Issue 2, 2025

Metal oxide plating for maximizing the performance of ruthenium(iv) oxide-catalyzed electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction


Hydrogen production by proton exchange membrane water electrolysis requires an anode with low overpotential for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and robustness in acidic solution. While exploring new electrode materials to improve the performance and durability, optimizing the morphology of typical materials using new methods is a big challenge in materials science. RuO2 is one of the most active and stable electrocatalysts, but further improvement in its performance and cost reduction must be achieved for practical use. Herein, we present a novel technology, named “metal oxide plating”, which can provide maximum performances with minimum amount. A uniform single-crystal RuO2 film with thickness of ∼2.5 nm was synthesized by a solvothermal-post heating method at an amount (x) of only 18 μg cm−2 (ST-RuO2(18)//TiO2 NWA). OER stably proceeds on ST-RuO2(18)//TiO2 NWA with ∼100% efficiency to provide a mass-specific activity (MSA) of 341 A gcat−1 at 1.50 V (vs. RHE), exceeding the values for most of the state-of-the-art RuO2 electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Metal oxide plating for maximizing the performance of ruthenium(iv) oxide-catalyzed electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction

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Article information

Article type
08 செப்டம்பர் 2024
14 நவம்பர் 2024
First published
15 நவம்பர் 2024

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 888-895

Metal oxide plating for maximizing the performance of ruthenium(IV) oxide-catalyzed electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction

S. Naya, M. Nagamitsu, H. Sugime, T. Soejima and H. Tada, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 888 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR03678F

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