Electrocatalytic biomass upgrading coupled with hydrogen evolution and CO2 reduction


Clean energy production and CO2 utilization have attracted increasing interest. Electrocatalysis represents an effective way to produce green hydrogen from water and reduce CO2 to valuable compounds. However, for either the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) or the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), the reaction efficiency is significantly limited by the slow kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at the anode, which consumes most of the input energy. Therefore, great efforts have been made to replace the OER with organic oxidation reactions at the anode to decrease the reaction energy barrier. Biomass has an advantage of broad source, and when it is employed as an OER alternative in the anode oxidation reactions, not only can the reduction reaction efficiency at the cathode including the HER and CO2RR be enhanced but high-value chemicals can also be obtained, representing an attractive OER alternative. This review comprehensively summarizes the recent achievements in electrocatalytic biomass upgrading coupled with the HER and CO2RR, cataloged based on the type of biomass. The design of electrocatalysts for such coupled reaction systems is discussed. Finally, the challenges and perspectives in the field of this energy-saving and value-added coupling system are provided to inspire more efforts in pushing forward the development of this field.

Graphical abstract: Electrocatalytic biomass upgrading coupled with hydrogen evolution and CO2 reduction

Article information

Article type
Review Article
26 அக்டோபர் 2024
29 ஜனவரி 2025
First published
31 ஜனவரி 2025

Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article

Electrocatalytic biomass upgrading coupled with hydrogen evolution and CO2 reduction

S. Li, L. Ye, W. Cen and D. Sun, Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04433A

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