Hannah C.
Zachary D.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. E-mail: Schultz.133@osu.edu
First published on 21st March 2023
Sugars play important roles in numerous biological processes, from providing energy to modifying proteins to alter their function. Glycosylation, the attachment of a sugar residue to a protein, is the most common post translational modification. Identifying the glycans on a protein is a useful tool both for pharmaceutical development as well as probing the proteome and glycome further. Sugars, however, are difficult analytes to probe due to their isomeric nature. In this work, Raman spectroscopy and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) are used to identify different monosaccharide species based on the vibrational modes of these isomeric analytes. The weak scattering of the sugars was overcome through conjugation with phenylboronic acid to provide a larger Raman scattering cross section and induce slight changes in the observed spectra associated with the structure of the monosaccharides. Spontaneous Raman, SERS in flow, and static SERS detection were performed in order to discriminate between arabinose, fructose, galactose, glucose, mannose, and ribose, as well as provide a method for identification and quantification for these sugar conjugates.
Carbohydrate analysis is complex due to the isomeric nature of mono- and oligosaccharides. In mammals, glycans consist of 10 monosaccharide units that work as the building blocks for oligosaccharides. Typically, when investigating the glycome, multiple methods must be used in tandem to get a better look at the whole picture, and even then, only a fraction of the glycoproteome is able to be identified at a time. HPLC is used as a separation and detection technique with UV-Vis absorption as a detector, but coeluting glycans may be combined into one peak in the chromatogram, making the results difficult to interpret.8 Because many glycans are isomers, and many have similar polarities, traditional reverse phase chromatography is not ideal for separating complex mixtures of various glycans and glycoproteins. More specialized separation techniques with affinity for specific subsets of the glycome must be used instead. Current methods for separating glycans include lectin affinity chromatography, which can target either N-linked or O-linked glycans, but not at the same time.9 Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) offers increased separation and retention for analytes that are hard to retain on reverse phase chromatography columns, but can involve harsh solvent conditions and can produce difficult to reproduce results.10–13 While HILIC is becoming increasingly used for glycan analysis,14,15 detection still remains an issue. High performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPEAC) is also a powerful technique for separating polar compounds, but the high salt content of the mobile phase often causes trouble with detector coupling, especially to mass spectrometry.16
A common detection method used for the analysis of sugars is mass spectrometry. Due to many monomeric sugars being structural isomers and therefore having identical masses, it can be difficult to determine glycan structures and the monomeric components of oligomers.17 While techniques in mass spectrometry have been advancing rapidly, this remains a difficult area to study, and often requires tandem mass spectrometry or ion mobility mass spectrometry and careful data review to distinguish between structural isomers.18 Sugars can also be detected using refractive index detection, however refractive index detectors do not give chemically specific information, so any coeluting species may not be distinguished, and typically require sample sizes that are a mL or more in volume.19
Other detection methods can provide complementary analysis for the identification of biomolecules and other isomeric analytes.20,21 Vibrational spectroscopy, and Raman in particular, has the ability to distinguish between structural isomers due to the unique combination of features in their spectra. Spontaneous Raman measurements have frequently been used to differentiate between cis and trans isomers of various organic molecules.22,23 While Raman is a useful tool for probing molecules, Raman scattering is a low probability phenomenon. For this reason, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy is employed. Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) can provide increased sensitivity arising from the interaction of a molecule with a plasmonic nanoparticle. In SERS, excitation of a localized surface plasmon resonance provides a locally enhanced electric field that can increase the Raman signal from molecules within this field to the point where single molecules can be detected.24–26 While not all molecules experience this level of enhancement, the increased signals can be used to increase the sensitivity, lower the limit of detection, and distinguish between isomers in Raman experiments.20,27 Additionally, the SERS enhancement significantly varies with distance from the surface which can alter the spectrum based on how molecules absorb and orient with respect to the metal nanoparticle surface. In a previous report, the Schultz lab was able to discriminate between phosphorylated carbohydrates and other structural isomers using SERS,20,27 Similarly, entacapone isomers were able to be quantitatively detected using SERS and partial least squares regression techniques.28–30 In an experiment with riboflavin, band intensity changes were noticed when the orientation of the molecule to the surface was altered electrochemically,31 and a similar effect has been shown with 2,2′-bipyridine.32 Since SERS probes the vibrational modes of a molecule to produce a unique Raman spectrum, it is possible to differentiate between isomers33 as well as many other analytes.34
It is important to be able to identify the sugars that can be found on protein structures and in metabolic pathways. Monosaccharides such as glucose remain difficult to analyze using SERS due to their low Raman scattering cross section,35,36 as well as their low affinity for adsorption to metals.37,38 The concentration of carbohydrates in a biological sample is typically in the micromolar to millimolar range,39 so finding a way to lower detection limits while still providing molecularly specific information is necessary for efficient analysis of this class of molecules.
The difference between spectra can be subtle, which requires chemometric techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to highlight distinct differences in the spectra for each sugar.40,41 PCA aims to reduce multivariate data to as few spectral components as possible while preserving the majority of the variance. Each sample is also assigned a score which correlates to how much the sample's variance resembles a particular component.42 HCA produces nested clusters based on how the algorithm being employed dictates a proximity matrix.43 Clusters can then be formed based on a number of different selection methods. One example, K-nearest neighbors, uses proximity to other data points to determine similarity based on the assumption that similar points will be found near each other.44
In this work, the conjugation between phenylboronic acids and cis-diols is utilized to increase the polarizability and enable differentiation of a number of monosaccharide. Many of the common monosaccharides contain a cis-diol in their structure. By conjugating the monosaccharides to phenylboronic acid,45–47 it creates a molecule that has a higher affinity for metal adsorption as well as a larger Raman scattering cross section. This allows the sugars to be detected at lower concentrations, and still preserves the molecular specificity that allows for differentiation. To improve differentiation, we employ multivariate analysis methods such as PCA and HCA to show distinct clustering and differentiation of simple monosaccharides.
SERS spectra were obtained using a Renishaw inVia Qontor confocal Raman microscope with a CCD camera. A continuous wave laser at 632.8 nm, a 1200 grooves per mm grating, a 50×, NA = 0.50 objective, 0.38 mW laser power, and 1 s acquisition times were used for static mapping measurements.
For in flow measurements, a homebuilt Raman spectrometer was used. A 632.8 HeNe laser at 1 mW was focused onto a substrate in a flow cell previously described by the Schultz lab.51,52 Briefly, a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) base plate has been fitted with inlet and outlet ports to accommodate sheath flow. A silicone gasket is placed atop the base plate, and a glass slide drilled with holes to fit the sheath flow ports is next. A substrate is placed on the slide, a 75 μm inner diameter capillary is laid across the top of the substrate, and a flow channel is defined using a 500 μm silicone gasket. A cover slip is placed on the gasket, and a stainless-steel top plate is screwed down to create a seal and keep everything in place. A 40×, NA = 0.8 water immersion objective was used for focusing the laser and collecting Raman scattering. The Raman scattered light was directed to an Andor Shamrock 303i spectrograph and an Andor iDus 401 CCD. Raman spectra (500 spectra per sample) were recorded in series with 250 ms acquisition times. For the flow measurements, the flow rate of the sample was 1 μL min−1, and the flow rate of the sheath fluid was 30 μL min−1. The sample volume used for the flow experiments was approximately less than 100 μL. Spectra were collected from flowing solutions.
To account for potential changes arising from the different sensitivities of the three Raman instruments, we generated calibration curves for ethanolic solutions on all three instruments and determined the limit of detection for each, Table S1 and Fig. S1.† The limits of detection and sensitivity for all three instruments were observed to be comparable, with some small changes in the observed noise which may arise from the obtainable powers from each instrument for spontaneous Raman. The equivalent sensitivities indicate the instruments are comparable and do not impact the results significantly.
Previous reports have noted challenges detecting glucose by Raman and SERS.20,55 To lower this detection limit and make the monosaccharide more amenable for SERS detection, glucose was reacted with phenylboronate (PBA), the conjugate base of phenylboronic acid, resulting in a conjugation between the boronate moiety and the cis-diol of the sugar. This conjugation forms a boronate ring and will only occur under basic conditions.46,48,49 The reaction scheme is shown in Fig. 2A. This conjugation is expected to increase the polarizability of the sugar adduct to facilitate detection. To ensure that the reaction was occurring, glucose and phenylboronic acid were combined and the pH was adjusted to various levels. At each pH, the spontaneous Raman spectrum was acquired as shown in Fig. 2B. In more acidic conditions, only the peaks attributable to phenylboronic acid were evident, predominantly the peak at 1003 cm−1 which corresponds to the stretching of the phenyl ring.56 In basic conditions, however, the peaks corresponding to glucose at 880 cm−1 (ν(CC)), 1047 and 1090 cm−1 (ν(CC), ν(CO), β(COH)), 1284 cm−1 (τ(CH2)), and 1458 (δ(CH2)) became apparent.57 It should be noted that in this experiment, the concentration of glucose (10 mM) used was below the spontaneous limit of detection of glucose determined on the Snowy Ranger Raman spectrometer before dilution with acid or base, so these glucose peaks are only arising due to the conjugation reaction. The appearance of these bands indicates increased polarizability in the sugar–boronic acid product. Fig. 2C shows UV-vis spectra at various pH values that exhibit a shift in the absorbance peak from 265 nm to 255 nm. PBA is known to show decreased intensity at 266 nm, indicated by the vertical line in Fig. 2C, with increased pH,58 The drop in intensity observed in Fig. 2 arises in part from dilution and change in pH during the titration with base. The shift in peak position is attributed to the PBA–sugar conjugate and is used to indicate the reaction has occurred. The pH was adjusted by adding 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HCl and measuring the resulting solution pH. Once a pH sufficient for conjugation is reached, the peak position and width does not change, but the intensity continues to decrease proportional to the diluted concentration as the solution is made further basic. Samples with a pH of 10 were used in the analysis. The PBA–sugar conjugate is observed to be stable at basic pH.
Concentration dependent Raman spectra were obtained by serial dilution of a glucose–PBA conjugate using a Snowy Range spectrometer. A calibration curve was generated using the peak area of the band at 882 cm−1 for each concentration. The spontaneous Raman limit of detection for this glucose–PBA conjugate was determined to be 544 μM from the calibration curve shown in Fig. 3. The limit of detection is two orders of magnitude lower, relative to glucose, and is consistent with the appearance of peaks with pH in Fig. 2B.
To further lower the limit of detection, SERS was used to analyze the glucose–PBA conjugate. Solutions of this glucose–PBA conjugate solution were flowed over a nanostructured silver substrate in a sheath flow cell using a syringe pump to determine a detection limit in flow. Analysis in flow would provide a path to incorporation with chemical separations and minimize sample pretreatement.51,59 The spectra for each concentration are shown in Fig. 4A, and a calibration curve created using the peak area of the band at 1096 cm−1 associated with ν(CC), ν(CO), β(COH)57 is shown in Fig. 4B. A linear fit to all concentrations used indicates a SERS limit of detection of 377 μM for glucose–PBA in flow; however, the data shows a nonlinear response above 100 μM suggesting saturation of the surface. Looking at the spectra and using the data points in the low concentration regime (below 100 μM) we obtain a limit of detection closer to 30 μM, which is consistent with our data.
The observed limit of detection is about an order of magnitude larger than what has been observed in previous studies.20 It has been shown that interaction with the SERS substrate is key for detection.60 The added phenyl-boronate functional groups appear to increase the polarizability of the analyte; however, there does not appear to be significant interaction with the SERS substrate. This limited interaction may explain the relatively high limit of detection for a SERS experiment. Future studies with modified SERS substrates20,61,62 may further decrease the limit of the detection for these glycan–PBA conjugates.
To assess the ability to discriminate between different glycans, we repeated the conjugation reaction with phenylboronic acid using arabinose, fructose, galactose, mannose, and ribose, all of which are monosaccharides that have cis-diols. The structures of these monosaccharides as well as their structures post conjugation are shown in Table 1. 10 mM samples of the conjugated sugars were flowed over a nanostructured silver substrate in a sheath flow cell using a syringe pump and spectra were collected. The substrate and flow cell were rinsed with water in between each sample. These spectra are shown in Fig. 5A. The observed spectra all contain similar peaks, but the relative peak intensities at 988 cm−1, 1033 cm−1, and 1073 cm−1 (β(CCC))56 differ for each sugar. The spectrum of PBA flowing over a surface can be found in Fig. S3.† PCA (Fig. 5B) as well as K-nearest neighbor hierarchal cluster analysis (HCA) (Fig. 6) were used to distinguish between the observed SERS spectrum of each type of sugar, with distinct clusters arising for each monosaccharide. PCA was able to reduce the data to 2 components that account for 99.9% of the spectral variance, and HCA shows each monosaccharide clustering into its own unique branch. The component spectra of the PCA can be found in Fig. S2.† This ability to distinguish between sugars in flow further supports possible future applications in conjunction with liquid chromatography for separation and detection of glycans in more complex samples.20
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Fig. 5 (A) Normalized SERS spectra of 10 mM sugars conjugated to PBA flowing over a substrate. The spectra are offset for clarity. (B) 2 component PCA scores plot of sugars conjugated with PBA. |
The HCA dendrogram for the PCA–sugar conjugates, shown in Fig. 6 shows patterns regarding structural moieties and the nature of the clusters formed. Two distinct branches first arise that correlate with the location of OH groups in relation to the boronate ring. When there are two hydroxyls next to the boronate ring, the molecules fall into one cluster. This is indicated by the orange coloring (samples 1–20) in the molecules shown. That cluster then branches into two, seemingly dependent upon the location of the oxygen in the sugar's ring. This difference is shown in arabinose and fructose and is indicated by the teal coloring (samples 1–10) in the molecule. The second cluster that arises has, when moving counter-clockwise from the boronate ring, a hydroxyl, the ring embedded oxygen, and then the hydroxymethyl. Though the rings have different numbers of carbon atoms, the moiety shown in pink in the figure (samples 21–30), is retained. The changes in structure provide a rational explanation for clustering of the SERS spectra.
To attempt to lower detection limits further, glucose was then conjugated to a different molecule, 4-mercaptophenylboronic acid (mPBA). mPBA has a sulfhydryl group para to the boronic acid substituent that allows the sugar conjugate to bind to the silver substrate in a self-assembled monolayer instead of transiently adsorbing to the surface. While this method produces stronger interactions to the surface, it does require each sample to be prepared on a fresh substrate. The substrates were functionalized with various concentrations of the glucose–mPBA conjugate and dried before they were mapped using a Renishaw Raman microscope. Average spectra from 4 Raman maps, 400 total spectra, are shown in Fig. 7A, and a calibration curve created using the peak area of 1113 cm−1 (β(CH2))45 shown in Fig. 7B. The SERS limit of detection for glucose–mPBA bound to a substrate was found to be 7.6 μM. This limit of detection is closer to prior reports of phosphorylated sugars detected in flow over a functionalized substrate,20 which further implicates the importance of an interaction with the surface for trace SERS detection. Using the sugar residues on the spike protein as a model again, to reach this detection limit in a 1 mL sample, only 21 μg of the spike protein would be needed. This means that approximately a 150 nM solution of protein would need to be obtained. This is also approaching the physiological concentration of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is in the picomolar range.63
The ability to discriminate between glycan–mPBA constructs was further assessed by applying the same sample preparation to conjugate mPBA to arabinose, fructose, galactose, mannose, and ribose. 10 mM samples of each were used to create self-assembled monolayers on silver nanostructured substrates and Raman mapped. While the resulting spectra, shown in Fig. 8A, again look quite similar to one another, there are noticeable relative peak intensity changes at 690 cm−1 (β(CC)), 997 cm−1 (β(CCC)), 1020 cm−1 (β(CH)), 1070 cm−1 (β(CCC) + ν(CS)), and 1329 cm−1 (ν(BO)).45 The spectral variance was reduced to three components that accounted for 97.5% of the variance in the data. Plotting the data from each construct in a PCA scores plot (Fig. 8B) showed the subtle spectral changes still produced unique clusters for each sugar. PCA loadings can be found in Fig. S4.† Using K-nearest neighbor HCA (Fig. 8C), again each monosaccharide separates into its own unique branch. Using these methods it is possible to tell the difference between the spectrum of each sugar structure despite the isomeric similarities.
The results show that arabinose, fructose, glucose, galactose, mannose, and ribose can all be detected and distinguished using SERS and chemometric analysis. The same peaks appear to arise for each of the conjugates, but each sugar orients itself differently onto the PBA or mPBA due to the location of the cis-diol. The differences in the relative intensities of the peaks are likely due to the different orientation of the sugars on the more Raman active portion of the molecule – the phenyl ring and the orientation of the sugars relative to the substrate surface. The small differences in bond vibrations and distance from the bond to the substrate can lead to changes in the SERS enhancement, and thus the characteristic spectrum. The similarity in the peaks may complicate the analysis of sugar mixtures using our PBA–sugar conjugation strategy. It may be difficult to characterize real samples consisting of an ensemble mixture of the components at once, and a chemical separation step is likely needed to first ensure that each monosaccharide would be identified individually through comparison of the SERS data with previously established multivariate models.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Fig. S1–S4 and Table S1 showing additional details related to results reported are available online. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2an01762h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |