Issue 10, 2015

Pyrenyl-functionalized ferrocenes for multisignaling recognition of anions


New mono- and di-substituted pyrene-appended ferrocenes bearing amide or amide–sulfonamide binding sites, 1–4, have been synthesized, and their anion recognition abilities have been investigated. In CH3CN solution, all receptors show distinctive electrochemical sensing of F and H2PO4 with a large cathodic shift in the ferrocene/ferrocenium redox potential, with 4 showing the strongest anion binding ability. In addition, receptors 3 and 4 bearing amide–sulfonamide binding sites also exhibit fluorescence response to AcO and H2PO4 with a large enhancement in their emission intensity. The binding mechanisms between 3 and anions are also investigated by 1H NMR titration and DFT calculations.

Graphical abstract: Pyrenyl-functionalized ferrocenes for multisignaling recognition of anions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
29 Jul 2015
05 Aug 2015
First published
11 Aug 2015

New J. Chem., 2015,39, 8087-8092

Author version available

Pyrenyl-functionalized ferrocenes for multisignaling recognition of anions

L. Zhou, X. Fan, Y. Xu and Q. Cao, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 8087 DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ01995H

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