Materials Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Professor Dr Wee-Jun Ong, Center of Excellence for NaNo Energy & Catalysis Technology (CONNECT), Xiamen University, Malaysia

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Wee-Jun Ong received his BEng and PhD in chemical engineering from Monash University. He is a Professor and Assistant Dean in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia. Starting from 2021, he serves as the Director of Center of Excellence for NaNo Energy & Catalysis Technology (CONNECT). Previously, he was a scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore. In 2019, he was a visiting scientist at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany and a visiting professor at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. His research interests include designing hybrid nanomaterials for photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic, and electrochemical H2O splitting, CO2 reduction, H2O2 synthesis, N2 fixation and organic synthesis as well as microwave plasma methane cracking. He has been honoured with the Global Highly Cited Research Award in the field of “Cross-Field” by Clarivate Analytics for consecutive 5 years starting in 2019. For more details, refer to

Read Wee-Jun Ong's Emerging Investigator Series article ‘Isotype heterojunction: tuning the heptazine/triazine phase of crystalline nitrogen-rich C 3 N 5 towards multifunctional photocatalytic applications’ ( ) and read more about him in the interview below:

MH: Your recent Materials Horizons Communication employed a one-step molten salt calcination method to prepare novel N-rich crystalline C 3 N 5 and elucidated the effect of calcination temperature on the heptazine/triazine phase. How has your research evolved from your first article to this most recent article and where do you see your research going in future?

WJO: I have been working in the field of carbon-based nanostructures for nanocatalysis for many years. Occasionally, I would call myself a “Carbon Prof”, with my past experience of over 10 years to date. I started working on graphitic carbon nitride in 2013, with one of my highlights being publishing an invited review in Chemical Reviews. Since then, my team has explored diverse allotropic forms of carbon nitride, which has been an enlightening experience. As a materials researcher, the quest for novel carbon nanomaterials is paramount to driving advancements in science and technology. Therefore, I believe that this invited article will be beneficial towards structural engineering of 2D carbon nanomaterials. All in all, I aspire for my research to encompass both fundamental mechanistic studies and the development of systems tailored for large-scale energy applications. This involves addressing additional factors such as chemical stability, cost considerations, and expertise in reactor engineering.

MH: What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment?

WJO: The transition from fundamental science towards pilot-scale projects for green energy. At present, under my directorship of the Center of Excellence for NaNo Energy & Catalysis Technology (CONNECT), we are working closely with industry and ministries in Malaysia toward advancing our research results obtained from the research laboratory to the pilot-scale. This aligns closely with our roadmap in Malaysia, namely the Hydrogen Economy and Technology Roadmap (HETR). The application of fundamental research to real-world, commercial projects, such as simultaneous hydrogen generation and CO2 conversion with fine chemical synthesis, as well as the utilization of continuous flow reactors, reflects the potential for scientific advancements to address practical and sustainable energy solutions. Hence, it has been a great joy of me to watch more fundamental works be adapted to more commercial applications. As such, my research center at Xiamen University Malaysia maintains between fundamental and large-scale photo(electro)chemical reactions as well as nanomaterials synthesis, hence contributing to a systematic approach in advancing green energy technologies.

MH: In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

WJO: In my opinion, researchers often strive to address fundamental questions that push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to the advancement of the field for potential commercialization and scalability. In light of that, mechanistic studies are integral towards building our foundational shift towards the commercial scale in the context of my research field (photocatalysis and electrocatalysis). For example, how do certain modification methods affect the physico-chemical properties of nanocatalysts, as well as the reaction mechanism of various photo(electro)catalytic applications? Although time-consuming, these topics should be well-understood in order to create the most optimal system for the future. Apart from materials science, reaction engineering is of critical importance towards optimizing the conditions for the best productivity. Several primary considerations when determining important questions in the research area of energy and nanocatalysis include:

1. Relevance: How does the research question address current gaps in understanding or contribute to solving real-world problems in the realm of energy and catalysis?

2. Innovation: Does the research question promote innovation and exploration of emerging ideas and technologies?

3. Impact: What could be the potential impact of the advancement of new technology in photocatalysis and electrocatalysis?

MH: What do you find most challenging about your research?

WJO: The most challenging aspects of scientific research encompass both obtaining research grants and coordinating a research team. Securing research grants demands the creation of persuasive proposals that align with funding priorities, demonstrating the potential impact and feasibility of the research. All researchers often face challenges in effectively showcasing the potential impact of their work, building a strong research team, and justifying budgetary needs. On the other hand, coordinating a research team involves effective communication, task delegation, and fostering collaboration, all of which require strong leadership and interpersonal skills. Balancing the demands of grant applications and team coordination adds complexity to the research process, requiring researchers to adeptly manage both financial and human resources in scientific research.

MH: In which upcoming conferences or events may our readers meet you?

WJO: The tentative upcoming event that I will be attending is 2024 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring/Fall Meeting.

MH: How do you spend your spare time?

WJO: In my spare time, I enjoy a variety of activities. One of my favorite ways to unwind is by traveling. Exploring new places, whether it's a nearby city or a distant destination, allows me to immerse myself in different cultures and experiences. Additionally, I find watching TV to be a great source of entertainment. Whether it's catching up on my favorite TV shows or discovering new movies, it's a relaxing way for me to unwind. Lastly, I have a deep appreciation for music, and I often spend my spare time listening to a diverse range of genres.

MH: Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

WJO: One important piece of advice I can give is to not be discouraged by failure, and see it as redirection towards better avenues. The scientific landscape is dynamic, and you may encounter setbacks or changes in research direction. Developing resilience and the ability to adapt to new situations is essential for long-term success. Besides that, networking with other researchers from diverse disciplines will be extremely beneficial for the exchange of new ideas that inspire you in your projects. Another key aspect is to learn how to effectively plan, execute, and manage research projects. Obtaining research grants is a crucial aspect of a young scientist's career, as it provides the necessary funding to carry out research projects and advance their scientific endeavors. Hence, it is vital to set realistic timelines, allocating resources efficiently, and adapting to unexpected challenges. Lastly, remember that a well-rounded skill set can make you stand out in a competitive job market and enhance your ability to tackle a variety of challenges in your scientific career.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024