Issue 24, 2017

Single fluorescent chemosensor for multiple targets: sequential detection of Al3+ and pyrophosphate and selective detection of F in near-perfect aqueous solution


A simple and easily fabricated chemosensor (1), based on 2-furoic hydrazide and diethylaminosalicylaldehyde moieties, was devised and synthesized. Sensor 1 showed selective changes in fluorescence behavior toward three analytes in near-perfect aqueous solution. Al3+ and F recognized by fluorescence enhancement of 1 and their limits of detection (0.19 μM for Al3+ and 1.9 μM for F) were markedly low compared to World Health Organization guidelines (7.4 μM for Al3+ and 79 μM for F) for drinking water. Furthermore, sensor 1 was used to quantify Al3+ and F in real water samples and image Al3+ in living cells. Interestingly, the resulting 1–Al3+ complex could be used to discriminate pyrophosphate (PPi) over competing anions, including phosphate-based anions, by decreased fluorescence. Sensing mechanisms of 1 toward Al3+, PPi, and F were proposed based on photophysical studies and theoretical calculations.

Graphical abstract: Single fluorescent chemosensor for multiple targets: sequential detection of Al3+ and pyrophosphate and selective detection of F− in near-perfect aqueous solution

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Sep 2017
11 Nov 2017
First published
13 Nov 2017

New J. Chem., 2017,41, 15590-15600

Single fluorescent chemosensor for multiple targets: sequential detection of Al3+ and pyrophosphate and selective detection of F in near-perfect aqueous solution

S. M. Hwang, M. S. Kim, M. Lee, M. H. Lim and C. Kim, New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 15590 DOI: 10.1039/C7NJ03575F

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