Michael L.
Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK. E-mail: tongjincheng@outlook.com; cinzia.casiraghi@manchester.ac.uk
First published on 21st April 2021
Monitoring crystallization events in real-time is challenging but crucial for understanding the molecular dynamics associated with nucleation and crystal growth, some of nature's most ubiquitous phenomena. Recent observations have suggested that the traditional nucleation model, which describes the nucleus having already the final crystal structure, may not be valid. It appears that the molecular assembly can range during nucleation from crystalline to partially ordered to totally amorphous phases, and can change its structure during the crystallization process. Therefore, it is of critical importance to develop methods that are able to provide real-time monitoring of the molecular interactions with high temporal resolution. Here, we demonstrate that a simple and scalable approach based on interdigitated electrode array sensors (IESs) is able to provide insights on the dynamics of the crystallization process with a temporal resolution of 15 ms.
New conceptsAn interdigitated electrode sensor (IES) is used for real-time monitoring of the crystallization dynamics of small organic molecules, such as glycine, L-alanine, and D-mannitol in water, reaching a temporal resolution of 15 ms. Real-time monitoring of crystallization is usually made by using very specialized techniques, such as liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy, cryo-TEM or environmental atomic force microscopy, which have temporal resolution of seconds. On the other hand, electrical readouts allow ultrafast time response, making them very attractive for monitoring of the dynamics of complex ensemble processes. We demonstrate that a simple and scalable technology based on a IES can be used to monitor in real-time the crystallization process. In particular, the induction time and the supersaturation ratio can be easily and precisely extracted from the measurements. We observe characteristic fluctuations in the current after the induction time, which could be ascribed to the molecular assembly dynamics. Getting insights on the nucleus dynamics will enable a better control on the polymorph outcome, which is one of the most challenging problems to solve in crystal engineering. |
Developing methods, based on simple techniques, to unravel the dynamic of crystallization in real-time is therefore of crucial importance: this would give fundamentals insights to the nucleation process, potentially helping in achieving crystals with the desired final structure (i.e. polymorph). In this framework, electrical devices allow ultrafast time response (down to nanoseconds), making them very attractive for monitoring of the dynamics of complex ensemble processes. Only very few attempts have been previously attempted, ranging from the use of nanopipette electrodes for tracking crystallization events in confinement,13 to nanopore electrodes for DNA sequencing.14 Very recently, a graphene field effect transistor (FET) was used to monitor in real-time the dynamics of self-assembly of molecules on a surface,15 demonstrating that electrical readout can indeed be applied for monitoring processes of a large ensemble of interacting molecules. However, monitoring of crystallization from solution is more challenging than self-assembly because nucleation is a stochastic event: in self-assembly experiments, polymerization is achieved by UV illumination, hence the time at which the molecules should start changing their interactions is known. Furthermore, in self-assembly experiments, the molecules interact with the surface by producing a monolayer, while in nucleation, the interactions between molecules and the surface may happen in random points on the surface and this interaction is expected to change dramatically over the time, e.g. the nucleus may be formed at the surface, then it can detach and then re-adsorb on the surface, maybe with a different crystal structure. Furthermore, the solvent is evaporating, so additional effects coming from this process need also to be taken into account when reading the electrical readout.
In this work, we demonstrate real-time monitoring of nucleation and crystal growth from an evaporative droplet by using a IES. This technology is fast, precise, selective, sensitive, and already largely used for the analysis of environmental samples and it can be performed on a small samples volume. Specifically, the monitoring is performed by using the sensor in the non-Faradaic mode by measuring the changes of the electron double layer (EDL) capacitance between the interdigitated electrodes over time.16 This achieves a very high sensitivity to species close to the electrode since the EDL usually has a thickness from sub to a few nanometers.17 Hence, changes in the nanoscale range at the solid–liquid interface can be monitored by using an IES. By measuring the temporal evolution of the current, we demonstrate that it is possible to monitor the process of crystallization in real-time, within 15 ms intervals, over the whole process, starting from the solvent evaporation to the heterogeneous nucleation and the crystal growth. The ultra-high surface sensitivity of the IES allows the induction time of crystallization to be determined at different molecular concentrations. From these measurements, a critical supersaturation ratio of 1.08 for glycine was determined. We also observed that the dynamics of interaction of the molecular ensemble is completely different from that observed for self-assembly, confirming indeed that crystallization from solution is a completely different process. Further experiments based on D-mannitol and L-alanine prove the universality of our monitoring approach.
The IES does not require any advanced material or special processing, as in the case of a graphene FET,18–21 hence our results show that this approach can be easily adopted to get new insights into molecular interactions and the interaction of molecules with surfaces, which are at play in many fundamental processes, ranging from interface chemistry, crystallization, materials chemistry, and drugs manufacturing.
Glycine was used as reference molecule, being widely used in crystallization studies.23–25 A droplet (2 μL) of water or glycine solution was drop cast onto the patterned electrode area, as shown schematically in Fig. 1B. Then, a potential of 0.7 V was applied between the two electrodes and the current was recorded during the evaporation process. The time interval between two recorded current points was 15 ms. To optically visualize this process, an optical microscope was also used to observe the changes of the droplet and to measure the induction time of the crystals, which is defined as the time at which the crystals first appear.
Fig. 2A shows a sequence of pictures extracted from Movie S1 (ESI†) showing the droplet evolution at different times. Time equal 0 s corresponds to the initial drop casting, while time of 643 s corresponds to complete crystallization. This figure shows that the size of the droplet strongly decreases upon solvent evaporation until 533 s; then, in a very short time (at 533–534 s), the crystals appear and start to grow from the edge of the droplet towards the center, covering the whole surface and leading to a change in the color of the droplet. Only small changes in the droplet color were observed until 643 s, after which the color does not change any further, indicating complete (or almost complete) evaporation of water.
Fig. 2B shows the current recorded over the crystallization experiment by the IES. Despite the noise, one can see an overall decrease of the current (shown by the red line), caused by the evaporation of the solvent: as the droplet decreases in size, the active area decreases, lowering the current. However, there is an unexpected change in the current exactly at 533 s (see dashed arrow, inset Fig. 2B), which corresponds to the time at which the crystals become visible (Fig. 2A), i.e. to the induction time. After this, the current shows again a slow decrease over time until 643 s, and then it goes quickly to zero, reaching the off state of the device, due to complete solvent evaporation.
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Fig. 2 In situ monitoring of glycine crystallization by IES and optical microscopy. (A) Images of the droplet over the time covering the whole process of crystallization of 1 M glycine from solution taken from ESI† Movie S1. To give an idea of the size of the droplet, one can note that the separation and length of the electrodes are 60 μm and 1600 μm, respectively. (B) The corresponding temporal evolution of the current at a fixed voltage of 0.7 V; the red line, obtained by applying fast Fourier transform (FFT) filtering of the curve, is a guide for the eyes. The large noise is due to the measurements being performed without any Faraday cage to allow optical inspections of the crystals. Inset: Enlarged view showing the change in current at ∼533 s and afterwards. The blue and dashed arrow shows the sudden change of the current, associated to the induction time. |
Note that the experiments were repeated twice using two devices, demonstrating that the results are reproducible (Fig. S2, ESI†). Furthermore, a control experiment, made using only pure water was also performed: in this case, the sudden change and fluctuations in current were not observed (Fig. S3, ESI†), hence the current change at ~533 s can be ascribed to the presence of the glycine molecules, and ultimately, to a change in their interactions, driven by the crystallization.
Considering the importance of detecting small changes in the current, the same experiments were performed by applying a Faraday cage21 that decreases the ambient electrical noise. Note that this change in the setup does not allow the use of the optical microscope. Fig. S4 and S5 (ESI†) show that when a constant voltage is applied to the water or glycine droplets, the current first decreases quickly until it reaches a relatively steady state in ∼20 s. After that, in the case of the water droplet, the current decreases roughly linearly over time, as a result of the reduction of the contact area of the droplet with the electrodes. In the very last few seconds, before evaporation is complete, a sharp increase in the current is observed (Fig. S4, ESI†), which may be associated to nanoconfinement of the water molecules under the electrical field26 or to an effect caused by the local potential generated by the droplet movement between the electrodes.27 Further investigations of this effect are beyond the scope of this work.
In the case of glycine solutions, an obvious increase of the current is visible well before evaporation is complete (Fig. 3A, see arrows). An enlargement of the plot (Fig. 3B) shows that the increase is also accompanied by strong fluctuations of the current, in contrast to what was observed with water. These current fluctuations have been observed in all glycine solutions tested, i.e. with starting concentrations of 2.5 M, 2 M, 1.5 M, 1 M, 0.7 M, and 0.4 M (Fig. 3B and Fig. S6, ESI†), suggesting that these fluctuations are fingerprint of the process of interaction between molecules driven by crystallization. Indeed, the time at which the fluctuation starts strongly depends on the concentration of glycine. The larger time observed at the lower concentration is due to the fact that it takes longer time to reach oversaturation upon evaporation of the solvent. Note that the duration of the current fluctuation is also dependent on the glycine concentration (Fig. 3A): under the same conditions, crystallization takes a longer time if the number of molecules is higher. After the fluctuations, the current decreases slowly over time and reaches the off state.
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Fig. 3 Glycine crystallization dynamics monitored and revealed by IES. (A) The recorded current curves over time measured during the evaporation of glycine droplets solutions with concentrations of 0.4 M, 0.7 M, 1 M, 1.5 M, 2 M and 2.5 M. The blue dashed arrows indicate the sudden change in current. (B) Enlarged range (highlighted red square in panel A) of the curve corresponding to the crystallization for a 0.4 M glycine droplet. The blue dashed arrow is showing the beginning of the current fluctuation. (C) The induction time (tind) for different concentrations of glycine obtained from the recorded curves in Fig. S6 and summarized in Table S1 (ESI†). The red dashed arrow indicates the glycine concentration at the critical supersaturation. The blue shadow is a guide for the eyes. (D) The corresponding supersaturation ratio (S) for different concentration of glycine solutions. The blue shadow is a guide for the eyes. |
Note that in self-assembly experiments, the current was observed to increase with coverage and reaches saturation for monolayer formation.15 Here, in contrast, the current does not show any exponential behavior and saturation is never reached, indicating a continuous change in the molecular assembly. This observation is reasonable because self-assembly and crystallization are very different processes from a thermodynamic point of view, despite both being based on molecular interactions. In crystallization, the nucleus is expected to change in size or structure before crystal growth, and this is possibly reflected in the fluctuations observed in the current. Section S4 (ESI†) reports a tentative molecular model that can explain the fluctuations observed in the current after the induction time.
Assuming that the induction time (calculated as the average on 4 replicates) could be assigned to the time when the fluctuation of current began, then we found the following induction times: 369 ± 91 s, 551 ± 30, 699 ± 63 s, 909 ± 27 s, 991 ± 32 s and 1092 ± 65 s for the 2.5 M, 2 M, 1.5 M, 1 M, 0.7 M and 0.4 M solutions, respectively (Fig. S6 and summary in Table S1, ESI†). Note that the induction time for 1 M glycine solution is larger than 533 s, which is the time found without a Faraday cage (Fig. 2), as a consequence of the difference between open and closed environments on the evaporation rate. Fig. 3C plots the induction time as a function of the initial glycine concentration, showing that the induction time decreases almost linearly with the concentration, indicating that the evaporation rate of the solutions at different glycine concentrations was the same in all experiments.28
By using a linear extrapolation, a critical concentration of 3.59 M is extracted from Fig. 3C: this is the concentration at which the solution will crystallize immediately, without any water evaporation. The corresponding critical supersaturation ratio (S*) is 1.08 as the saturation concentration (Csat) for glycine in aqueous solution at 25 °C is 3.33 M.29 This value is in good agreement with the one determined by a previous study based on microdroplet crystallization experiments (1.12 at 21 °C).28
Fig. S4 (ESI†) shows that water takes 1203 ± 53 s (average on 3 replicates) to completely evaporate after it is drop cast on the array – this value is in good agreement with Fig. 3C by extrapolating the data to glycine concentration (Cgly) equal to 0. Moreover, one can also observe that glycine solutions follow a similar trend to those of pure water before the point at which fluctuations are observed (Fig. S4 and S5, ESI†), showing that the evaporation rate of water (vw) and glycine (vgly) solutions are roughly the same in the range of glycine concentrations used.
The critical concentration of glycine reached at the time corresponding to the induction time (Cgly*) can be calculated as:
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In order to demonstrate that the method can also be applied to other molecules, we have used the IES to monitor the crystallization of L-alanine and D-mannitol in aqueous solution. Fig. 4A and C show similar changes in the current as observed for glycine. By testing different concentrations of L-alanine (0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.8 M, 1.2 M and 1.6 M) and D-mannitol (0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M and 1 M) solutions by IES (Fig. S7, S8 and summary in Tables S2, S3, ESI†) and by using the same approach described for glycine, a linear relationship between the induction time and concentration is observed. By taking the saturation concentration of L-alanine (1.88 M) and D-mannitol (1.17 M) in aqueous solution at 25 °C and the critical concentration (2.69 M for L-alanine and 1.25 M for D-mannitol) determined by extrapolation of our data, critical supersaturation ratios of 1.43 and 1.07 for L-alanine and D-mannitol, respectively, are found. Fig. 4C and F show that the corresponding supersaturation ratios at different concentrations derived from the IES measurements for both molecules are in the range of the critical supersaturation ratio, in agreement with what was observed for crystallization of glycine (Fig. 3D).
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Fig. 4 In situ monitoring of the crystallization of L-alanine and D-mannitol by IES. (A) The recorded current over time during the evaporation of a 0.4 M L-alanine solution. The blue dashed arrow indicates the sudden change in current. (B) The induction time (tind) for different concentrations of L-alanine solutions obtained from the curves in Fig. S7 and summarized in Table S2 (ESI†). The dashed arrow indicates the concentration at the critical supersaturation. (C) The corresponding supersaturation ratio (S) for different concentrations of L-alanine solutions. (D) The recorded current curve over time measured during the evaporation of a 0.6 M D-Mannitol solution. (E) The tind for different concentrations of D-mannitol solutions obtained from the recorded curves in Fig. S8 and summarized in Table S3 (ESI†). (F) The corresponding supersaturation ratio (S) for different concentration of D-mannitol solutions. The blue shadows in panels B, C, E and F are guides for the eyes. |
In conclusion, our work shows that a simple and scalable technology can provide a highly sensitive strategy for real-time monitoring of complex dynamic processes involving molecular interactions, such as the crystallization of organic molecules.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0nh00685h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |