Issue 43, 2024

A guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole functionalized cucurbit[7]uril derivative as a cytomembrane disruptor for synergistic antibacterial therapy


The antibiotic resistance of bacterial membranes poses a significant threat to global public health, highlighting the urgent need for novel therapeutic agents and strategies to combat bacterial membranes. In response, we have developed a novel macrocyclic host molecule (GCPCB) based on guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole (GCP) functionalized cucurbit[7]uril with an aggregation-induced luminescence effect. GCPCB exhibits high antimicrobial potency against bacterial membranes, particularly demonstrating strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive strains of S. aureus and Gram-negative strains of E. coli. Significantly, due to the strong binding between GCP and the bacterial membrane, GCPCB can effectively eradicate the bacteria encapsulated within. Furthermore, the formation of a host–guest complex between GCPCB and berberine hydrochloride (BH) not only enhances synergistic destructive activity against both species of bacteria but also provides a potential supramolecular platform for effective bacterial membrane destruction.

Graphical abstract: A guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole functionalized cucurbit[7]uril derivative as a cytomembrane disruptor for synergistic antibacterial therapy

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Article information

Article type
15 Ağu 2024
15 Eki 2024
First published
15 Eki 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 11105-11109

A guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole functionalized cucurbit[7]uril derivative as a cytomembrane disruptor for synergistic antibacterial therapy

R. Han, K. Du, S. Li, M. Zuo, P. Jeyakkumar, H. Jiang, L. Wang and X. Hu, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 11105 DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01840K

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