David L.
c and
Markus J.
aLaboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail: mbuehler@mit.edu
bInstitute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, 1 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore 138632, Singapore
cDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, 4 Colby Street, Medford, MA 02155, USA
First published on 3rd May 2018
Adaptive hydrogels tailor-made from silk-elastin-like proteins (SELPs) possess excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability with properties that are tunable and responsive to multiple simultaneous external stimuli. To unravel the molecular mechanisms of their physical response to external stimuli in tandem with experiments, here we predict and measure the variation in structural properties as a function of temperature through coarse-grained (CG) modeling of individual and crosslinked SE8Y and S4E8Y molecules, which have ratios of 1:8 and 4:8 of silk to elastin blocks respectively. Extensive structural reshuffling in single SE8Y molecules led to the increased compactness of the structure, whereas S4E8Y molecules did not experience any significant changes as they already adopted very compact structures at low temperatures. Crosslinking of SE8Y molecules at high concentrations impeded their structural transition at high temperatures that drastically reduced the degree of deswelling through extensive suppression of the structural shuffling and the trapping of the molecules in high potential energy states due to inter-molecular constraints. This integrative experimental and computational understanding of the thermal response in single molecules of SELPs and their crosslinked networks should lead to further improvements in the properties of SELP hydrogels through predictive designs and their wider applications in biomaterials and tissue engineering.
Protein-based biopolymers manufactured through genetic engineering are one such category of stimuli-responsive hydrogels that are designed through bio-inspiration. Hydrogels derived from silk-elastin-like proteins (SELPs) are notable examples. SELPs are derived from tandemly repeating units of elastin-like (GXGVP) and silk-like (GAGAGS) domains where the elastin-like domains are elastic with dynamic features4 and the silk-like domains convey mechanical stiffness through the formation of β-sheet secondary structures. An example of the dynamic changes observable in SELPs is the reversible transition in structure, from a soluble protein to a contracted aggregate, around a transition temperature, Tt.5 The stimuli-response of SELPs can be tuned further by changing the “X” residue located in the elastin-like domain to allow for sensitivity towards changes in pH, ionic strength, and phosphorylation to just name a few options.6 Therefore, the naming convention of SELPs helps to broadly clarify the multitude of possible combinations. For instance, if the S:E ratio is 1:8 and tyrosine (Y) is the “X” amino acid in the elastin block, the resulting molecule is termed as SE8Y.
Numerous experimental studies have detailed SELPs’ macromolecular structures derived from processes such as self-assembly through aggregation,7–9 electrospinning,10 and wet-spinning.11 In contrast, the precise mechanisms behind SELPs’ physical transitions on the molecular level in response to external stimuli have only begun to be unravelled recently through computational methods.5,12 The primary means were through fully atomistic molecular dynamics (FAMD) simulations of SELP molecules with high molecular weight, coupled with advanced large-scale replica exchange methods.13 Prior to these numerical studies, only the structural transitions of elastin-like peptides (ELPs) due to temperature have been studied, largely through much smaller scale sampling or low molecular weights using MD.14–17 However, even with advanced sampling methods such as Replica Exchange MD (REMD),13 analysing the properties of ELPs and SELPs with high molecular weight still requires significant computational resources and the data produced are frequently noisy.5,12,18 Additionally, although many properties of the SELP hydrogel are tunable, it was shown that the initial concentration of the SELP molecules strongly influences the swelling ratio of the corresponding hydrogel.5 For example, increasing the initial concentration of SE8Y from 2% to 10% results in a significant decrease in the degree of swelling by 60%. There is no clear understanding of why this phenomenon occurs, particularly the sub-nanoscale mechanisms for the aggregation of SELP molecules, as the concentration increases.
Therefore, this study addressed two significant problems. First, we showed that coarse-grained MD (CGMD) of individual SELP molecules, SE8Y with 644 residues and S4E8Y with 576 residues, enabled the rapid characterization of their thermal response due to potential energy landscapes that were significantly less rugged. There was a clear transition temperature beyond which the SE8Y molecule collapsed into a tightly-packed globular structure from an extended state, while the absence of a transition in S4E8Y was captured as well. This CG model was validated against both experimental and FAMD studies with excellent agreement. Second, through the combination of both experimental studies and the efficient conformational sampling of this CG model, we provided molecular evidence that the clustering and crosslinking of SELP molecules impeded their structural transition at high temperatures, leading to drastic reductions in the degree of deswelling. The molecules were trapped in states with high potential energy due to this aggregation. This understanding of the thermal response in single molecules of SELPs and their crosslinked networks should lead to further improvements in the properties of SELP hydrogels through predictive design and their wider applications in biomaterials and tissue engineering.
In order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences in structural response to changes in temperature, the structural transition characteristics of the SELPs were characterized through FAMD and CGMD across the temperature range of 277 K to 330 K, as outlined in the Experimental section and the ESI.†
The structural collapse beyond the transition temperature observed experimentally was also identified in both FAMD and CGMD, where the SE8Y molecule became significantly more compact at high temperatures (Fig. 2a and b) compared to the considerably more extended structure at 277 K. This compactness was characterized by two fundamental metrics of protein geometry: the radius of gyration (Rg) and the solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) of the SELPs. From the FAMD results (Fig. 2b), the SE8Y molecule showed a rather gradual decrease of less 10% in the molecule's Rg across the simulated temperature range. In contrast, the Rg and the SASA (Fig. 2c and d) determined by CGMD simulations predicted a clearly distinguishable structural transition at a transition temperature, Tt, of 296 K. This Tt is in remarkable agreement with our experimental value of 294 K from DSC. Between the temperatures of 277 K and 330 K, the difference in Rg was more than 20%, while the SASA was reduced by almost 10%.
Moreover, this transition was suppressed for S4E8Y (Fig. 2c and d) with no distinct trends in either the Rg or the SASA across the entire temperature range. This result correlates with the absence of a structural transition indicated by our DSC and DLS experimental data. Even at the lowest temperature of 277 K, S4E8Y already adopted a very compact structure as the Rg was more than 30% smaller than that of SE8Y while the SASA was 20% lower. The fact that the thermo-responsive structural transition was clearly captured in SE8Y with a distinct transition temperature, while the absence of any transitions was also captured for S4E8Y, clearly demonstrates that the PLUM potential can adequately capture the dynamic properties of SELPs, in excellent agreement with our experimental studies. Therefore, the PLUM model is validated for further studies here on SELP hydrogel crosslinking, as well as for future work on various thermo-responsive properties in other SELP constructs.
The molecular mechanisms of the structural collapse can be observed in the contact maps of the SELP molecules (Fig. 3 and Fig. S3, ESI†) that illustrate the distance matrix between all possible pairs of α-carbon atoms in all residues. For SE8Y, the contact maps showed a gradual increase in the number of contacts made between the α-carbon atoms in each amino acid and α-carbon atoms at further neighbours (Fig. 3a and b). This was characterized by the increase in the yellow populated region away from the diagonal of the matrix. This implied that any particular residue i within the SELP molecule established increasing numbers of contacts with residues that were more than i ± 3 neighbours away (i.e. more than 3 residues away from i) as the temperature increased. This structural reshuffling led to the increasing compactness of the structure, thereby reducing the Rg and the SASA in SE8Y. In contrast, the compact structure of S4E8Y was a result of the large number of contact with far neighbours even at the lowest temperature of 277 K (Fig. 3c). This is the reason for the low initial Rg and SASA of S4E8Y. Moreover, structural reshuffling at the higher temperature of 330 K only resulted in a decrease in number of contacts with far neighbours while increasing near neighbour contacts as indicated by a localized redistribution of the yellow regions (Fig. 3d), thereby accounting for the lack of a clear structural transition from a looser structure to a more compact conformation observed in S4E8Y. Therefore, these results clearly demonstrate that having higher ratios of silk to elastin blocks greatly reduces the thermal responsiveness that is imbued by the presence of greater amounts of elastin domains with more dynamic structures.
Fig. 3 Contact maps showing the matrices of contact distances between the α-carbon atoms of each residue in (a), (b) SE8Y and (c), (d) S4E8Y at the temperatures of 277 K and 330 K, respectively. |
Heating the hydrogels caused a shrinkage clearly observable when comparing the hydrogel size at 277 K and at 330 K (Fig. 4a, top row). In excellent correlation with the absence of a structural transition temperature in a single S4E8Y molecule, the S4E8Y hydrogel showed no response to changes in the temperature (Fig. 4a, bottom row). More crucially, the deswelling process was heavily influenced by the concentration of the SELP molecules. As shown in Fig. 4b, the SE8Y hydrogel synthesized at a significantly higher concentration of 20% showed a diminished deswelling response in comparison with the hydrogel synthesized from a concentration that was ten times lower. With a concentration of 2%, the deswelling ratio was more than 95%, whereas at a concentration of 20%, this ratio was significantly reduced to only 60%.
To determine the molecular mechanisms behind this suppressed transition, CG crosslinked models consisting of SE8Y molecules were generated and this process is described in detail in the experimental methods. An example of the model is also illustrated in Fig. S2 (ESI†). By performing the simulations in the same temperature range of 277 K to 330 K, suppressed structural transitions were also observed in the crosslinked CG model, in good agreement with the trend observed in our experiments. A single SE8Y molecule showed a reduction in its radius of gyration from 28.4 Å at the temperature of 277 K to 22.0 Å at 330 K, which was a decrease of 23% (Fig. 4b and Fig. S4a, ESI†). However, the average radius of gyration for ten crosslinked molecules only showed a minimal reduction: from 30.8 Å at 277 K to 28.6 Å at 330 K, which was a reduction of merely 7%. Differences in the thermal response between our experimental and simulation data arise from the fact that the CG models are unable to capture the aggregation of multiple SELP clusters into even larger clusters and the crosslink density cannot be precisely determined and modelled. These aggregations will significantly increase the amount of deswelling as observed in our experimental SELP hydrogel. However, the trends of reduced deswelling with when SELP concentration increased ten-fold are in good agreement.
To understand the discrepancy in the thermal response at varying concentrations, the radius of gyration of each crosslinked molecule was analysed at the two temperatures of 277 K and 330 K (Fig. S4b and c, ESI†). Almost every molecule experienced inhibition in their thermal response such that the shrinkage was significantly reduced after the Tt, suggesting that the diminished response was a collective phenomenon rather than a response of molecules individually. Above the structural transition temperature corresponding to that of a single SE8Y molecule (i.e. 296 K), the inability of individual molecules to collapse was due to inter-molecular constraints preventing significant conformational changes in the protein backbones.
This was readily apparent from the contact maps at 277 K and 330 K (Fig. 5a and b) where there was extensive suppression of the shuffling to increase the number of contacts with far neighbours above the transition temperature, as observed from the lack of increase in yellow regions away from the main diagonal axis. This was in stark contrast to the distinct increase observed in a single, non-crosslinked SE8Y molecule (Fig. 2c and d) as discussed above.
To characterize the extent that inter-molecular constraints influenced structural perturbations, the potential energy of each SE8Y molecule was determined (Fig. 5c) and averaged over all molecules in the crosslinked system. It can be observed that the collective inter-molecular constraints in crosslinked hydrogels caused the molecules to be trapped in a state of higher average potential energy. Below the transition temperature, the energetic behaviours of both systems were largely similar, showing slight increases compared to the baseline at 277 K. Above the transition temperature, the two curves diverged dramatically, where the increase at the highest temperature of 330 K was 30% and 50% from the baseline for single and crosslinked systems, respectively.
Subsequently, REMD simulations were carried out in the canonical (NVT) ensemble with the CHARMM19 all-atom energy function.21 The implicit solvent was implemented as the EEF1 force field with a Gaussian effective solvent energy function.22 REMD improves conformational sampling by integrating Monte Carlo exchanges into a classical molecular dynamics simulation scheme. This scheme helps the sampled protein to escape local free energy minima in the replicas with high temperatures, thus allowing wider sampling of the conformational space. Full details of the force field and the REMD methodology are laid out in the ESI.† Twenty-four temperature replicas were created and their temperatures were exponentially distributed between 280 and 480 K.23 Replica exchanges were attempted every 0.5 ps with 2 fs time step to achieve a 15% exchange acceptance rate with the Metropolis criterion. K-means clustering was performed on the ensemble of structures from the last 1000 exchanges at the lowest temperature replica. Clustering was based on mutual similarity by root-mean-square deviation (RMSD of 3 Å) and performed in the MMTSB tool set.24
The lowest-energy representative structure in the most populated cluster was selected for further refinement with REMD in explicit solvent to correct for local structural approximations. These simulations were implemented in GROMACS version 5.0125 with the CHARMM27 force field.26 The representative protein was solvated in a rectangular water box with fully periodic boundary conditions. The entire model system contained approximately 200000 atoms. After energy minimization through the steepest descent algorithm, the solvent was equilibrated while the protein was fixed. This was done in two equilibration stages of 100 ps each with a time step of 1 fs. The NVT ensemble was implemented in the first stage to stabilize the system's temperature. The NPT ensemble was implemented in the second stage to stabilize the system's pressure. Subsequently, the restraints on the protein were removed and equilibrated for an additional 100 ps in the NPT ensemble. The Berendsen thermostat27 and the Parrinello–Rahman barostat28 were used for temperature and pressure coupling, respectively. Covalent bonds with hydrogen atoms were constrained with the LINCS algorithm.29 The short range electrostatic interactions and Lennard-Jones interactions were evaluated with a cutoff of 10 Å. Particle-mesh Ewald summation30 was used to calculate long range electrostatic interactions with a grid spacing of 1.6 Å and a fourth order interpolation.
Finally, REMD was performed with 120 replicas in explicit solvent, starting from representative structures derived from implicit solvent REMD, at temperatures exponentially distributed from 280 K to 400 K.23 A 2 fs time step was used, each replica was simulated for 20 ns, and exchanges were attempted after 2 ps equilibration runs. Exchange acceptance ratios, based on the Metropolis criterion, were between 20–30%, which signifies adequate sampling. K-means clustering was performed on the ensemble of structures in the final 2 ns to group structures into clusters according to a RMSD of 12 Å for the low-temperature replica at 280 K and for the high-temperature replica at 330 K. Representative structures with the lowest potential energy were chosen from most populated clusters. Analysis of representative structures was carried out using the MMTSB script package.24
Using the PLUM potential implemented in the open-source CGMD software package Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter (ESPResSo),33,34 the transition temperature of this CG model was validated against experimental and FAMD data by simulating a single SELP molecule in the temperature range of 277 to 330 K with a simulation time of 5 ns each. Using a conservative estimate based on the reported speedup factor,32 5 ns of simulation time corresponds to more than 1 μs of real sampling time of an already extensively equilibrated SELP structure from FAMD. A time step of 1 fs was used and non-bonded interactions were slowly uncapped over 1 ps to minimize structural perturbations upon starting the simulation.
To simulate dityrosine-crosslinked clusters of SE8Y molecules, tyrosine residues that were exposed on the surface of a single SE8Y molecule were determined first in PyMol.35 A surface exposed residue was defined as being within 0.35 nm from the surface of the molecule. Ten SE8Y molecules were then placed one after another in an iterative fashion using Packmol36 and PyMol35 scripts, such that randomly selected surface tyrosine sidechain beads were able to be packed at less than 10 Å to each other without creating overlaps in any of the other beads (see Fig. S2, ESI†). These sidechain beads were then crosslinked by the addition of a harmonic spring potential to mimic bonding. The transition temperature of these crosslinked clusters was determined again in the same manner as for a single SE8Y molecule.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8tb00819a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |