Orlando M. N. D.
Lucas M.
*c and
Ferreira da Silva
aCEFITEC, Department of Physics, Nova School of Sciences and Technology, Caparica P-2829-516, Portugal. E-mail: f.ferreiradasilva@fct.unl.pt
bSchool of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
cInstituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail: lucascor@unicamp.br
First published on 29th August 2023
Trichloroanisole (TCA) is one of the most significant contaminants in cork stoppers. The presence of TCA leads to an unpleasant odor known as “cork taint”, resulting in high economic losses for the cork and wine industries. Hence, the detection, quantification, and characterization of TCA are essential to address this concern. The present study investigates the electron-driven fragmentation pathways of TCA through electron ionization mass spectrometry as a function of electron energy (0–100 eV), and the results are supported by theoretical characterization of ionization potentials, dissociation thresholds, and electron ionization cross sections. The appearance energies of ten cations were measured, including the first experimental evaluation of the molecule's ionization energy at 8.8 ± 0.3 eV, in excellent agreement with the calculations (8.83 eV). For lower energies, around 20 eV, the parent cation accounted for more than 60% of the total ion signal, followed by its demethylated fragment. Taken together, these ion signals could be used as fingerprints of TCA in industrial quality control by low-energy electron ionization mass spectrometry. Fifty other fragments have been identified at higher electron energies, revealing the very rich fragmentation pattern of TCA.
Asfandiarov et al.5 have investigated 2,4,6-TCA and 2,4,6-tribromoanisole through dissociative electron attachment and electron transmission spectroscopy. TCA was also studied using ion mobility spectrometry and different chemical ionization schemes were presented for various produced ions.3,13 A novel method was recently reported for the online detection of TCA based on chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CI-MS) without the need to use chromatography.23 Peres et al.24 suggested an analysis through cyclic voltammetry (CV) which yields good results when compared with standard gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GS-MS) methods, and provides a fast, user-friendly and low-cost alternative for quality control. Alternative systems in the literature to quantify TCA in cork samples include biosensors based on screen printed electrodes,25 electrochemical displacement immunosensors26 and cellular biosensors systems based on the bioelectric recognition.27 The novel instrument based on CI-MS is so fast and sensitive that it can detect TCA released from corks at a concentration below 1 ng L−1 in 3 s. In fact, mass spectrometry is among the techniques with the lowest LOD (limit of detection) and can also be very fast. However, one of the constraints of this technique is the presence of many volatile species not only released by cork but also present in industrial air. To overcome this, a mass resolution of about 4000 is required.
In the present study, the application of electron ionization mass spectrometry for TCA monitoring and identification is discussed. Despite producing ion fragmentation, electron ionization is a powerful technique for identifying molecules. For this purpose, it is valuable to know how the intensity of ion fragments varies with the electron energy. We aim to contribute to a faster TCA detection technique that allows a high number of corks to be analysed reliably at a low cost. Positive ion formation upon low energy electron interaction with gas-phase TCA is characterized by using a trochoidal electron monochromator (TEM) coupled with an orthogonal reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer (OReTOFMS). The ionization efficiency curves for the most intense cations are presented, as well as the respective threshold energies. The energy dependence of ion formation is also evaluated for energies between 20 and 100 eV through branching ratios calculations. Quantum chemical calculations were used to help the identification of the observed fragments. The focus of the present work is not the identification of TCA in contaminated air in a production environment but the characterization of its ionization potentials, dissociation thresholds and electron ionization branching ratios. This study aims to tackle the problem of TCA in cork stoppers by using electron impact ionization and mass spectrometry.
The TCA sample was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich with a minimum purity of 99% and used as delivered. The TCA sample was degassed through repeated freeze–pump–thaw cycles, and introduced in the chamber via a side entrance, connected directly to the collision region of the monochromator. The measurements were performed at room temperature (∼21 °C).
Theoretical calculations were conducted in order to support and analyse the measurements. Electron ionization of the TCA molecule was described within Binary–Encounter–Bethe (BEB) model.31 The binding and kinetic energies of the molecular orbitals were obtained using the outer valence Green's function (OVGF) electron propagator theory,32 together with the 6-311++G(2df,2p) basis set. The appearance energies are understood to be the lowest energies to enable reactions. From a theoretical perspective, that quantity can be investigated by inspection of the thermodynamic thresholds, characterizations of transition states and further aspects of potential energy surfaces. In a general sense, calculating thermodynamic thresholds is one of the best approaches, as they provide a lower bound for the appearance energy. Since tunnelling effects make it possible for a reaction to happen with energies between the threshold energy and the energy barrier, characterizing transition states is more relevant for determining reaction rates rather than appearance energies. In this work, the thermodynamic thresholds for the formation of the most relevant cationic fragments were determined using the composite G4(MP2) methodology,33 which is a high level procedure with benchmark quality. All calculations were performed using the Gaussian16 package.34
The search for transition states for some of the reactions were conducted, but no significant differences in relation to the thresholds, were found. In fact, the potential energy surface of the lowest-lying cation is such that some fragmentation pathways follow Morse-like dynamics along the reaction coordinate, without a transition state. That seems to be the case for the fragment m/z 195, which is related to the O–CH3 bond break. Inspection of the potential energy surface along the C–O stretching indicates an asymptotic Morse-like behaviour with different dissociative limits, depending on the angle between CH3 group and the ring plane (see Fig. S3, ESI†)
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Fig. 1 TCA (C7Cl3H5O) electron ionization mass spectrum recorded at 70 eV incident electron energy. The geometry of TCA is illustrated schematically in the top-left corner. |
Cation | m/z | Relative intensity (%) |
C5H+/C2ClH2+ | 61 | 5.9 |
C5H2+ | 62 | 6.7 |
C3ClH2+ | 73 | 5.5 |
C3ClH3+ | 74 | 8.5 |
C2Cl2H+ | 97 | 12.8 |
C3Cl2H+ | 107 | 9.5 |
C3Cl2H+ isotope | 109 | 9.5 |
C3Cl3H2+ | 143 | 5.1 |
C5Cl3H2+ | 167 | 39.8 |
C5Cl3H2+ isotope | 169 | 44.0 |
C5Cl3H2+ isotope | 171 | 11.6 |
[TCA-CH3]+ | 195 | 100 |
[TCA-CH3]+ isotope | 196 | 6.5 |
[TCA-CH3]+ isotope | 197 | 90.5 |
[TCA-CH3]+ isotope | 198 | 6.6 |
[TCA-CH3]+ isotope | 199 | 35.2 |
TCA+ | 210 | 97.9 |
TCA+ isotope | 211 | 8.4 |
TCA+ isotope | 212 | 88.0 |
TCA+ isotope | 213 | 6.4 |
TCA+ isotope | 214 | 30.6 |
Energy scans for the ten most abundant fragments have been recorded (Fig. 2) for determining appearance energies (AEs). In addition, these energy scans characterise the quantum yield near the threshold representing the appearance energies for each reaction. As described in Section 2, a Wannier method29 was applied to determine the AEs. Uncertainties have been determined by combining the maximum deviation of the average of three different measurements with the statistical uncertainty of the fitting. Table 2 compares the experimental appearance energies with theoretical calculated values showing a good agreement between the two data sets; the uncertainly limits of the experimental values mostly overlap with the theoretical values (with the exception of the relatively weakly produced ions at m/z 73, 74, and 97).
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Fig. 2 Experimental thresholds for the ten most abundant cations (A-I), decreasing in m/z. The black dots represent the experimental data, and the green line represents the Wannier-type fitting function. The values in parentheses correspond to the experimental thresholds with the respective statistical uncertainties. Wannier-type fitting parameters are summarized in Table S2 (ESI†). |
Cation | m/z | Experimental (eV) | Theoretical (eV) |
TCA+ | 210 | 8.8 ± 0.3 | 8.83 |
[TCA-CH3]+ | 195 | 10.7 ± 0.3 | 10.50 |
C5Cl3H2+ | 167 | 14.3 ± 0.1 | 14.40 |
C3Cl3H2+ | 143 | 16.6 ± 0.3 | 16.89 |
C3Cl2H+ | 107 | 15.5 ± 0.5 | 14.72 |
C2Cl2H+ | 97 | 16.6 ± 0.1 | 17.21 |
C3ClH3+ | 74 | 18.6 ± 0.3 | 17.90 |
C3ClH2+ | 73 | 17.7 ± 0.1 | 17.21 |
C5H2+ | 62 | 20.3 ± 0.3 | 20.03 |
C5H+/C2ClH2+ | 61 | 17.8 ± 0.6 | 17.79 |
The relation between the m/z 73 and m/z 74 cations can be inferred by considering the relative intensities of their peaks in Fig. 1 and also their appearance energies. Their experimental appearance energies differ by 0.9 ± 0.5 eV, which is too great to attribute to isotopic effects. Moreover, by analyzing peak intensities, we find that the isotopic contribution is negligible. We conclude that the features arise from a combination of both isotopic distributions and hydrogen elimination channels. Dissociation thresholds were calculated for the formation of C3ClH3+ (m/z 74) and C3ClH2+ (m/z 73), with obtained values ranging from 12.9 eV to 15 eV for the different analyzed conformers. These are below the experimental appearance energies of 18.6 ± 0.3 eV and 17.7 ± 0.1 eV, respectively. Even though such disagreement could in principle be explained by Cl elimination in the counterpart, the fact that the m/z 74 fragment has the higher appearance energy points to an orbital selectivity instead. In fact, the HOMO−18 and HOMO−19 have IPs of 17.21 eV and 17.90 eV, respectively, and are in a good agreement with the experimental values. Hence, we suggest that the process leading to the C3ClH2+ (m/z 73) cation may involve an electron ejection from HOMO−18, whereas the process leading to the C3ClH3+ (m/z 74) cation is related to an electron ejection from the HOMO−19 orbital. It is worth pointing out that the higher IPs lie above 21 eV, bigger than the observed appearance energies. Since the calculated thresholds for the m/z 73 and m/z 74 fragments correspond to IPs, it is reasonable to expect a slight discrepancy between the theory and experiment, due to the intrinsic error of the OVGF methodology for higher IPs. Additionally, this could be combinedwith an underestimate of the experimental errors of these channels.
A closer inspection at the fragment m/z 62 reveals a large group of isomer possibilities, therefore a good description of the energetics is useful to characterize the favoured reaction path. The C5H2+ fragment can have at least five stable structures,35 while its neutral counterpart C2H3Cl3O can present itself as trichloroethanol or as ether-chloromethyl-dichloromethyl (Reaction a). The calculated dissociation thresholds for the proposed reaction possibilities were found between 13.45 eV and 16.79 eV, the latter still being 3.29 eV below the experimental appearance energy. Since the dissociation of the C–Cl bond is about 3.6 eV, we consider for this channel the possibility of a three-product reaction, with the formation of two neutral radical fragments C2H3Cl2 and Cl (Reaction b). This reaction has a threshold of 20.03 eV, in very good agreement with the experimental value, and this is the value assigned as the theoretical prediction for the fragment 62 m/z in Table 2. The reaction is notable due to the elimination of neutral Cl, which is not observed in the other studied channels.
Reaction a. Direct dissociation leading to m/z 62.
Reaction b. Dissociation leading to m/z 62, with two neutral counterparts.
Finally, the fragment m/z 61 was investigated in a similar way as the fragment m/z 62. The cation was assigned to have the molecular formula C5H+, where the stable linear structure was considered. In this case, the formation of C5H+ counts with the formation of the neutral counterpart C2H3Cl3O plus a hydrogen elimination. The threshold for this reaction was calculated at 17.79 eV, against the experimental value of 17.8 ± 0.6 eV.
Apart from the referred fragments, up to 50 fragments with relative intensity <5% were identified. These fragments are listed in Table S1 (ESI†) and a tentative assignment is indicated.
Fig. 3 summarizes the branching ratio behaviour as a function of the incident electron energy, between 20 and 100 eV in steps of 10 eV. Each branching ratio is determined by dividing the area of the specific cation peak by the sum of all the peak areas. The figure shows significantly enhanced branching ratios for the formation of the parent cation together with the cation formed by the loss of methyl group, in the low energy regime (below 40 eV). Indeed at 20 eV electron ionization, parent cation formation corresponds to >60% of the total ion signal. The prevalence of the parent cation and demethylated parent cation formation in the low energy regime, may be a useful tool for TCA identification. This behaviour represented by the presence of two strong peaks could be used as a fingerprint of TCA.
By analyzing the branching ratios as a function of the electron energy, it was observed that fragmentation becomes richer with the increase of the electron energy. For energies above 40 eV the fragmentation channels are dominated by lighter species, in contrast to energies around 20 eV, where the mass spectrum is dominated by the parent cation and the demethylated cation fragment. The parent cation formation in this energy range accounts for more than 60% of the total ion signal. The energy dependence revealed by the present results suggests a useful procedure for identifying TCA, by means of electron ionization. The presence of only two dominant ions in mass spectrum at low electron energies around 20 eV, accompanied with a very weak contribution of smaller fragments, represents a fingerprint of the TCA molecule.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cp02019c |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2023 |