Issue 3, 2025

Influence of the glycocalyx on the size and mechanical properties of plasma membrane-derived vesicles


Recent studies have reported that the overexpression of MUC1 glycoproteins on cell surfaces changes the morphology of cell plasma membranes and increases the blebbing of vesicles from them, supporting the hypothesis that entropic forces exerted by MUC1 change the spontaneous curvature of cell membranes. However, how MUC1 is incorporated into and influences the size and biophysical properties of plasma-membrane-blebbed vesicles is not understood. Here we report single-vesicle-level characterization of giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs) derived from cells overexpressing MUC1, revealing a 40× variation in MUC1 density between GPMVs from a single preparation and a strong correlation between GPMV size and MUC1 density. By dispersing GPMVs in aqueous liquid crystals (LCs), we show that the elasticity of the LC can be used to strain individual GPMVs into spindle-like shapes, consistent with the straining of fluid-like membranes. To quantify the influence of MUC1 on membrane mechanical properties, we analyze the shapes of strained GPMVs within a theoretical framework that integrates the effects of MUC1 density and GPMV size on strain. We measure the spontaneous curvature of GPMV membranes to be 2–10 μm−1 and weakly influenced by the 40× variation in MUC1 density, a conclusion we validate by performing independent experiments in which MUC1 is enzymatically removed from GPMVs. Overall, our study advances the understanding of heterogeneity in size and MUC1 density in GPMVs, and establishes single-vesicle-level methods for characterization of mechanical properties within a heterogeneous population of GPMVs. Furthermore, our measurements highlight differences between membrane properties of GPMVs and their parent cells.

Graphical abstract: Influence of the glycocalyx on the size and mechanical properties of plasma membrane-derived vesicles

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Article type
07 11月 2024
30 11月 2024
First published
09 12月 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 463-475

Influence of the glycocalyx on the size and mechanical properties of plasma membrane-derived vesicles

P. Jani, M. J. Colville, S. Park, Y. Ha, M. J. Paszek and N. L. Abbott, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 463 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM01317D

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