Issue 42, 2016

Heterodimers of heterometallic rings


Nine new complexes are reported involving linked heterometallic rings; one ring is designed as a ligand for the second, and the compounds produced can be regarded as molecular prototypes for implementing quantum gates featuring two subtly different qubits.

Graphical abstract: Heterodimers of heterometallic rings

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Article information

Article type
16 mai 2016
21 jul 2016
First published
21 jul 2016

Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 16610-16615

Heterodimers of heterometallic rings

G. Timco, S. Marocchi, E. Garlatti, C. Barker, M. Albring, V. Bellini, F. Manghi, E. J. L. McInnes, R. G. Pritchard, F. Tuna, W. Wernsdorfer, G. Lorusso, G. Amoretti, S. Carretta, M. Affronte and R. E. P. Winpenny, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 16610 DOI: 10.1039/C6DT01941B

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