Issue 20, 2024

Binary Ni–W metal sulfides with polyhedral nanostructures towards efficient hydrogen evolution


Designing multi-transition metal-based sulfides holds promise for alkaline water electrolysis, whereas the selection of suitable, cheap candidates and a facile building strategy remains challenging. Herein, based on the previous theory of combining a 3d-transition metal (Ni) with a non-3d-transition metal (W) to lower hydrogen adsorption energy barriers, we develop an indirect method to access Ni/W sulfides supported by nickel foam (NiWO-S/NF) with polyhedral nanostructures. The unique structure not only provides large surface areas for exposing abundant active sites, but also improves catalyst/interface contact and facilitates mass or charge transportation. In addition, the binary metals are supposed to generate a synergistic effect to boost the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) properties of NiWO-S/NF via the sulfurization method. Both physical characterization and DFT calculations prove that the fine tuning of electron transport, water dissociation capability and hydrogen adsorption of NiWO-S/NF benefits from sulfurization, thus greatly improving the HER kinetics. Furthermore, NiWO-S/NF demonstrates high electrocatalytic performances with structural stability in a long-term HER process. Therefore, the two-step building of binary metal sulfide nanostructures may provide a new method for applications of various transition metal materials with unique architecture and high efficiency in the alkaline HER.

Graphical abstract: Binary Ni–W metal sulfides with polyhedral nanostructures towards efficient hydrogen evolution

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
18 七月 2024
04 九月 2024
First published
05 九月 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024,11, 6998-7007

Binary Ni–W metal sulfides with polyhedral nanostructures towards efficient hydrogen evolution

Z. Liu, R. Fan, Y. Zhou, N. Yu, B. Dong and Z. Yan, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11, 6998 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI01806K

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