Issue 48, 2024

Enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution: optimized atomic hydrogen desorption via free-electron transfer in sulfur-rich MoWS2+x on vacancy-engineered CdS crystals


The hydrogen evolution capacity of MoS2 is impeded by its intrinsically highly electronegative sulfur sites, which firmly bind absorbed atomic H through S–Hads bonds and subsequently diminish H2 release. Designing effective surface-active sites to optimize atomic hydrogen activation and desorption for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in water, while also expanding near-infrared (NIR) light responsiveness, remains a significant challenge. We have developed complexes of sulfur vacancy (Sv) enriched CdSv capped with W-modified MoS2+x (MoWS2+x) through an in situ substitution approach, followed by a photoreduction reaction. The bimetallic MoWS2+x cocatalyst not only increases the density of unsaturated coordinating S active sites but also attenuates the strength of the S–Hads bond. The optimized MoWS2+x/CdSv hybrid shows synergistic improvement of atomic H activation and desorption for the solar-driven HER, achieving the highest recorded H2-evolution rate of 9166.13 μmol g−1 h−1 under visible light (λ ≥ 420 nm), which marks a substantial improvement (greater than 750%), and an apparent quantum yield of 19.13%. Remarkably, the target photocatalyst, which is abundant in sulfur vacancies within its CdSv component, also achieves H2 production driven by NIR light beyond 780 nm, with a H2 evolution rate of 1326.82 μmol g−1 h−1. Comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigations corroborate that the existence of unsaturated coordinated S sites mitigates the strength of S–Hads bonds, resulting in the high driving force of H2 bubble release from water and long-lived active charge carriers. In this paper, we constructed visible light and NIR-active photocatalysts successfully for hydrogen production, highlighting the synergetic effects within this unique system. Additionally, the photo-behaviors of charge carriers have been investigated by ultra-fast spectroscopic techniques to gain a deeper understanding of the interfacial charge transfer kinetics. This study provides valuable insights into the development and optimization of photocatalysts that are responsive to both NIR and visible light, paving the way for more efficient solar-driven applications.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution: optimized atomic hydrogen desorption via free-electron transfer in sulfur-rich MoWS2+x on vacancy-engineered CdS crystals

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Article information

Article type
14 set 2024
06 nov 2024
First published
08 nov 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 33581-33594

Enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution: optimized atomic hydrogen desorption via free-electron transfer in sulfur-rich MoWS2+x on vacancy-engineered CdS crystals

R. Fei, J. Zhao, H. Wang, H. Lin, K. Xu, G. Zeng, W. Wang and Z. Yan, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 33581 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06559J

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