Issue 40, 2024

Purely organic-derived polymeric magnets: a brief review on polyradicals with intrinsic magnetism


Since the discovery of the ferromagnetic properties of polyBIPO, the intrinsic magnetism of pure organic-derived polyradicals has garnered significant attention. In contrast to known magnetic coordination polymers, the magnetism in polyradicals arises from unpaired electrons within the radicals rather than metal ions. Through π-conjugation, a stabilized high-spin state among the plural unpaired electrons can be achieved based on an intramolecular and strong through-bond spin-exchange interaction. In this paper, we review the progress in magnetic polyradicals by categorizing them into main chain and pendant types and discussing different main chains and pendant radicals. Simultaneously, we describe the advantages and limitations of these two types and provide prospects for the development of magnetic polyradicals.

Graphical abstract: Purely organic-derived polymeric magnets: a brief review on polyradicals with intrinsic magnetism

Article information

Article type
23 jun 2024
08 set 2024
First published
19 set 2024

Polym. Chem., 2024,15, 4054-4062

Purely organic-derived polymeric magnets: a brief review on polyradicals with intrinsic magnetism

G. Hu, M. Chen, H. Hu, H. Zhang, J. Z. Sun and B. Z. Tang, Polym. Chem., 2024, 15, 4054 DOI: 10.1039/D4PY00694A

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