Issue 4, 2011

Nanoporous platinum solid-state reference electrode with layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction for pH sensing chip


A novel solid-state reference electrode was developed by combining nanoporous Pt with polyelectrolyte junction. The polyelectrolyte junction was formed in the microchannel connecting the nanoporous Pt and the sample solution, and had layer-by-layer structure of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. The layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction effectively blocked the mass transport of ions and maintains constant pH environments on the surface of the nanoporous Pt. The assembly of the polyelectrolyte junction and the nanoporous Pt, which produced reportedly a stable open-circuit potential in response to constant pH, exhibited outstanding performance as a solid-state reference electrode (e.g., excellent reproducibility of ±4 mV (n = 5), good long term stability of ±1 mV (for 50 h), and independence of solution environments like pH and ionic strength). A working principle of the solid-state reference electrode with layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction was suggested in terms of the roles of each layer and the effect of the neighboring layer. As a demonstrative application of the solid-state reference electrode, a miniaturized chip-type solid-state pH sensor comprised of two nanoporous Pt electrodes and a micro-patterned layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction was developed. The solid-state pH sensing chip showed reliable pH responses without liquid junction and successfully worked in a variety of buffers, beverages, and biological samples, showing its potential utility for practical applications. In addition, the solid-state pH sensing chip was integrated in a microfluidic system to be utilized for pH monitoring in microfluidic flow.

Graphical abstract: Nanoporous platinum solid-state reference electrode with layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction for pH sensing chip

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Article information

Article type
12 Aug 2010
01 Nov 2010
First published
07 Dec 2010

Lab Chip, 2011,11, 664-671

Nanoporous platinum solid-state reference electrode with layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte junction for pH sensing chip

J. Noh, S. Park, H. Boo, H. C. Kim and T. D. Chung, Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 664 DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00293C

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