Kien-Cuong Phamab,
David S. McPhailc,
Andrew T. S. Weead and
Daniel H. C. Chua*e
aNUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS), National University of Singapore, 28 Medical Drive, Singapore 117456, Singapore. E-mail:
bDepartment of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK
cDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Dallas, TX 75080-3021, USA. E-mail:
dDepartment of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542, Singapore. E-mail:
eDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore. E-mail:; Fax: +65-6776-3604; Tel: +65-6516-8933
First published on 20th January 2017
Herein, we report the application of amorphous molybdenum sulfide (MoSx, x ≈ 3) as the main active material for supercapacitor electrodes. MoSx was deposited at room temperature onto a high specific surface area electrode made of graphene–carbon nanotube hybrids directly grown on carbon paper (GCNT/CP), using an electrochemical deposition method. The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode showed high specific capacitance. A gravimetric specific capacitance of 414 F g−1 was demonstrated at a constant discharge rate of 0.67 A g−1. The deposition of MoSx onto a conductive, high surface area support played a crucial role for a high specific capacitance. An up to 4.5-fold enhancement in specific capacitance was demonstrated when MoSx was deposited on GCNT/CP as compared to MoSx deposited on a simple carbon paper support. The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode is suggested to be a novel candidate for supercapacitor applications.
Amorphous molybdenum sulfide (MoSx) possesses many advantageous merits that can warrant further attention. In supercapacitors, charge storage in crystalline MoS2 can occur via the double layer charging on the external surface of the material or via the diffusion of ions into the inter-layer space of MoS2.14,17,18 The diffusion of ions into the inter-layer space occurs through the open edge sites of MoS2, due to the anisotropic layered structure of crystalline MoS2. Naturally occurring crystalline MoS2 has a layered crystal structure similar to graphite. To enhance this diffusion process, Soon and Loh strategically oriented the open edge planes of MoS2 to maximize the availability of these “entry” sites.14 In contrast, the amorphous form of materials generally has more open and isotropic atomic structures.24 The diffusion of ions in MoSx is therefore not limited by the availability of edge sites. The diffusion of ions may happen throughout the entire material surface. The diffusion coefficient of ions (e.g. lithium) in MoSx was found to be several orders of magnitude higher than that in crystalline MoS2.24,25 The electrical conductivity of MoSx was also found to be two orders of magnitude higher than that of crystalline MoS2.24 The higher electronic conductivity of MoSx is beneficial for a better supercapacitive performance. Furthermore, in layered materials such as graphene and MoS2, it was suggested that edge sites and defect sites in the material structures were more electro-active than the basal plane atoms and can enhance electrode capacitance.26 MoSx intrinsically contains abundance of defect sites. The contribution of defect sites in MoSx to the total capacitance is non-trivial and deserves further attention. As an additional advantage, MoSx syntheses can be routinely done at ambient temperature using wet chemical syntheses27,28 or electrodeposition methods,29,30 in contrast to the higher temperature syntheses of crystalline MoS2. Herein, we investigate molybdenum sulfide in its amorphous form as the main active supercapacitor material.
Although molybdenum sulfide materials potentially have higher specific capacitance than graphite, they are generally less electronically conductive than graphitic materials.3 The poor electronic conductivity of molybdenum sulfide could result in low material utilization and poor high-discharge-rate performance. Depositing MoSx on a high surface area conductive support can be an effective approach to enhance the electron transport between the active material and the current collector, and therefore maximize the electrode capacitance.
In our previous studies, we reported a hierarchical electrode structure of graphene–carbon nanotube hybrids grown directly on carbon paper (GCNT/CP).31–35 In this structure, CNTs were firstly grown on Toray carbon paper, and free-standing graphene was then grown directly on CNT scaffolds. The electrode had an integrated, binder-free, high specific surface area, and conductive structure. MoSx was also successfully deposited on the GCNT/CP support for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) application in our previous study, reporting one of the most active molybdenum sulfide-based HER catalysts to date.33 Herein, the supercapacitive properties of MoSx and specific capacitance enhancement effects of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode will be reported.
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Fig. 1 Morphological characterization with FE-SEM of (a) the GCNT/CP support, and (b) the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode. (c) Schematic illustration of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode structure. |
The chemical state of MoSx was assessed with XPS. Fig. 2a shows the high resolution XPS scan in the S 2p region of spectrum. The spectrum was deconvoluted into two doublets. The S(A) 2p doublet at Binding Energy (BE) of 162.9–164.1 eV was assigned to apical S2− or bridging S22−.36 The S(B) 2p doublet at BE of 161.4–162.6 eV was assigned to basal plane S2− or terminal S22−.36 Fig. 2b shows the high resolution XPS scan in the Mo 3d–S 2s region. The spectrum was deconvoluted into four peak sets, including two S 2s peaks at BE of 227.3 and 226.1 eV, corresponding to the respective S(A) and S(B) chemical states, a Mo(A) 3d doublet at BE of 231.85–235.0 eV, and a Mo(B) 3d doublet at BE of 229.3–232.45 eV. The Mo(A) doublet was attributed to Mo5+ chemical state28 or Mo4+ as in molybdenum oxysulfide MoSxOy.30,37 The Mo(B) doublet was attributed to Mo4+ as in MoS2 or MoS3.37 Both Mo and S appeared in mixed chemical states and in good agreement with reported XPS spectra of amorphous MoS3.36 As opposed to the XPS spectra of MoSx/GCNT/CP, typical XPS spectra of crystalline MoS2 only show Mo(B) and S(B) chemical states. Using XPS spectra of crystalline MoS2 as references, the stoichiometry of MoSx was found as Mo:
S = 1
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Fig. 2 Chemical analysis of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode with XPS in (a) S 2p, and (b) Mo 3d–S 2s regions. |
The amorphous nature of MoSx was further examined with Raman spectroscopy and XRD. Fig. 3a shows the Raman spectrum of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode. As opposed to crystalline MoS2 of which the Raman spectrum typically shows characteristic peaks E12g and A1g, the Raman spectrum of the as-deposited MoSx showed broad peaks with Raman shift of between 200 and 1000 cm−1. The spectrum was in good agreement with previously reported Raman spectra of amorphous molybdenum sulfide materials.36,38,39 The Raman peaks at ∼550 and ∼520 cm−1 were assigned to the vibration modes of bridging S22− (ν(S–S)br) and terminal S22− (ν(S–S)t), respectively.39 The Raman peaks at ∼270–380 cm−1 and ∼445 cm−1 were assigned to molybdenum sulfide vibration modes of ν(Mo–S) and ν(Mo3–μ3S), respectively.39 The pronounced vibration modes of bridging and terminal S22− as well as apical sulfide center were characteristic for the amorphous nature of the as-deposited MoSx. The Raman peaks at ∼800–950 cm−1 was assigned to molybdenum oxide defects,39 suggesting the possible presence of molybdenum oxysulfide MoSxOy. The possible presence of MoSxOy was also evident by the Mo(A) state in the XPS analysis. To further probe the amorphous nature of MoSx, XRD measurements were performed on the GCNT/CP and MoSx/GCNT/CP electrodes. The resulting XRD spectra are shown in Fig. 3b. Both spectra showed sharp and strong characteristic peaks of graphitic carbon (002) plane, and therefore indicated the high crystallinity of the GCNT/CP support. The XRD spectrum of MoSx/GCNT/CP did not show any strong additional characteristic peaks that could otherwise suggest the presence of crystalline MoS2, except very weak and broad diffraction bands of 2θ from 10° to 20° and from 30° to 40°. The XRD result further indicated the amorphous nature of the deposited MoSx.
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Fig. 3 Crystallinity analyses of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode with (a) Raman spectroscopy, and (b) XRD. |
The gravimetric specific capacitance of electrodes was calculated as following:
The calculated Cs of electrodes based on cyclic voltammetry are summarized in Fig. 4b. The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode demonstrated a capacitance of 194 F g−1 at the scan rate of 10 mV s−1 and retained a capacitance of 111 F g−1 at a high scan rate of 100 mV s−1. The capacitive contribution from the GCNT/CP support to the total capacitance of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode was minimal (e.g. 8.2 F g−1 at the scan rate of 10 mV s−1). MoSx/carbon paper showed much lower capacitance than that of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode. MoSx/carbon paper showed a capacitance of 91 F g−1 at the scan rate of 10 mV s−1 and a capacitance of 40 F g−1 at the scan rate of 100 mV s−1. The reported capacitance values were 2–3 times lower than those of the MoSx deposited on the high surface area GCNT/CP support. In this work, both MoSx/GCNT/CP and MoSx/carbon paper samples were prepared using the same MoSx deposition protocol. As such, the specific capacitance enhancement in the MoSx/GCNT/CP as compared to MoSx/carbon paper was attributed to the enhanced dispersion of MoSx, better access to the electrolyte, and more efficient electron transport, resulted from a much higher specific surface area of the GCNT/CP support. Comparisons of the specific surface area of GCNT/CP and carbon paper supports have been reported in detail in our previous work.33 As reported in our previous work, the GCNT/CP support had ≈50 times higher roughness factor (the ratio between the microscopic extended surface area and the electrode projected surface area) compared to the simple carbon paper support.33 The deposition of MoSx on a high surface area conductive support demonstrated this to be an effective method to enhance the electrode capacitance.
The specific capacitance of MoSx can also be characterized with galvanostatic charge/discharge curves, as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5a shows the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode, measured at different charge/discharge rates from 0.67 to 16.7 A g−1. The charge/discharge curves were quasi-triangular at the low charge/discharge rate of 0.67 A g−1 and became more symmetric and triangular at higher charge/discharge rates. The gravimetric specific discharge capacitance of MoSx/GCNT/CP based on the charge/discharge curves was calculated as following:
The calculated Cs of electrodes based on galvanostatic charge/discharge curves are summarized in Fig. 5b. The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode demonstrated a remarkable discharge capacitance of 414 F g−1 at the discharge rate of 0.67 A g−1. The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode retained a high discharge capacitance of 116 F g−1 even at a high discharge rate of 16.7 A g−1. Similar to the cyclic voltammetry experiments, the MoSx/carbon paper electrode once again showed much lower specific capacitance than that of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode, with Cs of 140 and 26 F g−1 at discharge rates of 0.67 and 16.7 A g−1, respectively. A 3–4.5 fold enhancement factor in specific capacitance was demonstrated by MoSx/GCNT/CP as compared to MoSx/carbon paper. The strongly enhanced specific capacitance of MoSx when being deposited on a high surface area support was once again demonstrated through the galvanostatic charge/discharge experiments.
With the specific capacitance of 414 F g−1 obtained at the discharge rate of 0.67 A g−1, the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode demonstrated a significant improvement in specific capacitance over that of carbon-based supercapacitor electrode materials.40,41 Although the demonstrated capacitance was lower than the best-in-class capacitance demonstrated by hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO2·xH2O),42,43 MoSx has the advantages of low material cost and simple room-temperature synthesis. The high cost of precious metal in RuO2 has been preventing the material from practical applications despite the high supercapacitive performance. Fig. 5c shows a comparison of discharge capacitance of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode with examples of crystalline MoS2-based electrode materials reported in the literature, including MoS2/graphene,17 porous tubular carbon/MoS2,13 MoS2/carbon composite,44 and flower-like MoS2 nanospheres.45 The MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode consistently showed better high-discharge-rate capacitance than the crystalline MoS2 materials, in which their capacitances decreased rapidly at higher discharge current densities. The higher capacitance at high discharge rates of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode could be due to the faster ion diffusion in MoSx as compared to crystalline MoS2 and/or the good electron and electrolytic ion transport in the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode.
Table 1 provides a comparison for the specific capacitance of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode against other representative supercapacitor materials reported in the literature. Due to the large variety of specific material approaches, the specific capacitance of materials other than MoSx and MoS2-based materials were presented by the typical range of specific capacitance reported in the literature.
Electrode material | Typical range of specific capacitance (F g−1) | References |
Activated carbon | 115–340 | 46–48 |
Purified CNTs | 20–80 | 49 and 50 |
Graphene, reduced graphene oxide | 135–205 | 2 and 51 |
Hydrous RuO2 | 720–1300 | 42 and 52–54 |
MnO2 | 195–350 | 55–57 |
Conductive polymers | 230–1030 | 58–63 |
MoSx/GCNT/CP | 414 (at 0.67 A g−1) | This study |
MoS2/graphene | 243 (at 1 A g−1) | 17 |
Porous tubular carbon/MoS2 | 250 (at 0.5 A g−1) | 13 |
MoS2/carbon | 195 (at 0.54 A g−1) | 44 |
Flower-like MoS2 | 122 (at 1 A g−1) | 45 |
1T-MoS2 | ∼100 (at 20 mV s−1) | 12 |
Coulombic efficiency during charge/discharge cycles of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode started at relatively modest values of between 77% and 87%—depending on the charge/discharge rate—in the first charge/discharge cycle. However, the coulombic efficiency of the electrode quickly reached above 97% after 10 charge/discharge cycles, and above 99% after 25 charge/discharge cycles at 5 A g−1.
For a better understanding of the electrode interfacial properties, EIS was performed at −0.1 V vs. SHE. EIS spectra of the MoSx/GCNT/CP and MoSx/carbon paper electrodes were analyzed with equivalent circuit fitting. The EIS spectra and fitting curves of the electrodes are shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6a and b show the EIS spectra and fitting curves presented in Nyquist plot and Bode plots, respectively. The Nyquist plots of the MoSx/GCNT/CP and MoSx/carbon paper electrodes showed nearly vertical curves, which suggested nearly idealistic capacitive behaviors of the electrodes. The equivalent circuit used for all fittings is presented in Fig. 6c. In this circuit, Lcab represents a parasitic inductance due to connecting cables or instruments. A minor inductive response was observed at the high frequency of ∼104 Hz. Rohm represents the ohmic resistance contributed by the uncompensated electrolyte resistance and internal resistance of electrode. Rcon and Ccon represent contact resistance and contact capacitance, respectively. The contact resistance and contact capacitance account for the small arc at high frequency range of ∼103 Hz. Rct, W, and CPEdl represent the charge transfer resistance, Warburg diffusion impedance, and electrical double layer capacitance constant phase element, respectively. RL and CPEps are leak resistance and pseudo-capacitance constant phase element, respectively. Equivalent circuit fitting results showed that MoSx/GCNT/CP demonstrated a much faster charge transfer kinetic (Rct = 0.352 Ω cm2) as compared to MoSx deposited on carbon paper (Rct = 4.850 Ω cm2). The enhancement in charge transfer kinetic (13.8 times smaller Rct) was most likely attributed to the effective material dispersion and efficient electron transport towards MoSx provided by the GCNT/CP support. Similar enhancement in kinetic was also demonstrated in the HER application of these materials.33 The equivalent pseudo-capacitance CPEps of MoSx/GCNT/CP (157 F g−1) was almost twice that of MoSx/carbon paper (80 F g−1).
Beside a high capacitance, the electrochemical stability of supercapacitor electrode materials is also of great interest. The stability of the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode was evaluated by a degradation test performed with 500 galvanostatic charge/discharge cycles at a high charge/discharge current density of 5 A g−1. The degradation of the electrode discharge capacitance during the degradation test is reported in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 shows that the discharge capacitance of the electrode slowly degraded during the test with an 80% retention of capacitance after 500 charge/discharge cycles. It should be noted that the degradation test was performed at a high charge/discharge rate of 5 A g−1. A high charge/discharge current can potentially degrade the electrode faster than a slow charge/discharge rate due to the quick ion insertion into and extraction from the electrode active materials. Capacitance degradation is commonly found in pseudo-capacitive active materials. Although further optimizations of the electrode will need to be pursued, we consider an 80% capacitance retention at a high charge/discharge rate of 5 A g−1 a good electrochemical stability demonstrated by the MoSx/GCNT/CP electrode.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |