Themed collection Best Papers 2022 – Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

26 items
Open Access Critical Review

Climate change influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment – a review

Direct and indirect effects of climate change influence contaminant sources, transport, re-distribution and circulation in the physical environment of the Arctic. Linkages of such observations to Arctic ecosystem exposure and effects are needed.

Graphical abstract: Climate change influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment – a review
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

The influence of global climate change on accumulation and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in Arctic food webs

Global climate change-driven shifts in physical and ecological processes may alter POPs concentrations in Arctic food webs.

Graphical abstract: The influence of global climate change on accumulation and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in Arctic food webs
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Influence of climate change on persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in the Arctic: state of knowledge and recommendations for future research

Future climate change in the Arctic will lead to loss of ice, snow and permafrost, increasing human activity and development, and changes in wind and ocean circulation patterns, that could alter the pathways, distribution and fate of contaminants.

Graphical abstract: Influence of climate change on persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in the Arctic: state of knowledge and recommendations for future research
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Critical review of antibiotic resistance genes in the atmosphere

Our critical review compares ARG profiles in the atmosphere across different locations and discusses characterization methods, atmospheric transport, and future research questions.

Graphical abstract: Critical review of antibiotic resistance genes in the atmosphere
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: contributions of reactive nitrogen species to transformations of organic compounds in water: a critical review

Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) pose a potential risk to drinking water quality because they react with organic compounds to form toxic byproducts.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: contributions of reactive nitrogen species to transformations of organic compounds in water: a critical review
From the themed collection: Emerging Investigator Series
Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: microplastic sources, fate, toxicity, detection, and interactions with micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems – a review of reviews

Hundreds of review studies have been published focusing on microplastics (MPs) and their environmental impacts.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: microplastic sources, fate, toxicity, detection, and interactions with micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems – a review of reviews
From the themed collection: Emerging Investigator Series
Critical Review

PFAS fate and destruction mechanisms during thermal treatment: a comprehensive review

Our critical review provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art understanding of PFAS thermal behavior and destruction mechanisms under different thermal destruction technologies and further research needs.

Graphical abstract: PFAS fate and destruction mechanisms during thermal treatment: a comprehensive review
Open Access Critical Review

Occurrence, human exposure, and risk of microplastics in the indoor environment

Pathways of human exposure to MPs and associated risks.

Graphical abstract: Occurrence, human exposure, and risk of microplastics in the indoor environment
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Communication

Use and release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in consumer food packaging in U.S. and Canada

PFASs used in food packaging have the potential to contaminate the environment and numerous parts of the waste stream.

Graphical abstract: Use and release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in consumer food packaging in U.S. and Canada
From the themed collection: Contaminant remediation and fate

Non-targeted identification and semi-quantitation of emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in US rainwater

Analysis of precipitation finds many emerging PFAS.

Graphical abstract: Non-targeted identification and semi-quantitation of emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in US rainwater

Legacy and emerging airborne per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) collected on PM2.5 filters in close proximity to a fluoropolymer manufacturing facility

Large fluoropolymer manufacturing plants are major sources of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the environment; we measured legacy and emerging PFAS in air to provide insights into near-source PFAS profiles.

Graphical abstract: Legacy and emerging airborne per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) collected on PM2.5 filters in close proximity to a fluoropolymer manufacturing facility

Air quality trends in rural India: analysis of NO2 pollution using satellite measurements

India is a country with more than 67% of its population (947 million) residing in rural areas and 33% in urban areas (472 million) as of 2020.

Graphical abstract: Air quality trends in rural India: analysis of NO2 pollution using satellite measurements
From the themed collection: Atmospheric chemistry
Open Access Paper

Quantum chemical calculation of the vapor pressure of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds

Quantum chemistry based calculation methods enable the reliable prediction of the vapor pressure of molecules with rather general structure and are particularly valuable for non-rigid substances with low volatilities.

Graphical abstract: Quantum chemical calculation of the vapor pressure of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Ferrihydrite transformations in flooded paddy soils: rates, pathways, and product spatial distributions

The rate and pathway of ferrihydrite transformation in soil depends on the properties of the soil pore water and diffusion processes.

Graphical abstract: Ferrihydrite transformations in flooded paddy soils: rates, pathways, and product spatial distributions
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Changes in light absorption and composition of chromophoric marine-dissolved organic matter across a microbial bloom

Marine chromophoric dissolved organic matter (m-CDOM) mediates many vital photochemical processes in the surface ocean.

Graphical abstract: Changes in light absorption and composition of chromophoric marine-dissolved organic matter across a microbial bloom
From the themed collection: Geochemistry
Open Access Paper

Are cosmetics a significant source of PFAS in Europe? product inventories, chemical characterization and emission estimates

Estimates of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) emission from the use of cosmetics in Europe.

Graphical abstract: Are cosmetics a significant source of PFAS in Europe? product inventories, chemical characterization and emission estimates
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Thallium adsorption onto phyllosilicate minerals

We studied the extent and mode of thallium adsorption onto several phyllosilicate minerals. Thallium, in analogy to cesium, strongly adsorbs onto micaceous phyllosilicates in soils and sediments via complexation in siloxane cavities.

Graphical abstract: Thallium adsorption onto phyllosilicate minerals
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Evaluating atmospheric mercury (Hg) uptake by vegetation in a chemistry-transport model

We study the uptake of atmospheric mercury by vegetation in a chemical transport model and available observations. Due to the importance of this sink in the global mercury cycle, perturbations to forested areas can elevate mercury risks.

Graphical abstract: Evaluating atmospheric mercury (Hg) uptake by vegetation in a chemistry-transport model
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Organic carbon, and major and trace elements reside in labile low-molecular form in the ground ice of permafrost peatlands: a case study of colloids in peat ice of Western Siberia

The low molecular weight fraction of peat porewater is enriched in DOC, anions, oxyanions, alkalis and some trace metals. An increase in the active layer depth can liberate a large amount of labile metals and nutrients from the peat.

Graphical abstract: Organic carbon, and major and trace elements reside in labile low-molecular form in the ground ice of permafrost peatlands: a case study of colloids in peat ice of Western Siberia
From the themed collection: Geochemistry
Open Access Paper

Demystifying mercury geochemistry in contaminated soil–groundwater systems with complementary mercury stable isotope, concentration, and speciation analyses

A holistic multi-analyses (led by Hg stable isotope analysis), multi-media, multi-site approach to improving contaminated site Hg geochemistry, particularly process tracing.

Graphical abstract: Demystifying mercury geochemistry in contaminated soil–groundwater systems with complementary mercury stable isotope, concentration, and speciation analyses
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

A food web bioaccumulation model for the accumulation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in fish: how important is renal elimination?

We present a whole-body aquatic food web bioaccumulation model for perfluoroalkyl acids and two alternatives. Results highlight structure-dependent mechanisms, including phospholipid partitioning, blood plasma protein binding, and renal elimination.

Graphical abstract: A food web bioaccumulation model for the accumulation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in fish: how important is renal elimination?
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Investigating the dynamics of methylmercury bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea shelf food web: a modeling perspective

We used a modeling approach to explore how toxicokinetics and food-web trophodynamics affect MeHg bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea shelf.

Graphical abstract: Investigating the dynamics of methylmercury bioaccumulation in the Beaufort Sea shelf food web: a modeling perspective
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Emerging investigator series: aqueous-phase processing of atmospheric aerosol influences dissolution kinetics of metal ions in an urban background site in the Po Valley

Fog processing of atmospheric aerosol enhances the solubility and the dissolution kinetics of particle-bound metal ions.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: aqueous-phase processing of atmospheric aerosol influences dissolution kinetics of metal ions in an urban background site in the Po Valley
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Spatial distribution and biogeochemistry of redox active species in arctic sedimentary porewaters and seeps

Schematic showing how voltammetric microelectrodes were used to profile arctic lake sediments, where different locations contained different distributions of redox-active species.

Graphical abstract: Spatial distribution and biogeochemistry of redox active species in arctic sedimentary porewaters and seeps
Open Access Paper

A review of PFAS fingerprints in fish from Norwegian freshwater bodies subject to different source inputs

Fingerprints associated with long-range atmospheric transport, production of paper products, and use of aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) were identified.

Graphical abstract: A review of PFAS fingerprints in fish from Norwegian freshwater bodies subject to different source inputs
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Characterizing photochemical ageing processes of microplastic materials using multivariate analysis of infrared spectra

PCA model of ATR-FTIR spectra discriminates plastic types and predicts photochemical age under long-term natural and artificial weathering conditions.

Graphical abstract: Characterizing photochemical ageing processes of microplastic materials using multivariate analysis of infrared spectra
26 items

About this collection

The Environmental Science Best Papers Initiative identifies a selection of excellent papers published in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science journal family, showcasing great research from across the globe. This collection of our best papers in 2022 can be read here:

To celebrate more of the great papers published in Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts during 2022, we’ve gathered all shortlisted papers in this special collection.

