Issue 21, 2024

Engineered cortical microcircuits for investigations of neuroplasticity


Recent advances in neural engineering have opened new ways to investigate the impact of topology on neural network function. Leveraging microfluidic technologies, it is possible to establish modular circuit motifs that promote both segregation and integration of information processing in the engineered neural networks, similar to those observed in vivo. However, the impact of the underlying topologies on network dynamics and response to pathological perturbation remains largely unresolved. In this work, we demonstrate the utilization of microfluidic platforms with 12 interconnected nodes to structure modular, cortical engineered neural networks. By implementing geometrical constraints inspired by a Tesla valve within the connecting microtunnels, we additionally exert control over the direction of axonal outgrowth between the nodes. Interfacing these platforms with nanoporous microelectrode arrays reveals that the resulting laminar cortical networks exhibit pronounced segregated and integrated functional dynamics across layers, mirroring key elements of the feedforward, hierarchical information processing observed in the neocortex. The multi-nodal configuration also facilitates selective perturbation of individual nodes within the networks. To illustrate this, we induced hypoxia, a key factor in the pathogenesis of various neurological disorders, in well-connected nodes within the networks. Our findings demonstrate that such perturbations induce ablation of information flow across the hypoxic node, while enabling the study of plasticity and information processing adaptations in neighboring nodes and neural communication pathways. In summary, our presented model system recapitulates fundamental attributes of the microcircuit organization of neocortical neural networks, rendering it highly pertinent for preclinical neuroscience research. This model system holds promise for yielding new insights into the development, topological organization, and neuroplasticity mechanisms of the neocortex across the micro- and mesoscale level, in both healthy and pathological conditions.

Graphical abstract: Engineered cortical microcircuits for investigations of neuroplasticity

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Article information

Article type
26 ⵢⵓⵏ 2024
01 ⵛⵓⵜ 2024
First published
03 ⵛⵓⵜ 2024

Lab Chip, 2024,24, 4974-4988

Engineered cortical microcircuits for investigations of neuroplasticity

N. Winter-Hjelm, P. Sikorski, A. Sandvig and I. Sandvig, Lab Chip, 2024, 24, 4974 DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00546E

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