Issue 19, 2014

In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures as anode materials for Li-ion batteries


In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures have been synthesized by an in situ cation exchange route from their template of In3Se4 nanostructures. Through detailed structural, chemical, and morphological characterizations, it has been found that, after the cation exchange, the In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures preserve the morphology of original In3Se4 thin nanosheet-assembled nanostructures, and the layer structure transforms from 7 atomic layers of “Se–In–Se–In–Se–In–Se” into 5 atomic layers of “Se–Bi–Se–Bi–Se”. The electrochemical measurements reveal that the synthesized In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures show much better discharge capacity, improved cycle stability, and rate performance as an anode material for Li-ion batteries compared to its undoped counterparts.

Graphical abstract: In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2014
27 Feb 2014
First published
27 Feb 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 7109-7116

In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

G. Han, Z. Chen, D. Ye, L. Yang, L. Wang, J. Drennan and J. Zou, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 7109 DOI: 10.1039/C4TA00045E

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