Issue 31, 2012

Mechanics of slide-ring gels: novel entropic elasticity of a topological network formed by ring and string


Slide-ring (SR) gels are polymer networks with movable cross-links that are prepared by cross-linking polyrotaxane (PR) in which many cyclic molecules are threaded into a linear polymer chain. The elastic modulus E of SR gels shows a unique dependence on cross-linking density: at a high cross-linking density, E decreases with increasing cross-linking density. This tendency is not in agreement with conventional rubber elasticity theory. In order to explain this abnormal dependence, we propose a novel molecular theory for SR gels, which considers the alignment entropy of cyclic molecules on polymer networks. The alignment yields new entropic elasticity of the slidable network in SR gels.

Graphical abstract: Mechanics of slide-ring gels: novel entropic elasticity of a topological network formed by ring and string

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Article information

Article type
04 Mar 2012
22 May 2012
First published
22 Jun 2012

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 8179-8183

Mechanics of slide-ring gels: novel entropic elasticity of a topological network formed by ring and string

K. Mayumi, M. Tezuka, A. Bando and K. Ito, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 8179 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM25508A

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