Issue 20, 2015

Synthesis of [POCOP]-pincer iron and cobalt complexes via Csp3–H activation and catalytic application of iron hydride in hydrosilylation reactions


Csp3–H bond activation in diphosphinito pincer ligand (Ph2PO(o-C6H2-(4,6-tBu2)))2CH2 (1) (POCH2OP) was achieved by Fe(PMe3)4 and CoMe(PMe3)4 to afford complexes (POCHOP)Fe(H) (PMe3)2 (2) and (POCHOP)Co(PMe3)2 (4) under mild conditions. Hydrido iron complex 2 reacted with iodomethane via the elimination of methane to deliver complex (POCHOP)FeI(PMe3) (3). The ligand replacement in Ni(PMe3)4 by 1 gave rise to nickel(0) complex (POCH2OP)Ni(PMe3)2 (5) without Csp3–H bond activation of the pincer ligand (1). It was confirmed that the hydrosilylation of aldehydes and ketones could be effectively catalyzed by hydrido iron complex 2. Complexes 2–5 were characterized by spectroscopic methods and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of [POCOP]-pincer iron and cobalt complexes via Csp3–H activation and catalytic application of iron hydride in hydrosilylation reactions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2015
23 Jan 2015
First published
23 Jan 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 15660-15667

Author version available

Synthesis of [POCOP]-pincer iron and cobalt complexes via Csp3–H activation and catalytic application of iron hydride in hydrosilylation reactions

S. Huang, H. Zhao, X. Li, L. Wang and H. Sun, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 15660 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA00072F

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