Mohammad Mahdi
*d and
aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland
bDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
cDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 14588 Tehran, Iran
dAdolphe Merkle Institute, Chemins des Verdiers 4, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. E-mail: michael.saliba@unifr.ch
eInorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, UK
fDepartment of Solar Energy, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar-382 007, Gujarat, India. E-mail: Pankaj.yadav@sse.pdpu.ac.in; pankajphd11@gmail.com
First published on 6th August 2018
The identification of recombination centers in perovskite solar cells is highly challenging. Here, we demonstrate the red and blue excitation wavelength resolved impedance response in state-of-the-art perovskite solar cells (PSCs) providing insights into charge recombination and ion accumulation. To get insight into the interfacial electronic characteristics, we fabricated PSCs with a planar architecture containing state-of-the-art triple-cation perovskite materials as absorber layers. The capacitance–frequency response under various blue and red illumination conditions were used to investigate interfacial charge accumulations and found that under high energy photons irradiation maximum charge or ion accumulations at interface (ETL/perovskite) take place. Ideality factor of PSCs was also calculated from the obtained value of high frequency resistance equaling 2.1 and 1.8 for devices measured under blue and red excitation wavelength, respectively. Our study illustrates that EIS measurements at different excitation wavelengths, reveals information about charge or ion accumulation and also provides a tool to diagnose PSCs in a more localized way.
In this work, shedding more light on these observations, we report on the influence of red and blue excitation on PSCs characteristics using electrochemical impedance spectroscopical (EIS) analysis. To study the interfacial electronic characteristics, we fabricated PSCs with a planar architecture containing state-of-the-art triple-cation perovskite materials as absorber layers. Next, the capacitance–frequency analyses under blue and red illumination conditions were used to investigate interfacial charge accumulations. Our study illustrates that EIS measurements at different excitation wavelengths, reveals information about charge or ion accumulation and also provides a tool to diagnose PSCs in a more localized way.
EIS spectra of PSCs were measured as a function of applied bias (0–1.1 V) in the frequency range of 100 kHz to 200 mHz with a perturbation voltage of 20 mV under blue and red light illuminations. Fig. 1b shows the typical EIS spectra as measured under white light as a function of light intensity (50 to 100 mW cm−2). The EIS spectra show two relaxation time with a transition frequency of 320 to 335 Hz range. We observed a decrease in the semicircle arc (for low and high frequency), with increase in illumination intensity. The resistive and capacitive elements associated with the bulk and interfaces of the device are obtained by the theoretical fitting of experimental data using electrical equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 1c.21 The electrical circuit consists of series resistance (Rs), due to gold and FTO contacts. The high frequency spectra are fitted by R1 and constant phase element CPE1. The R1 can define the leakage current resistance in low forward bias, whereas it can also give information of recombination phenomena in case if it can satisfy the bias dependence criteria, generally found at high forward bias.21 CPE1 is due to the geometrical capacitance of PSCs. The low frequency spectra are fitted by R2 and CPE2, which are defined as recombination resistance and accumulation capacitance due to ions or charge accumulation processes, respectively. The CPE element is defined as ZCPE = Q/(jW)n where w is angular frequency, n is the exponent having a value in between 0 to 1.
In literature various electronic equivalent circuits were proposed over time with several modifications.17,21 These modifications were justified in literature by an improved understanding of the perovskite material itself and a better understanding of the general device physics. We found that the EIS measurements under illumination are more close to the finding of our J–V characteristics.
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Fig. 2 The capacitance corresponding to (a) high frequency spectra and (b) low frequency spectra, measured under blue and red light illumination extracted from the Nyquist spectra. |
The low frequency constant phase element CPE2 measured under blue and red light at various intensities was used to extract capacitance C2, shown in Fig. 2b. The exponent n for fitting was calculated at 0.55–0.6. The capacitance values extracted from the low frequency arc are much higher in magnitude as compared to the capacitance values extracted from the high frequency arc due to the different source of origin.23 The values of C2 measured for blue and red light exhibit the same illumination dependence and increase with an increase in illumination intensity. However, the measured C2 under blue excitation wavelength is higher in magnitude as compared to red light illumination. We posit that this difference can be explained with the increased maximum absorption at the surface of perovskite absorber layer for blue light. This could lead to maximum charge or ion accumulations at interface (ETL/perovskite) and could also form the additional ion defects. The strong accumulation of electronic charges or ions under blue light drives the higher value of C2 that could lead to high discharge time. In contrast, red light is absorbed rather in the bulk of the perovskite, causing a more balanced ion and charge carrier distribution specifically in the bulk. Therefore, PSCs subjected to different excitation wavelengths not only informs about charge or ion accumulation, but can also provide a tool to diagnose the PSCs in a more localized way.
In our previous work, we demonstrated that PSCs subjected to red wavelength exhibit a lower hysteresis, while maximum hysteresis is observed under blue light illumination.18 A correlation between charge accumulations at interfaces (TiO2/perovskite) to the observed hysteresis index was reported previously.24 To further explore the observed hysteresis behaviour of devices subjected to different excitation wavelength, capacitance vs. frequency as a function of illumination at zero bias was measured (Fig. 3a). We found that under low illumination intensity the net capacitance values for both the wavelength are almost similar and equal (∼4–5 μF). However, with increased illumination, the low frequency capacitance value attains a maximum value under blue illumination. The capacitance at high frequency (above 103 Hz) shows almost wavelength independent behaviour. This means that higher energy photons activate ions or ionic defects.
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Fig. 4 (a) The high frequency resistance and (b) the low frequency resistance, extracted by fitting the obtained Nyquist spectra as a function of illumination level for both blue and red light. |
The low frequency resistance R2 is extracted from the obtained Nyquist spectra using the electrical equivalent circuit and plotted as a function of illumination-induced Voc measured under blue and red wavelengths (Fig. 4b). Fig. 4b shows that with the increase in illumination level the value of R2 decreases. A similar behavior of low frequency resistance measured at Voc was observed by Zarazúa et al.27 The absolute magnitude of R2 is also termed as recombination resistance. A lower value of R2 was obtained for device exposed to blue light showing higher recombination. We note that the obtained recombination resistance and ideality factor values have no dependence on the microstructural property of absorber layer as all the analysis were performed on the same device. The time scale associated with the high and low frequency spectra are calculated and shown in Fig. S4a.† The high frequency time scale was obtained from the summation of the high frequency associated resistance and capacitance, i.e. R1 and C1. Device measured under blue light shows a high frequency time constant in a 3 to 1.2 μs range, whereas device measured under red light shows a time constant between 6 to 2 μs. The time scale associated with the low frequency is calculated from the summation of the low frequency resistance and capacitance, i.e. R2 and C2. Fig. S4b† shows the low frequency relaxation time, which lies in the second range measured under blue and red wavelength. In literature, the large time scale was attributed to the ionic movement, which occurs in a time scale of a few milliseconds to minutes.28 Surprisingly, we found that under blue wavelength excitation a higher time constant is observed and that may stem from the significantly lower value of the low frequency resistance and not from the ion accumulation. It is expected that the high energy wavelength leads to the formation of higher phonon modes, which enhances the ionic movement. Moreover, the enhanced ionic movement along with observed low frequency capacitance under blue illumination is well correlated with the hysteresis in PSCs.
The PSCs under the influence of the illumination was also studied by Zarazúa et al. and found that low-frequency capacitance increases proportional to the incident light intensity and charge accumulation at PSCs can easily monitored by low frequency capacitance.29 In the present study we also observed the same phenomena. However, under the influence of the wavelength it is possible to distinguish the interface and bulk capacitance that could help in further designing of efficient solar cells.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8se00280k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |