Themed collection Tracking complex mixtures of chemicals in Human- and Eco-Exposome

Introduction to the “Tracking complex mixtures of chemicals in human- and eco-exposome: the nexus of models, analytics, and toxicity” themed issue
Mingliang Fang, Beate Escher, Li Li and Zhenyu Tian introduce the Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts themed issue on “Tracking complex mixtures of chemicals in human- and eco-exposome: the nexus of models, analytics, and toxicity”.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1741-1742
Increased cytotoxicity of Pb2+ with co-exposures to a mitochondrial uncoupler and mitochondrial calcium uniporter inhibitor
Mixtures of Pb2+ and two mechanistically distinct mitochondrial toxicants, ruthenium red and carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP), resulted in greater than additive Pb2+-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 (human liver) cells.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1743-1751
Evaluation of mixture toxicity literature and chemical space: a data centric approach
Mixture toxicity literature is dominated by water pollutants, pesticides, environmental pollutants, insecticides, soil pollutants, and chemicals described as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1752-1758
Prioritizing molecular formulae identified by non-target analysis through high-throughput modelling: application to identify compounds with high human accumulation potential from house dust
Model calculations for molecular formulae are feasible, if there is a means of assembling collections of plausible isomers. Such calculations can aid in prioritizing chemical features from non-target analysis.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1817-1829

Adding open spectral data to MassBank and PubChem using open source tools to support non-targeted exposomics of mixtures
Adding mass spectra from complex mixtures of chemicals relevant for exposomics to open spectral libraries such as MassBank and chemical databases like PubChem empowers identification efforts for non-target high resolution mass spectrometry workflows.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1788-1801
Occurrence of emerging contaminants in pet hair and indoor air: integrative health risk assessment using multiple ToxCast endpoints
Various contaminants in indoor air, dust, and pet hair samples. The distribution of pollutants between media was explained by their sources and partitioning processes. In vitro data helped estimate the risks to human health from indoor exposome.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1839-1849

Mixture effect assessment applying in vitro bioassays to in-tissue silicone extracts of traditional foods prepared from beluga whale blubber
Mixtures extracted from beluga traditional food preparations activated oxidative stress response and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor but did not show any hormone-like effects.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1759-1770

Characterizing the marine mammal exposome by iceberg modeling, linking chemical analysis and in vitro bioassays
The analysis of mixtures of environmental contaminants from marine mammal organs revealed distinct distribution patterns for single compounds. The combination of chemical analysis and bioassays can comprehensively characterize the mixture exposome.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1802-1816
A fundamental model for calculating interfacial adsorption of complex ionic and nonionic PFAS mixtures in the presence of mixed salts
The model allows prediction of PFAS interfacial behavior in complex scenarios, such as displacement of adsorbed PFAS by strongly-adsorbing surfactants under varying salt conditions (e.g., foam fractionation reactors, AFFF source zones).
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1830-1838
Non-targeted identification and semi-quantitation of emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in US rainwater
Analysis of precipitation finds many emerging PFAS.
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2023,25, 1771-1787
About this collection
Tracking complex mixtures of chemicals in Human- and Eco-Exposome: the nexus of models, analytics, and toxicity. A themed collection guest edited by Mingliang Fang (Fudan University), Beate Escher (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research), Li Li (University of Nevada, Reno), and Zhenyu Tian (Northeastern University) reflects the state of the art and ongoing and future focus on evaluating the exposure and risk associated with tens of thousands of chemical contaminants. It also looks at human exposure in a broad perspective, encompassing the continuum from environment via food and drinking water to human exposure and effects.