Jessica M.
Hallam J. M.
Paul D.
Julia E.
a and
aDiamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Dainton Building, Brook Hill, Sheffield S3 7HF, UK
cInstitute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), 08193 Bellaterra, Spain. E-mail:
First published on 14th February 2024
Coccolithophores are biogeochemically and ecologically important phytoplankton that produce a composite calcium carbonate-based exoskeleton – the coccosphere – comprised of individual platelets, known as coccoliths. Coccoliths are stunning examples of biomineralization; their formation featuring exceptional control over both biomineral chemistry and shape. Understanding how coccoliths are formed requires information about minor element distribution and chemical environment. Here, the first high-resolution 3D synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping of a coccolith is presented, showing that the lopadoliths of Scyphosphaera apsteinii display stripes of different Sr concentration. The presence of Sr stripes is unaffected by elevated Sr in the culture medium, macro-nutrient concentration, and light intensity, indicating that the observed stripiness is an expression of the fundamental coccolith formation process in this species. Current Sr fractionation models, by contrast, predict an even Sr distribution and will have to be modified to account for this stripiness. Additionally, nano-XANES analyses show that Sr resides in a Ca site in the calcite lattice in both high and low Sr stripes, confirming a central assumption of current Sr fractionation models.
Environmental significanceCoccolith composition is commonly used as a proxy for measuring the response of coccolithophores to environmental changes. The presence of coccoliths in the geological record means that proxy measurements can provide information about past climates. The Sr/Ca ratio of coccoliths is the most developed proxy for coccolithophore productivity, but understanding the mechanisms behind this proxy has been limited by the lack of nanoscale information about Sr distribution within individual coccoliths. Here, we use nanoscale XRF and XANES to map Sr and Ca within a coccolith of Scyphosphaera apsteinii, and show that the Sr/Ca ratio is not constant in this species, with Sr residing in the calcite lattice throughout. These observations help inform existing proxy models, and our understanding of coccolith biomineralization in general. |
One specific coccolithophore, Scyphosphaera apsteinii, is of particular interest in this context. This species has two coccolith types, flat muroliths and barrel-shaped lopadoliths (Fig. 1). It has recently been suggested that the lopadoliths of this species show an unexpected gradient of Sr from base to tip.12 A Sr gradient does not directly support a layered growth mechanism but has important implications for biomineralization concepts because it is incompatible with steady state minor element fractionation models that predict an even distribution. Our current models for coccolithophores are such steady state models.13,14 Modification of these models to account for an uneven minor element distribution would mark a major step in understanding biomineralization mechanisms. However, the suggestion that there is a Sr tip to base gradient in lopadoliths comes with a caveat, namely that the conclusion is based on Electron Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) data, which has a limited resolution in relation to coccolith size, and relatively low accuracy when applied to the trace concentrations of Sr present.
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Fig. 1 False colour scanning electron micrograph of a Scyphosphaera apsteinii coccosphere, showing the flat muroliths (blue) and three barrel-shaped lopadoliths (yellow). |
Additionally, these models assume that Sr resides in coccolith calcite, an assumption that has only recently been tested for the placolith bearing species Emiliania huxleyi.15 Although it was shown that Sr resides in E. huxleyi calcite, it is unknown whether this holds for S. apsteinii. There are several important differences between these two species. Firstly, they are phylogenetically distant and might have different minor element fractionation mechanisms.16 Secondly, S. apsteinii has an atypically high Sr/Ca ratio (and Sr partitioning coefficient, DSr) compared to placolith bearing species such as E. huxleyi, Coccolithus braarudii, and Helicosphaera carteri.7,12,17,18 This high Sr/Ca ratio is also observed in C. crassus, the fossil example of uneven Sr distribution.11 Thirdly, S. apsteinii is a dimorphic species featuring disc-shaped muroliths and barrel-shaped lopadoliths that grow from a murolith base extending the wall to form the barrel,19,20 whereas E. huxleyi and other placolith bearing species are limited to one coccolith morphology in their heterococcolith stage. Finally, S. apsteinii lopadoliths have an inner layer of foliate crystals (R units) that do not nucleate on the base plate but have various nucleation points, presumably on the organic material that is located between the individual crystals.19,20 These specific features of S. apsteinii pose the question whether Sr might reside in the organic material between foliate R unit crystals as opposed to the calcite lattice of these crystals. Inorganic precipitation experiments have shown that a DSr as high as 0.38 can be achieved without forming strontianite phases.21 Hence inorganic fractionation could explain the DSr of placolith bearing species, but S. apsteinii displays DSr values of up to 3.7, an order of magnitude above the maximum value that has been achieved in inorganic precipitation experiments.12 The formation of other Sr-rich mineral phases such as strontianite or aragonite is unlikely as previous work has detected only calcite in the powder X-ray diffraction patterns of S. apsteinii coccoliths.17 Therefore, one explanation for this unusually high Sr/Ca ratio could be a substantial fractionation of Sr into organic material.
In this work, we have examined the distribution of Sr within a single lopadolith, using high-resolution synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mapping in three dimensions, alongside 2D XRF imaging to fully characterise the elemental composition of the lopadoliths. In addition, we have determined the environment of Sr in these high DSr coccoliths, using XANES Sr K-edge mapping. These experiments provide vital information for biomineralization models, and further insight into coccolithogenesis in S. apsteinii.
However, the shape of a lopadolith is by its nature different in three dimensions, having a barrel-like shape that is open on the distal side. To fully understand its structure, therefore, tomographic imaging is required. Using XRF tomography at the hard X-ray nanoprobe (I14), we have imaged the elemental composition of an individual lopadolith of S. apsteinii in three-dimensions. Individual 2D XRF projections were taken at a series of angles and the Ca and Sr signals were reconstructed and the volumes combined. Images from the merged volume and slices from the elemental reconstructions are shown in Fig. 2, with further views in Fig. S3 and ESI Video 1.†
These element specific volumes show a number of features, with sufficient resolution to visualise the vertical ridges commonly seen by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of lopadoliths (Fig. 1). There are Sr stripes throughout the 3D structure, showing that fractionation of Sr into the coccolith varies within a single lopadolith growth period. These stripes are unbroken rings around the growth axis of the coccolith (i.e. variations occur in the growth direction). This is a surprising result because the current model of coccolith formation predicts an even distribution of Sr, and only one example of experimental evidence has suggested any kind of concentration gradient.12 Whilst coccolith crystal growth is assumed to resemble inorganic precipitation from an aqueous solution,23 recent high-resolution studies on both cellular and coccolith architecture have added important modifications to this picture.24,25 However, the latter studies also provide new evidence supporting the hypothesis that coccolith crystal growth is controlled by steady state ion fluxes in the coccolith vesicle. This steady state assumption is a central component of Sr fractionation models which consequently predict an even distribution of Sr in coccoliths.13,14 Measurements from a number of techniques for analysing compositional distribution (XRF, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), and nanoSIMS) on Coccolithus braarudii and Watznaueria suggest an even Sr distribution, supporting the model assumption, with only the fossil C. crassus showing any variation.11,26–28 By contrast in S. apsteinii, the XRF data presented here present a challenge to this assumption, showing a difference in Sr/Ca ratios within a single coccolith. As shown in Fig. 2, the XRF data clarify that rather than a Sr/Ca gradient,12 there are stripes of different Sr/Ca ratios throughout the lopadolith. This evidence is important because the mechanisms underlying these two patterns of Sr distribution might be fundamentally different. A banding pattern is reminiscent of the situation in extracellular calcifiers where it corresponds to layered growth.9 Whilst the Sr banding patterns shown here could point to layered growth in S. apsteinii, more work on the growth process and structure of the lopadolith is needed to definitively answer this question. If layered growth was confirmed, this would have far-reaching consequences for our understanding of calcification in general. However, a crucial unanswered question in this context is the nano-structure of coccolith crystals in S. apsteinii. Despite the availability of relevant data in the literature it is still unclear whether coccolith crystals feature an “extracellular-like” nano-structure, a central indicator of layered growth.10 If coccolith crystals did not display an “extracellular-like” nano-structure the stripiness shown here would likely have an origin other than layered growth. Another consideration is the evolution of calcification mechanisms. Since layered growth is present in a range of extracellular calcifiers across the phylogenetic spectrum, e.g. molluscs and foraminifera, it seems to be a highly conserved mechanism, deep-rooted in evolutionary history.29 Therefore, we would expect that, if coccolithophores also feature layered growth, they should do so as a group. Judging from Sr fractionation alone, however, there is reason to believe that S. apsteinii is different from other species, particularly placolith bearing ones. As mentioned above, C. braarudii seems to display an even Sr distribution. A second difference is the partitioning coefficient which is ca. 0.3 in placolith bearing species but an order of magnitude higher in S. apsteinii.12,17 A high Sr partitioning coefficient seems to be a feature of some murolith forming species such as S. apsteinii, Pontosphaera, and the Jurassic C. crassus.11,12,17 It is interesting to note that C. crassus also features an uneven Sr distribution, although not a stripy pattern as in S. apsteinii as shown in this study.11 It is impossible to know whether the mechanisms underpinning the high Sr partitioning coefficient and uneven Sr distribution in the Jurassic C. crassus and the extant S. apsteinii are similar. It is, however, intriguing to speculate that there is some kind of connection between a high Sr partitioning coefficient and an uneven Sr distribution. It will be highly useful to have information about the Sr distribution in other placolith bearing species, phylogenetically both close and distant to S. apsteinii, which would answer the question whether a mechanistic connection between bulk Sr partitioning and distribution is likely.
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Fig. 2 3D volume renderings of the reconstructed 3D XRF data for (a) calcium and (b) strontium signals individually and (c) combined (calcium signal in red, strontium signal in green), showing both the full image of the lopadolith and a cut through along the growth direction. The corresponding reconstruction slices are also shown (d). For additional views and a blue-yellow rendering, refer to Fig. S3 and S4.† An example XRF spectrum from a single pixel is shown in Fig. S5.† |
Assuming for argument's sake that S. apsteinii is special among coccolithophores and that coccolithophores do not feature layered growth of coccoliths, how could we interpret the Sr stripiness (in distinction to “banding” indicating layered growth)? Before we discuss the interpretation of these observations, it is necessary to examine the scale of the Sr variations to show that they are not merely noise, and, in fact, tally well with banding variations in extracellular calcifiers.
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Fig. 3 XRF elemental maps of the lopadolith scanned at a 60 nm resolution with a 0.75 s count time. (a) Calcium counts; (b) strontium counts; (c) composite image of a and b with the Ca signal in red and Sr signal in green, with the growth axis labelled; (d) result of dividing the Sr counts by the Ca counts in each pixel. The 10 μm scale bar applies to all maps. XRF maps are individually normalised from 0–1, the maximum counts per pixel (displayed as white) are given in Table S1.† (e) The value of the Sr counts divided by the Ca counts, and (f) the sum of Ca and Sr counts, as a function of distance along the growth axis. XRF counts are windowed and therefore not corrected for air path, self absorption or energy differences. Example raw XRF spectrum from a single pixel is available in Fig. S6.† |
The measured Sr and Ca XRF counts have not been corrected for factors such as air path to the detector or cross-section differences due to the energy used (18 keV). The structure is hollow, with small slowly varying thickness variations of ±10% as can be seen from the slices and Ca profile in Fig. 3a and f. Self-absorption of the Ca signal is therefore considered as broadly consistent effect. The ratio of Sr counts/Ca counts between regions can therefore be compared in a relative sense within each lopadolith (Fig. 3e) but the ratio within a specific region is not a quantitative measurement. A differential phase contrast (DPC) image of the same coccolith measured simultaneously shows how the density varies, which is largely reflective of the Ca signal (Fig. S1†). The DPC image also confirms the increase in Ca signal at the rim is due to an increase in thickness.
Using these graphs (Fig. 3e and f), and the approximation that the ratio of Sr counts/Ca counts is proportional to the molar Sr/Ca ratio, we can see that the increase in the relative Sr/Ca ratio between the rim and the highest Sr ‘stripe’ is almost 2.5 times the value of the rim. The central stripe of low Sr has a Sr/Ca count ratio of approx. 0.7 times less than that of the highest Sr/Ca ratio region. In the bivalve Arctica islandica, Sr/Ca varies by a factor of 1.3–1.6 along a shell transect.30 Hence the Sr variation due to stripes in S. apsteinii is similar in scale to the one due to banding in A. islandica.
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Fig. 4 2D XRF images of lopadoliths from different cultures, showing the Ca and Sr signals individually and combined. (Ca – red, Sr – green). White arrows show rings of high Sr and red arrows rings of low Sr regions. Blue arrows show the low Sr rim at the top. These were grown at (A) Diamond Light Source and (B) and (C) Marine Biological Association, Plymouth. Count times and step sizes varied between 0.15 s at 50 nm step (C), 0.5 s at 100 nm step (A) and 1 s at 50 nm step (B) XRF maps are individually normalised from 0–1, the maximum counts per pixel (displayed as white) are given in Table S1.† An additional coccolith image and alternative colour scheme images for the bottom row are given in Fig. S9.† |
These 2D maps revealed that stripiness of some kind is present across individuals, but that the pattern varies in width and/or number of stripes, and their position. These coccoliths represent specimens from cultures grown in two separate locations from different starter cultures, demonstrating that Sr stripiness is not unique to a specific culture or culturing method.
Some features are consistent, a band of higher concentration Sr (white arrows) or a band of lower concentration Sr (red arrows) is generally seen, although these vary in size and position. However, in every lopadolith there is a low Sr rim (blue arrows, bottom row) at the top of the barrel shape which is found in each example measured. This suggests this is a key requirement for the lopadolith growth, that is likely directed as part of the biomineralization process. Previous work12 has reported that the Sr concentration is less at the top of the coccolith which we confirm here, but the XRF evidence shows this is limited to a small rim only. Potential causes of this variation between specimens is discussed in a later section.
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Fig. 5 2D XRF images of lopadoliths from cultures grown in media at higher than ambient Sr concentrations: 720 μM (top, a–h) and 360 μM Sr (bottom, i–p) rows represent different lopadoliths and contain a map of Ca counts, a map of Sr counts, a composite image with Ca signal in red and Sr signal in green, and a map showing the result of dividing the Sr counts by the Ca counts per pixel. Maps were collected at a count time of 0.05 s per pixel. The 10 μm scale bar applies to all images. XRF maps are individually normalised from 0–1, the maximum counts per pixel (displayed as white) are given in Table S1.† Alternative colour scheme images for (c, g, k, and o) can be found in Fig. S10.† |
The direction of crystal growth has also been postulated to be a contributing factor to Sr2+ incorporation, however, there are contradicting reports regarding whether the R or V unit growth direction most favours Sr2+ incorporation, and this alone is unlikely to lead to the striped pattern observed.11,17 In the specimen imaged in 3D, the base of the coccolith also contains variations, which match the height of the stripes in the side walls (Fig. S3†). This would suggest these regions are growing at the same time, and, as the base region has a different crystal organisation, would be evidence against specific crystal growth directions being the main contributing factor.
A further mechanism to consider is variations in ion transport, which lead to changes in the intracellular environment during the growth period. Virtually all eukaryotic cells use a suite of ion-conducting proteins including channels and ATP-driven transporters.34,35 It can safely be assumed that all Ca transporting proteins will transport Sr too, but the Sr fractionation factor will vary between different proteins.8,33 These Sr fractionation factors are unknown for coccolithophores. It has been emphasized recently that C. braarudii alone possesses three different Ca channels of unknown Sr fractionation.8 The overall Sr fractionation into coccoliths then depends on the relative ion fluxes of these transport proteins. Slight changes in, for example, plasma membrane voltages can change the relative fluxes of voltage-gated Ca channels, and could solely be responsible for Sr stripes in S. apsteinii. Further understanding of coccolithogenesis and cellular processes in coccolithophores is required to answer these questions. However, the low Sr rim (Fig. 4, blue arrows) is consistent in every specimen, which suggests that, regardless of the cause of intermediary stripes, there might be an additional stripe-generating mechanism that is tightly linked to the finalization of lopadolith formation. This suggests that the low Sr rim is coupled to some essential process at the end of calcification, whereas the other stripes are not necessarily related to specific morphological features, and as shown in Fig. 5, unrelated to the media [Sr]. This essential process could be the- still enigmatic- “stop signal” of coccolith growth.36 It could also point to a slowing down of crystal growth rate, which is positively correlated to Sr/Ca.37,38 It is also possible that a special type of CAP is used to terminate coccolith crystal growth. This “termination-CAP” could introduce a different Sr fractionation in one of three ways as discussed by Meyer et al. (2020).12 One option is that Sr resides partly in CAP, and that different CAPs have different Sr partitioning coefficients. In order to explore this option, we conducted X-ray absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) mapping.
Fig. 6B shows the Sr XRF map of the transect at a beam energy of 16.2 keV (i.e. above the Sr K-edge). We selected two regions of interest (ROIs), one in the high Sr region, and one in the low Sr region, and summed across all the pixels in each ROI to produce an average XANES spectra for each region (Fig. 6C). Both regions showed a XANES spectra similar to that of Sr in calcite, with a characteristic near-edge second peak (Fig. 6D) suggesting the Sr is in a calcium site within the calcite lattice. This confirms that despite the spatial variation in Sr concentration, and the high Sr/Ca ratio observed in this species, the Sr environment appears to consistently resemble Sr within the mineral calcite phase in a Ca site,40 as opposed to containment within organic phases or other mineral phases.
While this result rules out one of the possible ways in which CAP could alter Sr fractionation,12 there is a more profound significance here. The fact that Sr resides in calcite despite the variation in Sr/Ca ratio, and the overall high Sr content of S. apsteinii,12,17 confirms a central assumption of Sr fractionation models. These conceptual models assume that an important part of the overall fractionation process is the incorporation of Sr into the calcite lattice in a calcium site.13,14 The first process-based minor element fractionation models that were developed for marine calcifiers explained the fractionation solely in terms of inorganic precipitation from seawater; only later were biological fractionation steps added.8,41 These biological fractionation steps have been recognised as essential in explanations of Sr fractionation into coccoliths.13,18 The localization of Sr in a calcium site of the calcite lattice (Fig. 6) implies that Sr fractionation into lopadoliths of S. apsteinii requires a coccolith vesicle Sr/Ca ratio that is substantially higher than the one of placolith bearing species such as E. huxleyi and C. braarudii.12,13,17,21 Further studies investigating the differences in Sr fractionation between S. apsteinii and placolith bearing species are clearly warranted.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |