemistry

An integrated microfluidic system for early detection of sepsis-inducing bacteria

Isolation and identification of bacteria from human blood were automated on an integrated microfluidic system for sepsis-inducing bacteria.

Graphical abstract: An integrated microfluidic system for early detection of sepsis-inducing bacteria
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A high-throughput cell culture system based on capillary and centrifugal actions for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing

A capillary and centrifuge-based rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing system is developed to reduce the time of loading the sample and culture media while achieving a high-throughput testing capacity.

Graphical abstract: A high-throughput cell culture system based on capillary and centrifugal actions for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Modular off-chip emulsion generator enabled by a revolving needle

An integrated revolving needle emulsion generator (RNEG) is developed to achieve high-throughput production of monodispersed droplets in an off-chip manner.

Graphical abstract: Modular off-chip emulsion generator enabled by a revolving needle
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Everything in its right place: controlling the local composition of hydrogels using microfluidic traps

We introduce a microfluidic Hele-Shaw trapping cell that enables the fabrication of hydrogel sheets whose composition can be abruptly and controllably changed.

Graphical abstract: Everything in its right place: controlling the local composition of hydrogels using microfluidic traps
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Soft elastomeric composite materials with skin-inspired mechanical properties for stretchable electronic circuits

An elastomeric composite material with skin-like mechanical responses and spatially heterogeneous rigidity is developed to accommodate stretchable electronic circuit systems.

Graphical abstract: Soft elastomeric composite materials with skin-inspired mechanical properties for stretchable electronic circuits
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Intelligent whole-blood imaging flow cytometry for simple, rapid, and cost-effective drug-susceptibility testing of leukemia

The drug susceptibility of leukemia cells in whole blood is evaluated by using extreme-throughput imaging flow cytometry with deep learning.

Graphical abstract: Intelligent whole-blood imaging flow cytometry for simple, rapid, and cost-effective drug-susceptibility testing of leukemia
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Clinical translation of microfluidic sensor devices: focus on calibration and analytical robustness

Modular platform providing the building blocks to translate specialised microfluidics from the laboratory to a clinical environment.

Graphical abstract: Clinical translation of microfluidic sensor devices: focus on calibration and analytical robustness
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

The biomolecular corona of gold nanoparticles in a controlled microfluidic environment

The use of microfluidic devices may allow standardizing corona formation protocols and comparing data from different laboratories.

Graphical abstract: The biomolecular corona of gold nanoparticles in a controlled microfluidic environment
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

A nanochannel through a plasmonic antenna gap: an integrated device for single particle counting

A gold bowtie nanoantenna integrated with a 30 nm × 30 nm nanochannel for single particle detection and counting in real time.

Graphical abstract: A nanochannel through a plasmonic antenna gap: an integrated device for single particle counting
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of subtle paramagnetic solutions using the diamagnetic repulsion of polymer microparticles

The diamagnetic repulsion of polymer microspheres in a microfluidic platform enables the discrimination of magnetic susceptibility of subtle paramagnetic solutions.

Graphical abstract: Measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of subtle paramagnetic solutions using the diamagnetic repulsion of polymer microparticles
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigators

Remotely controlled nanofluidic implantable platform for tunable drug delivery

An implantable nanofluidic device for remote controlled drug delivery.

Graphical abstract: Remotely controlled nanofluidic implantable platform for tunable drug delivery
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Two-dimensional planar swimming selects for high DNA integrity sperm

Selection of high DNA integrity sperm via planar swimming in a microfluidic device outperforms clinically established sperm preparation.

Graphical abstract: Two-dimensional planar swimming selects for high DNA integrity sperm
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Controlled co-precipitation of biocompatible colorant-loaded nanoparticles by microfluidics for natural color drinks

Controlled co-precipitation of biocompatible colorant-loaded nanoparticles in microfluidic channels for natural color drinks.

Graphical abstract: Controlled co-precipitation of biocompatible colorant-loaded nanoparticles by microfluidics for natural color drinks
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography

A one-mask microfabrication process to build artificial vascular networks for the analysis of blood flows and hemophysics.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Rapid separation and identification of beer spoilage bacteria by inertial microfluidics and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Microfluidics and MALDI-TOF MS is a rapid, high-throughput, and accurate method for the identification of beer spoilage bacteria.

Graphical abstract: Rapid separation and identification of beer spoilage bacteria by inertial microfluidics and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Condensing-enriched magnetic photonic barcodes on superhydrophobic surface for ultrasensitive multiple detection

When PhC barcodes with stable characteristic reflection peaks are integrated with a superhydrophobic substrate they can realize the ultrasensitive multiple detection by the enrichment of the solution upon evaporation. Thus, the detection of miRNA was carried out by the system and it was found the detection limit was improved by about three orders.

Graphical abstract: Condensing-enriched magnetic photonic barcodes on superhydrophobic surface for ultrasensitive multiple detection
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Gel-on-a-chip: continuous, velocity-dependent DNA separation using nanoscale lateral displacement

We studied the dsDNA trajectories being advected while diffusing in a pressure driven flow in a nanoDLD array.

Graphical abstract: Gel-on-a-chip: continuous, velocity-dependent DNA separation using nanoscale lateral displacement
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Traction microscopy with integrated microfluidics: responses of the multi-cellular island to gradients of HGF

Microfluidic system integrated with cell collectives and traction microscopy demonstrates that collective cell migration plays a central role in development, regeneration, and metastasis.

Graphical abstract: Traction microscopy with integrated microfluidics: responses of the multi-cellular island to gradients of HGF
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

High-throughput single-particle detections using a dual-height-channel-integrated pore

We report a proof-of-principle demonstration of particle concentration to achieve high-throughput resistive pulse detections of bacteria using a microfluidic-channel-integrated micropore.

Graphical abstract: High-throughput single-particle detections using a dual-height-channel-integrated pore
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Sorting by interfacial tension (SIFT): label-free selection of live cells based on single-cell metabolism

A new label-free and passive microfluidic technique to select cells based on single-cell glycolytic activity. The method has broad applicability and we demonstrate here single-cell droplet encapsulation and selection of live cells.

Graphical abstract: Sorting by interfacial tension (SIFT): label-free selection of live cells based on single-cell metabolism
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Tailoring surface acoustic wave atomisation for cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation

Surface acoustic wave (SAW) atomisation is investigated in the context of cryo electron microscopy grid preparation. Here, the primary requirements are a reproducible and narrow plume of droplets delivering a low fluid flow rate.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring surface acoustic wave atomisation for cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

High-throughput mechanotransduction in Drosophila embryos with mesofluidics

A mesofluidic device allows alignment, immobilization, compression, imaging, and recovery of hundreds of live Drosophila embryos to investigate mechanotransduction.

Graphical abstract: High-throughput mechanotransduction in Drosophila embryos with mesofluidics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

On-chip stool liquefaction via acoustofluidics

An acoustofluidic chip can liquefy stool samples in a continuous flow.

Graphical abstract: On-chip stool liquefaction via acoustofluidics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Modular soft robotic microdevices for dexterous biomanipulation

We present a methodology for building biologically inspired, soft microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices.

Graphical abstract: Modular soft robotic microdevices for dexterous biomanipulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Latchable microfluidic valve arrays based on shape memory polymer actuators

Latchable microfluidic valve arrays taking advantage of the shape memory polymer's multiple stable shapes and large change in stiffness for a small temperature variation.

Graphical abstract: Latchable microfluidic valve arrays based on shape memory polymer actuators
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Plastic-based acoustofluidic devices for high-throughput, biocompatible platelet separation

A plastic-based acoustofluidic device for high-throughput platelet separation consisting of a transducer and a disposable chip.

Graphical abstract: Plastic-based acoustofluidic devices for high-throughput, biocompatible platelet separation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Pumpless platform for high-throughput dynamic multicellular culture and chemosensitivity evaluation

We report here a 96 well-plate based pumpless platform for high-throughput dynamic multicellular culture and chemosensitivity evaluation.

Graphical abstract: Pumpless platform for high-throughput dynamic multicellular culture and chemosensitivity evaluation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Natural gas vaporization in a nanoscale throat connected model of shale: multi-scale, multi-component and multi-phase

Production of hydrocarbons from shale is a complex process that necessitates the extraction of multi-component hydrocarbons trapped in multi-scale nanopores.

Graphical abstract: Natural gas vaporization in a nanoscale throat connected model of shale: multi-scale, multi-component and multi-phase
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Versatile platform for performing protocols on a chip utilizing surface acoustic wave (SAW) driven mixing

We present a dextrous microfluidic device which features a reaction chamber with volume flexibility and acoustic mixing.

Graphical abstract: Versatile platform for performing protocols on a chip utilizing surface acoustic wave (SAW) driven mixing
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A microfluidic co-cultivation platform to investigate microbial interactions at defined microenvironments

A microfluidic device for the co-cultivation of microbial cells.

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic co-cultivation platform to investigate microbial interactions at defined microenvironments
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Urine-based liquid biopsy: non-invasive and sensitive AR-V7 detection in urinary EVs from patients with prostate cancer

Detection of AR-V7 in urinary EVs provides a simple and promising liquid biopsy tool for patients with prostate cancer.

Graphical abstract: Urine-based liquid biopsy: non-invasive and sensitive AR-V7 detection in urinary EVs from patients with prostate cancer
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Multiplexed immunoassay using post-synthesis functionalized hydrogel microparticles

Post-synthesis functionalized hydrogel microparticles were demonstrated in multiplex immunoassays with high sensitivity, a wide assay range, and fast detection.

Graphical abstract: Multiplexed immunoassay using post-synthesis functionalized hydrogel microparticles
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

High-throughput, non-equilibrium studies of single biomolecules using glass-made nanofluidic devices

Single-molecule detection schemes offer powerful means to overcome static and dynamic heterogeneity inherent to complex samples.

Graphical abstract: High-throughput, non-equilibrium studies of single biomolecules using glass-made nanofluidic devices
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Microfluidic bead encapsulation above 20 kHz with triggered drop formation

Bead-triggered breakup of a fluid jet into monodispersed droplets improves the throughput of bead-based droplet workflows, enabling the analysis of large populations and the detection of rare events.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic bead encapsulation above 20 kHz with triggered drop formation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Extraction of electrokinetically separated analytes with on-demand encapsulation

On-demand two-phase encapsulation of electrokinetically separated analytes decouples electrokinetic separations from downstream analytical processes.

Graphical abstract: Extraction of electrokinetically separated analytes with on-demand encapsulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Selective assembly and functionalization of miniaturized redox capacitor inside microdevices for microbial toxin and mammalian cell cytotoxicity analyses

We report a novel strategy for bridging information transfer between electronics and biological systems within microdevices.

Graphical abstract: Selective assembly and functionalization of miniaturized redox capacitor inside microdevices for microbial toxin and mammalian cell cytotoxicity analyses
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Determining the lipid specificity of insoluble protein transmembrane domains

Overcoming solubility of membrane protein transmembrane domains to study their specificity to lipid compositions.

Graphical abstract: Determining the lipid specificity of insoluble protein transmembrane domains
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Novel devices for studying acute and chronic mechanical stress in retinal pigment epithelial cells

Replicating mechanical stress using two novel devices revealed that mechanical stress in retinal pigment epithelial cells induces choroidal neovascularization.

Graphical abstract: Novel devices for studying acute and chronic mechanical stress in retinal pigment epithelial cells
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Measurement and mitigation of free convection in microfluidic gradient generators

Microfluidic gradient generators are used to study the movement of living cells, lipid vesicles, and colloidal particles in response to spatial variations in their local chemical environment.

Graphical abstract: Measurement and mitigation of free convection in microfluidic gradient generators
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigators

Integrated measurement of intracellular proteins and transcripts in single cells

Single cell coupled proteomic and transcriptomic measurements are captured on a scalable microfluidic device.

Graphical abstract: Integrated measurement of intracellular proteins and transcripts in single cells
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

3D microfluidic ex vivo culture of organotypic tumor spheroids to model immune checkpoint blockade

Microfluidic culture has the potential to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and therapy.

Graphical abstract: 3D microfluidic ex vivo culture of organotypic tumor spheroids to model immune checkpoint blockade
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A microfluidic approach to study the effect of mechanical stress on erythrocytes in sickle cell disease

This work presents a microfluidic device to challenge the deformability of normal and pathological red cells and their resistance to lysis upon mechanical stress.

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic approach to study the effect of mechanical stress on erythrocytes in sickle cell disease
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Localized mechanical stimulation of single cells with engineered spatio-temporal profile

We introduce a new platform for mechanobiology based on active substrates, made of Fe-coated polymeric micropillars, capable to apply mechanical stimuli with tunable spatio-temporal profile on a cell culture.

Graphical abstract: Localized mechanical stimulation of single cells with engineered spatio-temporal profile
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Automated microfluidic droplet sampling with integrated, mix-and-read immunoassays to resolve endocrine tissue secretion dynamics

A fully automated droplet generation and analysis device based on pressure driven push-up valves for precise pumping of fluid and volumetric metering has been developed for high resolution hormone secretion sampling and measurement.

Graphical abstract: Automated microfluidic droplet sampling with integrated, mix-and-read immunoassays to resolve endocrine tissue secretion dynamics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Detecting miRNA biomarkers from extracellular vesicles for cardiovascular disease with a microfluidic system

A novel microfluidic platform for extracellular vesicle extraction, microRNA isolation and detection with field-effect transistors for early detection of cardiovascular diseases.

Graphical abstract: Detecting miRNA biomarkers from extracellular vesicles for cardiovascular disease with a microfluidic system
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Micro-droplet arrays for micro-compartmentalization using an air/water interface

Here we present a water-in-air droplet platform for micro-compartmentalization for single molecule guided synthesis and analysis consisting of a flow-system hosting dense arrays of aqueous microdroplets on a glass surface surrounded by air.

Graphical abstract: Micro-droplet arrays for micro-compartmentalization using an air/water interface
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A system to monitor statin-induced myopathy in individual engineered skeletal muscle myobundles

Microphysiological tissue engineering models of human skeletal muscle (myobundles) in series with a calibrated elastic membrane provide a platform to investigate the mechanism of muscle diseases and to study the response to drugs and toxins in vitro.

Graphical abstract: A system to monitor statin-induced myopathy in individual engineered skeletal muscle myobundles
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Microfluidic filter device with nylon mesh membranes efficiently dissociates cell aggregates and digested tissue into single cells

Tissues are increasingly being analyzed at this single cell level. We present a simple and inexpensive microfluidic filter device that can rapidly and effectively improve the quality of single cell suspensions obtained from digested tissue samples.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic filter device with nylon mesh membranes efficiently dissociates cell aggregates and digested tissue into single cells
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

UniChip enables long-term recirculating unidirectional perfusion with gravity-driven flow for microphysiological systems

UniChip enables recirculating unidirectional perfusion with gravity-driven flow, facilitating reliable and cost-effective integration of shear stress-sensitive tissues into microphysiological systems.

Graphical abstract: UniChip enables long-term recirculating unidirectional perfusion with gravity-driven flow for microphysiological systems
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Engineering cell heterogeneity into organs-on-a-chip

To improve predictive efficacy of organ-on-a-chip devices, developers must consider cell heterogeneity.

Graphical abstract: Engineering cell heterogeneity into organs-on-a-chip
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Quantitative and multiplex microRNA assays from unprocessed cells in isolated nanoliter well arrays

This platform utilizes functionalized hydrogel posts contained within isolated nanoliter well reactors for quantitative and multiplex microRNA assays directly from unprocessed cell samples without needing prior nucleic acid extraction.

Graphical abstract: Quantitative and multiplex microRNA assays from unprocessed cells in isolated nanoliter well arrays
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

NemaFlex: a microfluidics-based technology for standardized measurement of muscular strength of C. elegans

NemaFlex measures a behavior- and gait-independent measure of C. elegans strength analogous to maximum voluntary force in humans.

Graphical abstract: NemaFlex: a microfluidics-based technology for standardized measurement of muscular strength of C. elegans
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Microstructure guided multi-scale liquid patterning on an open surface

A simple and fast multi-scale microliquid patterning on an open surface is demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Microstructure guided multi-scale liquid patterning on an open surface
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

A multiplexed microfluidic system for evaluation of dynamics of immune–tumor interactions

A system for perfusing and interacting tumor fragments and immune cells and testing drug response with image analytics is reported.

Graphical abstract: A multiplexed microfluidic system for evaluation of dynamics of immune–tumor interactions
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Isolation and genome sequencing of individual circulating tumor cells using hydrogel encapsulation and laser capture microdissection

Single CTC sequencing workflow using biophysical enrichment and single cell isolation by laser capture microdissection.

Graphical abstract: Isolation and genome sequencing of individual circulating tumor cells using hydrogel encapsulation and laser capture microdissection
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Double-sided 3D printing on paper towards mass production of three-dimensional paper-based microfluidic analytical devices (3D-μPADs)

Recently, much effort has been focused on developing three-dimensional, paper-based microfluidic analytical devices (3D-μPADs) targeting in vitro diagnostics.

Graphical abstract: Double-sided 3D printing on paper towards mass production of three-dimensional paper-based microfluidic analytical devices (3D-μPADs)
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Multiparameter cell-tracking intrinsic cytometry for single-cell characterization

We introduce a multiparameter intrinsic cytometry approach for single-cell characterization that combines ≥2 label-free measurement techniques onto the same platform.

Graphical abstract: Multiparameter cell-tracking intrinsic cytometry for single-cell characterization
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Injection molded lab-on-a-disc platform for screening of genetically modified E. coli using liquid–liquid extraction and surface enhanced Raman scattering

We present an injection molded lab-on-a-disc enabling quantification of bacterial metabolites in E. coli supernatant.

Graphical abstract: Injection molded lab-on-a-disc platform for screening of genetically modified E. coli using liquid–liquid extraction and surface enhanced Raman scattering
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles

Engineering reaction–diffusion networks with properties of neural tissue

The application of soft lithography to create reaction–diffusion networks capable of generating spatiotemporal patterns analogous to biological central pattern generators.

Graphical abstract: Engineering reaction–diffusion networks with properties of neural tissue
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip Recent HOT Articles
70 items

About this collection

Here is a collection of recent Lab on a Chip articles which have been classified as ‘HOT articles’ due to receiving particularly high scores at peer review.

