Muhammad Monirul
e and
aNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. E-mail:
bRyukoku University, Seta, Otsu, Shiga, Japan
cTokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
dRitsumeikan University, Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan
eUniversity of Tsukuba, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
fKagoshima University, Korimoto, Kagoshima, Japan
First published on 22nd December 2021
Chalcopyrite CuInSe2 (CISe)-based thin-film photovoltaic solar cells have been attracting attention since the 1970s. The technologies of CISe-based thin-film growth and device fabrication processes have already been put into practical applications and today commercial products are available. Nevertheless, there are numerous poorly understood areas in the physical and chemical aspects of the underlying materials science and interfacial and bulk defect physics in CISe-based thin-films and devices for further developments. In this paper, current issues in physical and chemical studies of CISe-based materials and devices are reviewed. Correlations between Cu-deficient phases and the effects of alkali-metals, applications to lightweight and flexible solar minimodules, single-crystalline epitaxial Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films and devices, differences between Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and Ag(In,Ga)Se2 materials, wide-gap CuGaSe2 films and devices, all-dry processed CISe-based solar cells with high photovoltaic efficiencies, and also fundamental studies on open circuit voltage loss analysis and the energy band structure at the interface are among the main areas of discussion in this review.
Jiro Nishinaga is a senior researcher at AIST investigating epitaxial growth of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films. |
Kosuke Beppu is an assistant professor at Ryukoku University and investigates the local structure around constituent atoms in CuInSe2-based materials using XAFS. |
Tsuyoshi Maeda is a researcher at Ryukoku University and investigates electronic structures of CuInSe2 and related materials using first principles calculation. |
Fuuka Aoyagi is a graduate student at Ryukoku University under the supervision of Prof. Wada. |
Prof. Takahiro Wada is a professor at Ryukoku University and studies ternary and multinary compounds such as chalcopyrite-type CuInSe2. |
Prof. Akira Yamada (Dr Eng) is professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology developing Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 thin-film solar cells. |
Prof. Jakapan Chantana (PhD) is professor at Ritsumeikan University working on fabrication and characterization of compound semiconductor thin-film solar cells. |
Takahito Nishimura is assistant professor at the Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University, working on the development of compound solar cells. |
Prof. Takashi Minemoto is professor at Ritsumeikan University working on fabrication and characterization of compound semiconductor thin-film solar cells. |
Muhammad Monirul Islam is assistant professor at University of Tsukuba working on energy conversion materials for application in solar cells, photocatalytic devices, and batteries. |
Prof. Takeaki Sakurai is professor at University of Tsukuba working on characterization of optical semiconductor devices. |
Prof. Norio Terada is professor at Kagoshima University working on characterization of electronic structure of electronic materials and devices. |
Among thin-film photovoltaic technologies, CISe-based compounds, with band-gap energy (Eg) values controllable in a relatively wide range from, for example, 1.0 eV (CISe) to 2.4 eV (CuGaS2) by alloying, are attractive in terms of high absorption coefficients that allow the photoabsorber layer to be thinner than several micrometers, good durability for irradiation, relatively short energy payback time, and small carbon footprint of the products.9
Physical and chemical aspects of CISe-based multinary compound thin-films and photovoltaic devices are relatively complicated when compared with “orthodox” semiconducting materials such as Si and GaAs and thus a multitude of poorly understood areas remain. Also, CISe-based film properties often depend on growth methods such as selenization/sulfurization of metal precursors and coevaporation and growth conditions.10 An ongoing and deep study on CISe-based films and devices is, therefore, essential and is expected to lead to further developments which enhance energy conversion efficiencies as well as deepening the understanding of the underlying physics and chemistry. In this article, recent studies on physical and chemical aspects of the surface, interface, and bulk of CISe-based thin-films and devices are reviewed. It is thought that reduction of carrier recombination at the interface and in the bulk CISe-based films and devices is key to enhancing solar cell parameter values such as open circuit voltage (VOC) and fill factor (FF), and thus photovoltaic efficiency. Here, technical developments required to achieve this are discussed. In Section 2, control of alkali-metal doping and the properties of surface Cu-deficient layer (CDL) are discussed. Progress of monolithically integrated lightweight and flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) minimodules is reported to exemplify CISe-based photovoltaic technologies. In Section 3, the characteristics of materials and devices are comparatively studied using single-crystalline epitaxial CIGSe films and conventional polycrystalline CIGSe films. Crystallization of Cu- and Ag-based chalcopyrite materials and thin-film growth of CuGaSe2 (CGSe) are discussed in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. In Section 6, efficiency enhancements in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (CIGSSe) solar cells fabricated using an all-dry process are considered. In Section 7, an analysis of open circuit voltage loss with carrier recombination is discussed. In Section 8, depth-directional profiles of electronic structure of CdS buffer/CIGSSe absorber structure in high performance cells as determined by direct and inverse photoelectron spectroscopy are summarized.
The beneficial effects of the lightest alkali-metal Li doping in CIGSe films and devices are negligible when compared to the effects obtained with heavier alkali-metals Na, K, Rb and Cs.29 The effects of Na was historically the most studied among these alkali-metals and the beneficial effect enhancing photovoltaic performance has been proven.11–18 Elemental K and heavier elements are similarly effective and the effect of elemental Rb has been suggested to be particularly significant,30 although the highest photovoltaic efficiency reported to date has been achieved with Cs treatment of a CIGSSe photoabsorber layer.6 To obtain beneficial effects with PDT, it has been suggested that the control of Cu-deficient phases present on the CIGSe film surface and the amount of alkali-halide supply appropriate to the surface condition are key.31 Typically CIGSe films grown by the three-stage coevaporation process32 possess a Cu-deficient surface, although the degree of Cu-deficiency as indicated by the [Cu]/([Ga] + [In]) (CGI) and group III elemental composition ([Ga]/([Ga] + [In])) (GGI) and their fluctuations may depend on CISe-based films prepared in each laboratory. For the case of RbF-PDT, the presence of a CDL on the CIGSe film surface was found to significantly affect the results of PDT and lead to variations in the photovoltaic device parameters and consequent photovoltaic performance.31 For example, Fig. 1 shows the photovoltaic parameter variations observed with RbF-PDT performed on CIGSe films grown with a very thin (nominally 0 nm) and a thick (approximately 500 nm) high In-content (GGI < 0.03) CDL surface.31 Decreases in the open circuit voltage (VOC), fill factor (FF), and concomitant photovoltaic solar cell efficiency values were observed with increasing the CDL thickness (blue boxes), which were similar to the results reported in the literature.33,34 These values improved with RbF-PDT when the CDL thickness was thick enough, whereas the device performance was found to degrade with RbF-PDT when the CDL was absent or very thin (red boxes). A similar trend could be observed for KF-PDT in the literature.27 It was found that RbF-PDT performed on a CIGSe film fabricated without a surface CDL led to an increase in interfacial recombination.31 These results suggest that an appropriate thick CDL is necessary to obtain beneficial effects with PDT to modify the device interface properly.
A CDL, consisting of Cu-deficient phases such as CuIn3Se5, is expected to play a role of a hole barrier at the CuInSe2/CDL/CdS interface35 resulting in a decrease in carrier recombination in the interface region. In addition to this, a CDL is suggested to play an important role of controlling the alkali-metal beneficial effects in CISe-based devices. Alkali-metals (except for Li) tend to concentrate in the CDL present on the film surface regardless of diffusion from the substrate side (alkali-metal supply from the back side) or PDT (supply from the surface side).17,29,36 In other words, Cu-deficient phases can be a reservoir of alkali-metals. Alkali-metals incorporated in a CDL are expected to lead to changes in the interfacial energy band structure,21,37–39 although there is room for further discussion about the detailed mechanisms behind alkali-metal effects in CISe-based films and devices, namely, the effects of alkali-metals present in the bulk and at grain boundaries in the film and their differences.
The effects of CDL present on the film surface and at grain boundaries should be separately discussed. Nevertheless, CDL is likely to serve as a hole barrier at the surface and grain boundaries as mentioned above. This is due to the fact that Cu-deficient phases have a wider band-gap energy (Eg), for example, the Eg of CuInSe2 and CuIn3Se5 are 1.0 eV and 1.2–1.3 eV, respectively,35,40 and the valence band maximum (VBM) is determined by the Cu 3d and Se 4p antibonding states, and thus Cu-deficiency leads to lowering the VBM. The effects of CDL on variations in the conduction band minimum (CBM) still remain unclear. For the case of the film surface, a model which suggests that the CDL lowers the CBM as well as VBM, and thus enhancements in the formation of a “cliff” interface is a consensus in the literature,35,41,42 and a schematic is shown in Fig. 2a. On the other hand, some different models have been suggested for the case of the grain boundaries present in CISe-based films. In addition to the model of lowering CBM, flat and upward bending models of the CBM as shown in Fig. 2b have been also suggested.43–47 Such a CBM structure is effective at repelling electrons, which are the minority carriers in the CISe-based film, from grain boundaries. Note that the energy band diagram at the grain boundaries may vary with CGI and GGI compositional fluctuations and the presence of alkali-metals.48,49 Alkali-metals have been suggested to be effective reducing the potential fluctuation resulting in enhanced VOC, FF and concomitant photovoltaic efficiency.49 In all models, the presence of alkali-metals is expected to modify the energy band structure of the CDL and contribute to a reduction of carrier recombination at the interfaces. The carrier transport in polycrystalline CISe-based films should be discussed on the basis of a three-dimensional (3D) structure. Once downward bending of VBM is present, it repels holes from the grain boundary, leading to a reduction in the recombination rate at the grain boundary even if electrons drift towards grain boundaries, due to the electric field in the CIGSe layer perpendicular to the substrate.43
Further investigation on the grain boundary physics and chemistry is necessary to develop polycrystalline CISe-based thin-film photovoltaic technologies. Therefore, more sophisticated and detailed characterizations are desired. Changes in the local composition and alkali-metal distribution profiles which may occur during measurements are also important issues which should be concerned. In fact, we have observed elemental Cu accumulation occurring at CIGSe grain boundaries during transmission electron microscopy (TEM)-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) measurements using an electron probe with an acceleration voltage of 300 kV.50 This kind of observationally induced compositional change may lead to the misleading conclusion that there is Cu-rich composition at the grain boundary. Thus, the combined use of several measurement techniques, for example, TEM-EDX for good spatial resolution (∼0.2 nm), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for a good detection limit (∼1 ppb), and in some cases atom-probe tomography (APT) for a 3D elemental image mapping, is ideal to obtain multiple and reliable information from complicated CISe-based thin-film materials and devices.
Unlike the case for PDT, alkali-metal diffusion from the substrate side during film growth affects the structural property of CISe-based films such as crystal growth orientation and grain size.11,12,17,18 Nonetheless, variations in the electrical properties such as an increase in the hole carrier density can be obtained similarly to PDT. Also, the presence of alkali-metals during film growth is expected to modify the bulk crystal quality of CIGSe grains, though most alkali-metals are believed to concentrate at grain boundaries rather than in the bulk.53,54 Differences observed for the alkali-metal effects obtained with different alkali-metal doping techniques with various kinds of alkali-metal species are, therefore, worthy of further investigation.
The combination of alkali-metal (mainly Na and K) diffusion from the ASTL deposited prior to the sputtering of the Mo back contact layer and PDT using RbF enables precise control of the bulk and surface properties of CISe-based films. To date, a 18.64%-efficient (VOC ∼ 12.7 V (0.747 V per cell), JSC ∼ 34.6 mA cm−2, and FF ∼ 72.0%) 17-cell monolithically integrated CIGSe solar minimodule has been demonstrated on an alkali-free flexible substrate using a combination of alkali-metal doping control techniques (Fig. 3).55 The minimodule structure and the fabrication process can be found elsewhere.55 The result obtained and this kind of approaches are expected to open a new frontier of a wide variety of applications of CISe-based photovoltaic technologies.
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Fig. 3 (a) A 18.64%-efficient flexible CIGSe solar minimodule and (b) the corresponding data sheet of the independently certified current–voltage (red line) and power-voltage (green line) curves. |
RHEED showed clear double streak patterns from the GaAs surface after thermal cleaning. During the first stage (In, Ga, and Se deposition), RHEED patterns showed 4-fold symmetry characteristic like the GaAs(001) surface, and the patterns showed chevron patterns (not shown here), indicating that {111} facets were formed on InGaSe surface. Fig. 5a shows SEM and BF-STEM images of epitaxial CIGSe layers on GaAs substrate grown by the three-stage process. Uniform facets appeared on the CIGSe surface as can be seen in the SEM image, and the facets were identified to be {112}B of CIGSe crystal. In the BF-STEM image, many dislocations and voids were observed in the CIGSe layer. Large voids appeared in particular at the CIGSe/GaAs interface. At the end of the second stage, Cu2Se segregation occurred in the CIGSe layers due to the presence of Cu-rich conditions, and the Cu2Se compound is likely to react with the GaAs substrate. Then, Ga atoms diffused out from the GaAs substrate leading to the formation of voids at the interface.63 Therefore, it was difficult to fabricate high crystalline quality CIGSe layers with sharp interfaces between CIGSe and GaAs by the three-stage process.
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Fig. 5 (a) SEM and BF-STEM images of a CIGSe solar cell fabricated by three-stage process. (b) SEM and BF-STEM images of a CIGSe solar cell fabricated by codeposition (Cu, In, Ga, and Se) at 540 °C. |
Next, we demonstrate CIGSe epitaxial growth by codeposition (Cu, Ga, In and Se) using high substrate temperatures. After removing the oxide layer from the GaAs surface, an epitaxial CIGSe layer was grown by codeposition at 540 °C. The atomic ratio of Ga to group III elements, GGI, was varied by controlling the flux ratio of In and Ga as previously reported.61,62 Ga grading was introduced by multi-layer depositions with different GGI. The atomic ratio of Cu to group III elements, CGI, was fixed at 0.9 and the CGI of the layers were measured using an electron probe microanalyzer. Sodium ions were incorporated by the codeposition of NaF during CIGSe epitaxial growth, and KF-PDT with Se flux was performed at a substrate temperature of 350 °C after CIGSe layer deposition. A CdS layer was formed by chemical bath deposition. An n-type Al-doped ZnO (AZO) layer was deposited by facing-target DC magnetron sputtering deposition. A silver/chrome electrode was deposited on the AZO layer by evaporation, and the devices were isolated by cleaving.
Fig. 5b shows SEM and BF-STEM images of an epitaxial CIGSe layer on a GaAs substrate grown by codeposition. RHEED patterns showed streak patterns during the CIGSe layer deposition (not shown here), and the surface reconstruction of epitaxial CIGSe layers changed after KF-PDT, and the streak patterns with 4-fold structures changed to double streak patterns. KF-PDT synthesized potassium compounds, such as KInSe2, on the CIGSe surface, as shown in a previous study.61,62 In the BF-STEM image, a single crystal structure without dislocations was observed. No voids and a sharp interface could be observed at the heterointerface between the CIGSe and the GaAs substrates, and lattice images without dislocations were also observed (not shown here). Therefore, the epitaxial relationship between CIGSe and GaAs was fairly good.
Fig. 6 shows a cross-sectional scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) image of a high-efficiency CIGSe solar cell grown on a GaAs(001) substrate. SSRM has been an analytical technique used to map the 2D surface carrier distribution in semiconductor devices. In this technique, the local resistivity of a surface can be derived from the electrical current flowing between a conducting atomic force microscope tip and a device surface that is biased relative to it. In Fig. 6, an AZO layer and a GaAs(001) p+-type substrate had low resistance due to high carrier concentrations. However, a dark contrast of resistance was obtained at the surface region of the CIGSe layer, suggesting that a uniform depletion layer of CdS/CIGSe junction appeared in the CIGSe layer.
Next, we discuss solar cell parameters of the epitaxial CIGSe solar cells. Fig. 7 shows current density–voltage (J–V) curves of epitaxial CIGSe solar cells grown by the three-stage process and codeposition. The photovoltaic efficiency was around 11% for the epitaxial CIGSe solar cells grown by a three-stage process. In contrast, the efficiency achieved was 21% for the epitaxial CIGSe solar cells fabricated by codeposition method. The open circuit voltage was 0.75 V, and the short circuit current density was 35 mA cm−2. The fill factor was 0.81. The carrier concentration was 1 × 1017 cm−3 after heat-light soaking. Ga grading, NaF doping, KF-PDT, and heat light soaking could improve the efficiency of epitaxial CIGSe solar cells, as it does for polycrystalline CIGSe solar cells on SLG substrates.
Fig. 9a shows the variation in the interatomic distances between the migrating Cu atom and the neighboring Se atoms in CISe along the migration pathway. The Se atoms around the diffusing Cu atom are numbered from 1 to 8. In the initial state, Cu is tetrahedrally surrounded by four Se atoms, Se(1), Se(2), Se(3), and Se(4) and in the final state, Cu is also tetrahedrally surrounded by four Se atoms, Se(4), Se(6), Se(7), and Se(8). The initial and final Cu–Se bond lengths (2.425 Å) are in good agreement with the sum of covalent radii of Cu (1.271 Å) and Se (1.145 Å).67 The variations of interatomic distances symmetrically change on both sides of the transition state (the path coordinate corresponds to 0.5 in Fig. 9a). At an early stage of Cu migration (path coordinate of 0.2), Cu atom breaks its chemical bond with Se(1) and then the Cu atom passes near the center of the triangle (one face of the tetrahedron) formed by three Se atoms, Se(2), Se(3), and Se(4). The interatomic distances of Cu–Se(2), Cu–Se(3) and Cu–Se(4) bonds are a little shorter than the initial Cu–Se bond. It is well known that the bond distance between adjacent atoms decreases with decreasing coordination number.68 Near the transition state, the inter-atomic distances of Cu–Se(2) and Cu–Se(3) become longer and those of Cu–Se(6) and Cu–Se(7) become shorter. In the transition state, the diffusing Cu atom passes through the coordinate positions (0.420, 0.625, 0.625) that is offset in the x-axis direction from the octahedral site (center of octahedron) of Se atoms (0.359, 0.624, 0.626). At the transition state, the Cu atom is surrounded by five Se atoms, Se(2), Se(3), Se(4), Se(6), and Se(7). The Cu–Se(4) bond is shorter than the initial Cu–Se bond and the other four Cu–Se bonds are longer the initial Cu–Se bond and shorter than the sum of van der Waals radii of Cu (1.40 Å) and Se (1.90 Å). Although the Cu atom approaches the Se(5) atom, their interaction is small, because the interatomic distance of Cu and Se(5) is considerably longer than the sum of their van der Waals radii. The Cu atom diffuses via Cu vacancies by rotating around the Se(4) atom while maintaining a chemical bond with Se(4).
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Fig. 10 (a) Schematic relationship of the potential energy of two atoms with interatomic distance and (b) schematic potential energy of the migrating atom along the migration pathway. |
We found that the Einstein temperature of the Cu–Se bond is lower than that of In–Se and Ga–Se bonds in CIGSe using an XAFS analysis.69 We believe that the force constant, k, of the Cu–Se bond is smaller than those of In–Se and Ga–Se bonds, because the reduced mass of the Cu–Se bond with μ = 5.85 × 10−26 kg is smaller than those of the In–Se bond with μ = 7.77 × 10−26 kg and Ga–Se bond with μ = 6.15 × 10−26 kg. The potential energy curve of the Cu–Se bond with small force constant rises slowly with increasing interatomic distance from r0. The result shows that the Cu–Se bond more easily stretches than other bonds. We previously evaluated the formation energies of Cu, In/Ga and Se vacancies in CISe and CGSe and showed that the formation energy of a Cu vacancy was smaller than those of the other vacancies.70 The result indicates that the dissociation energy, D0, in Fig. 10a is smaller for the Cu–Se bond than those for other bonds. The potential energy curve of the Cu–Se bond is a broad parabola with a shallower ground state than those of the In–Se and Ga–Se bonds. Therefore, the activation energy of Cu migration, ΔEa, which is the difference between the ground state and the energy at transition state shown in Fig. 10b, is smaller than those of In and Ga migrations. The Cu atom in the stretchy Cu–Se bond easily hops over the low activation energy and moves to a nearby Cu vacancy site. The XAFS result is consistent with the present result shown in Fig. 8a.
Fig. 9b shows variations in the interatomic distances between the migrating Ag atom and the neighboring Se atoms in AISe along the migration pathway. In the initial and final states, group I atom (Ag) is tetrahedrally surrounded by Se(1), Se(2), Se(3), and Se(4) and by Se(4), Se(6), Se(7), and Se(8), respectively. The Ag–Se bond lengths (2.641 Å) in the initial and final states are in good agreement with the sum of covalent radii of Ag (1.473 Å) and Se (1.145 Å).67 As in the case of CISe system, group I atom (Ag) migrates from the initial state surrounded by four Se atoms to the transition state through the state surrounded by three Se atoms. In the transition state, the migrating Ag atom passes through the coordinate positions (0.464, 0.677, 0.666) that is offset in the x-axis and z-axis direction from the octahedral site of the Se atoms (0.382, 0.626, 0.626). At the transition state, the Ag atom is surrounded by five Se atoms, Se(2), Se(3), Se(4), Se(6), and Se(7). The Ag–Se(4) bond of 2.53 Å is shorter than the initial Ag–Se bond of 2.63 Å and the Ag–Se(3) and Ag–Se(6) bond lengths are 2.80 Å while the Ag–Se(2) and Ag–Se(7) bond lengths are 2.98 Å. These bond lengths are longer than the sum of their covalent radii and shorter than the sum of van der Waals radii of Ag (1.70 Å) and Se (1.90 Å). Ag atom approaches Se(5) atom, but their interaction is very small, because the inter-atomic distance of Ag–Se(5) is considerably longer than the sum of their van der Waals radii.
The activation energy of the migrating atom depends on the interatomic distances between the migrating atom and the neighboring atoms in the transition state. In order to compare the migration of Cu in CISe and that of Ag in AISe, the interatomic distances between each migrating atom (Cu or Ag) and the neighboring Se atoms was normalized by the initial distances, 2.45 Å for Cu–Se in CISe and 2.641 Å for Ag–Se in AISe. Fig. 9c shows the normalized variations of the interatomic distances between the migrating Cu and the neighboring Se atoms along the migration pathway. In the transition state, the normalized interatomic distance of Cu–Se(4) is 0.98 and those of the other Cu–Se bonds, Cu–Se(2), Cu–Se(3), Cu–Se(6), and Cu–Se(7), are about 1.14. Fig. 9d shows the normalized variations of the interatomic distances between the migrating Ag and the neighboring Se atoms. In the transition state, the normalized inter-atomic distance of Ag–Se(4) is 0.96, those of Ag–Se(3) and Ag–Se(6) are about 1.06, and those of Ag–Se(2) and Ag–Se(7) are about 1.12. Thus, in the transition state, the normalized interatomic distance are smaller for Ag migration in AISe than for Cu migration in CISe. In particular, the normalized Ag–Se(3) and Ag–Se(6) lengths are clearly smaller than the corresponding Cu–Se(3) and Cu(6) lengths. We think that the small normalized interatomic distance in this transition state is one of reasons why the activation energy of Ag movement in AISe is smaller than the activation energy of Cu movement in CISe. From the viewpoint of the crystal structure of the chalcopyrite compounds, we estimate that the Ag–Se bond is weaker than the Cu–Se bond.72
Fig. 11 shows cross-sectional SEM images and EDX maps of the samples. The cross-sectional samples were polished using ion beam etching. The Cu and Ga (In) atomic distributions were measured by EDX. It is noteworthy that the Cu and Ga (In) distribution was uniform when the precursor layer had a defect-zinc blende structure or a defect-wurtzite structure. However, when growth was started from the layered GaSe precursor, the result was completely different: Cu atoms obviously accumulated in the surface region, and the Ga atoms remain at the bottom of the film which is the layered GaSe layer. Therefore, it is concluded that Cu atoms easily diffuse into the α-Ga2Se3 or γ-In2Se3 precursor and that the Ga (In) atoms also easily diffuse out from the precursor, forming the chalcopyrite structure. On the contrary, Cu and Ga diffusion is difficult between the layered and chalcopyrite structures. STEM images were also taken for further confirmation of this phenomena, and the same results were observed (not shown). The results show that the crystal structure of the precursor should be the defect-zinc blende structure or the defect-wurtzite structure to enhance atomic diffusion for the growth of chalcopyrite materials and that the Se beam flux intensity during the first stage is important to maintain the precursor crystal structure for wider bandgap CIGSe with high-Ga content. The importance of the Se beam flux intensity for the high-Ga CIGSe has been also pointed out in the literature.75
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Fig. 12 Cross-sectional STEM images of Cu-rich CISe (upper) and CGSe (lower) samples. The right-hand images show the TEM-EDX mapping of Cu atoms for each sample. |
The penetration of Cu2−xSe into the film is clearly observed in the CISe film as shown in Fig. 12, and excess Cu2−xSe is found to accumulate around CISe grain boundaries (GBs). Thus, grain growth of CISe is clearly a consequence of the flux effect of Cu2−xSe, and the average grain size is about 1.5 μm which is comparable to the film thickness. On the contrary, Cu2−xSe segregates on top of the CGSe. Grain growth is only observed in the upper part of the film, and the grain size is apparently small towards the bottom of the film. Voids are also observed in the lower part of the film in which insufficient grain growth occurs. The film compositions were measured point-by-point with a TEM-EDX analysis. The [Cu]/[Se] ratio was about 0.51 in the CISe grains, and it was about 2.1 in the Cu2−xSe region. Interestingly, the value was about 0.49 at the CISe GBs, therefore, the [Cu]/[Se] ratio was almost stoichiometric in the final CISe layer, even though it was grown under extremely Cu-rich conditions. The ratio was also examined for the CGSe film, and it was about 0.54 for the upper part of the film (the larger grain area) and 0.50 for the lower part of the film (the smaller grain area). The value was 2.0 in the Cu2−xSe area. It can be concluded from this analysis that CGSe has a tendency to become off stoichiometric and that Cu2−xSe acts as flux for the CISe growth, however, the effect is small or limited in case of the CGSe growth. Furthermore, the grains of the CISe film are smooth and voids were not observed in the image. On the other hand, voids and defects were observed in the CGSe grains. Since the CISe grains are surrounded by liquid Cu2−xSe during growth, the stress accumulated in the grains could be released by the liquid-phase Cu2−xSe, which leads to the growth of high quality CISe films. This mechanism is not be expected apply to CGSe growth, resulting in the formation of defects. The possible reason for this difference is the lattice constant dissimilarity. The in-plane lattice constant of CISe is 0.578 nm,77 and is 0.579 nm for Cu2−xSe,78 so they are lattice matched, but the corresponding value for CGSe is 0.560 nm,79 thus the difference is large between Cu2−xSe and CGSe. Furthermore, the stacking sequence of the Se sub-lattice changes during the CISe growth from ABAB…, to ABABCABABC…, and finally ABCABC…, however this sequence change does not occur during CGSe growth: the sequence remains ABCABC. Therefore, it could be speculated that the number of defects is reduced during this lattice re-arrangement process in the CISe growth, but not for CGSe growth, resulting more defects being present in the CGSe film. A real-time X-ray analysis of the CISe and CGSe growth has been also studied by H. R. Alvarez.80
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Fig. 13 (a) Schematic sequence of a new CGSe growth process, and (b) a cross-sectional SEM image of the resulting CGSe film. |
A cross-sectional SEM image (non-polished) is shown in Fig. 13b. In this growth method, stoichiometry control was difficult. The lower part of the sample shows a stoichiometric CGSe with a larger grain size which indicates the flux effect of Cu2−xSe, but the upper part is a Cu-poor CGSe layer due to a longer Ga irradiation time. Emissivity monitoring81,82 may be effective to determine the end point of the growth.
Fig. 14 shows the J–V characteristic of a CGSe solar cell fabricated on a Mo coated glass substrate. The cell structure was glass/Mo/CGSe/CdS/ZnO:B. The CdS and ZnO layers were grown by chemical bath deposition and a metal–organic chemical vapor deposition process, respectively. The cell characteristics were evaluated under the AM 1.5, 100 mW cm−2 irradiance: the efficiency was 6.81%, the VOC for 0.609 V, JSC for 19.2 mA cm−2, and FF for 0.583. Although this was a preliminary result, it successfully demonstrated the growth of device-grade CGSe was possible by the proposed technique.
In this research, CIGSSe films deposited by a selenization/sulfurization process have relatively high In and S content near the CIGSSe surface,88,89 possibly present in the form of InxSy near the surface. It is therefore suggested that the oxidized surface In- and S-rich CIGSSe thin films should give rise to the formation of Inx(O,S)y and/or a modified buffer near the CIGSSe surface to avoid sputtering damage to the CIGSSe absorber surface, thereby enhancing the photovoltaic efficiency (η).
Cd-free CIGSSe solar cells were thus fabricated using sputtered Zn1−xMgxO buffers by an all-dry process, where aged CIGSSe absorbers with and without alkali (Cs or K) treatment for different aging times up to 10 months (for the oxidized CIGSSe surface) are utilized. The effect of the aging time of the CIGSSe absorbers on photovoltaic performance as well as the carrier recombination rate was investigated for high performance Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells.
Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells with the structure of glass/Mo/CIGSSe/Zn0.8Mg0.2O buffer/Zn0.9Mg0.1O:B or Zn0.9Mg0.1O:Al were therefore fabricated with aged CIGSSe absorbers with and without K or Cs treatment. In the fabrication of the solar cell, CIGSSe absorbers were first prepared on Mo-coated glass substrates at Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd, which is discussed elsewhere.90–93 For the aged CIGSSe thin films (or the oxidized CIGSSe surface), the finished CIGSSe thin films were then kept in a desiccator cabinet containing a low O partial pressure of approximately 200 Pa under different aging times up to 10 months named the aging process. After the aging process, a Zn0.8Mg0.2O buffer layer and a Zn0.9Mg0.1O:Al transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer were deposited by a co-sputtering process, as well as Zn0.9Mg0.1O:B as TCO layer was prepared by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition.83,88 Finally, Ni and Al grids were formed by electron beam evaporation. It is noted that the CdS-buffered CIGSSe solar cells using the aged CIGSSe absorbers were also fabricated for comparison, which is discussed elsewhere.83,88 The post-treatment HLS + LS process, including heat-light soaking (HLS) and followed by light-soaking (LS), were performed on all finished CIGSSe solar cells.94,95 The photovoltaic parameters (JSC, VOC, FF, η) were measured under equivalent AM 1.5G illumination. Moreover, the carrier recombination rates (Ri0, Rd0, and Rb0) throughout the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells were quantitatively evaluated using temperature-illumination-dependent VOC measurements,96–99 where Ri0, Rd0, and Rb0 are the voltage-independent recombination rates at the buffer/absorber interface, space charge, and quasi-neutral regions, respectively.
As a result, Fig. 15 depicts the photovoltaic parameters of Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells utilizing aged CIGSSe absorbers with aging times of 1 day, as well as 4 months or 10 months, where absorbers with and without alkali (Cs or K) treatment were used. Fig. 16 presents (a) the corresponding J–V characteristics and (b) external quantum efficiency (EQE) spectra of the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells with the highest η values for each condition in Fig. 15, where the photovoltaic performance is shown in Table 1. The CdS-buffered CIGSSe solar cells using aged CIGSSe absorbers with and without alkali (Cs or K) treatment were moreover fabricated under different aging times. The photovoltaic parameters are shown in Fig. 17 and Table 1. According to these results, the photovoltaic performance of the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells was significantly enhanced with η in the range of 18–22% for aging times of 4 months or 10 months regardless of alkali treatment, whereas those of the CdS-buffered CIGSSe solar cells remained almost constant. It is noted that the highest η of 22.6% for the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cell with Cs-treated CIGSSe absorber was obtained for an aging time of 10 months. The results suggest that the aging effect only plays an important role in increasing the η of the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cell irrespective of alkali treatment, whereas the aging effect has no impact on the η of the CdS-buffered CIGSSe solar cells.
Alkali treatment | Aging time of CIGSSe | J SC (mA cm−2) | V OC (V) | FF (%) | η (%) | |
Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells | Without | 1 day | 11.6 | 0.557 | 68.8 | 4.4 |
4 months | 38.2 | 0.646 | 72.6 | 18.0 | ||
K | 1 day | 12.0 | 0.546 | 57.7 | 3.7 | |
10 months | 39.7 | 0.702 | 72.5 | 20.2 | ||
Cs | 1 day | 12.8 | 0.576 | 71.8 | 5.3 | |
10 months | 39.7 | 0.706 | 78.5 | 22.0 | ||
CdS-buffered CIGSSe solar cells | Without | 1 day | 36.1 | 0.672 | 75.5 | 18.3 |
4 months | 36.4 | 0.671 | 74.1 | 18.1 | ||
K | 1 day | 36.8 | 0.680 | 76.4 | 19.1 | |
10 months | 37.9 | 0.677 | 75.0 | 19.2 | ||
Cs | 1 day | 38.6 | 0.705 | 79.0 | 21.5 | |
10 months | 38.9 | 0.710 | 78.3 | 21.7 |
Furthermore, the Ri0, Rd0, and Rb0 values throughout the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells are estimated.96–99 It was found that for aging times from 1 week to 10 months the Ri0 and Rd0 decreased from about 3.3 × 106 to 1.0 × 105 cm−2 s−1 and from approximately 7.7 × 1011 to 7.4 × 1010 cm−2 s−1, respectively, whereas Rb0 remained constant at ∼2.0 × 105 cm−2 s−1. This implies that the CIGSSe bulk quality did not deteriorate, while the interface and near-surface qualities of the CIGSSe absorbers improved. The reduced Ri0 and Rd0 values confirmed that the oxidized CIGSSe surface should lead to the formation of a native Inx(O,S)y buffer layer (or modified layer) in the near-surface region of the CIGSSe absorber, thereby improving the charge separation and acting as a hole-blocking barrier while avoiding sputtering damage to the CIGSSe absorber surface. The improvement in charge separation is clearly reflected by the significant enhancement in EQE of the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells for longer aging times, as shown in Fig. 16b. The aging effect resulting in the improvement of charge separation has been explained in detail in previous reports.88,89 As a result, the η of the Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cell was found to greatly increase for longer aging times as can be seen in Table 1 as well as Fig. 15 and 16.
To examine the formation of native Inx(O,S)y buffer layers near the CIGSSe surface for increasing aging times, grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) measurements as well as oxygen (O) content measurements in the near-surface region of bare CIGSSe thin films were investigated. Fig. 18 therefore illustrates the GIXRD patterns of the near-surface region of bare CIGSSe thin films (glass/Mo/CIGSSe) for different aging times of 1 day, and 10 months. It was confirmed that the InS and In2S3 peaks seen in the GIXRD patterns became more intense for aging times up to 10 months. Moreover, the O content near CIGSSe surface increased for longer aging times (not shown) as observed by SEM-EDX, suggesting the presence of an oxidized CIGSSe surface. We also found that the surface of aged CIGSSe samples showed evidences of Na segregation for long aging times, suggesting that Na catalytic effects accelerate the oxidation of the surface.89 The results consequently imply the incorporation of O into InS and In2S3 to form thin native In(O,S) and In2(O,S)3 (or Inx(O,S)y) near the CIGSSe surface with increased aging times. This is attributed to the low standard molar enthalpy (ΔfH0) values of InS (−138.1 kJ mol−1), In2S3 (−427.0 kJ mol−1), and In2O3 (−925.8 kJ mol−1) at 298.15 K.88
In summary, aged CIGSSe absorber layers considerably boost photovoltaic performance of Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells regardless of alkali treatment. This takes place because aged CIGSSe thin films for longer aging times result in the formation of a native Inx(O,S)y buffer near the CIGSSe surface. This Inx(O,S)y or modified buffer/CIGSSe heterojunction acts as a heterojunction leading to charge separation and serves as a hole blocking barrier and also reduces sputtering damage. As a result, 22%-efficient Cd-free and all-dry process CIGSSe solar cells were obtained using aged Cs-treated CIGSSe absorbers.
First, the equation that is the premise of the VOC loss analysis is explained. The carrier recombination process corresponds to optical transitions in semiconductor materials, and its rate is governed by the recombination constant B. Specifically, the radiative recombination lifetime, τrad of minority carriers (in the case of CISe-based absorber layer, electrons) in the excited states (conduction band) can be expressed as
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
Samples | GGI = 0 | GGI = 0.38 | GGI = 0.63 | GGI = 1 |
Bandgap Eg (eV) | 1.04 | 1.275 | 1.436 | 1.68 |
Intrinsic carrier density ni (cm−3) | 5.9 × 109 | 6.3 × 107 | 2.8 × 106 | 2.5 × 104 |
Radiative recombination rate R0 (cm−3 s−1) | 3.5 × 109 | 4.5 × 105 | 6.6 × 102 | 6.7 × 10−2 |
Radiative recombination constant B (cm3 s−1) | 1.0 × 10−10 | 1.2 × 10−10 | 0.9 × 10−10 | 1.1 × 10−10 |
Next, the recombination analysis was conducted using the radiative recombination constant B. The maximum theoretical efficiency of a solar cell is typically expressed in terms of the Shockley–Queisser (SQ) limit, where all incident photons with energy above the band gap (Eg) of the absorber material are assumed to be converted to photocarriers without being linked to optical absorption loss.83 The saturation current density of the SQ limit (JSQ0) can be calculated by the generalized Planck's radiation law,107 which can be described by the following equation.
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
In thin-film solar cells, however, some photons do not contribute to the generation of photocarriers due to film thickness limitations and light absorption losses. Thus, the saturation current density in the radiative limit of thin-film solar cells can be obtained by the modified equation108,109
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
In an actual solar-cell device, there is a non-radiative recombination component. So, we have to take into account the presence of this recombination in the estimation of open-circuit voltage loss. We assumed the bulk recombination limit (VbulkOC), in which non-radiative recombination occurs significantly only in the quasi-neutral region (QNR). In actual devices, it is known that the depletion layer is prone to Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH) nonradiative recombination due to the presence of deep defect levels in the middle of the band gap.110 But in this estimation, in order to analyze each cause of energy loss separately and in an orderly manner, we ignore the non-radiative recombination in the depletion layer. In the bulk recombination limit, effective minority carrier lifetime, τeff, the saturation current density, Jbulk0, and the open-circuit voltage, VbulkOC, can be expressed by the following set of equations:
![]() | (7) |
Jbulk0 = qWni2/4p0nr2τeff | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
Band gap Eg (eV) | Radiative recombination constant B (cm3 s−1) | Hole density p0 (cm−3) | Intrinsic carrier density ni (cm−3) | Refractive index nr | Absorber thickness (μm) | TRPL lifetime (ns) |
1.10 | 1.1 × 10−10 | 2 × 1016 | 2.36 × 109 | 3 | 2 | 124 |
![]() | ||
Fig. 19 Current–voltage characteristic curves derived under various calculation conditions or obtained experimentally. The obtained parameters, JSC and VOC, are listed in Table 4. |
Calculation condition | J SC (mA cm−2) | V OC (V) |
SQ limit | 44.2 | 0.858 |
Radiative recombination limit | 38.5 | 0.824 |
Bulk recombination limit | 38.5 | 0.791 |
Experimental results | 38.5 | 0.746 |
Alkali metal treated CISe-based thin films are known to modify the surface and depletion layers in devices, but they are also known to contribute to the reduction of bulk defects.112 Antisite defects and defect complexes such as InCu, GaCu, and (InCu,GaCu) + 2VCu in the crystal grains and grain boundaries disappeared during the diffusion of alkali metal atoms, and as a result, the defect density involved in bulk recombination was reduced.113 For photoluminescence in CISe-based absorber layers, we have to consider bandgap grading; the luminescence was mainly induced at the position of the Eg minimum (400–500 nm deep from the surface, outside the depletion layer).114 In the CISe absorber layer with alkali metal treatment, which was utilized for the 22.9% efficiency device, the TRPL lifetime improved, suggesting that modification of the bulk quality.93 Furthermore, when deep defects at the entire absorber layers are reduced, recombination in the depletion layer was predicted to be suppressed.108 This may be the reason why bulk recombination has become dominant.
So, can raising of the efficiency from 23% to 25% be achieved simply by suppressing bulk recombination? If we take the recombination lifetime into account to calculate the radiation limit, it will be 824 mV. If the JSC and FF do not improve, it will be ∼25%. However, it is difficult in practice to reduce the non-radiative recombination component to zero.115 This suggests that 25% efficiency cannot be achieved by simply lowering bulk recombination. The decrease in photocurrent density due to the shadow of the grid electrode, absorption of the transparent conducting layer, recombination at the interface, and non-absorption of CIGSSe, in contrast, is estimated to be a few mA cm−2.83 Thus, reducing the absorption loss of the incident light, while suppressing the recombination component will be essential to achieve the 25% efficiency devices.
The examined samples were CdS/CIGSSe bi-layers grown on Mo coated glass substrates. The CIGSSe layers were thinner than 2 μm. CIGSSe samples were provided by Solar Frontier. The samples were fabricated by selenization/sulfurization of metal precursors. Alkali-PDT was carried out for samples. Cells fabricated using identically fabricated CIGSSe absorbers and CdS buffers exhibited a photovoltaic efficiency above 20%. Prior to analysis, the samples were etched with a HN3 solution to remove contamination and heated in vacuum to desorb water. The surface composition and the VBM and CBM were determined by in situ measurements of X-ray, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS/UPS) and inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES), respectively. The Eg value obtained from IPES and UPS spectra had an error of ±0.15 eV. In order to access the interface between the absorber and the Mo contact for the above-mentioned characterization, we adopted a lift-off technique in a vacuum below 2 × 10−7 Pa, which allowed the cleaving of the CIGSSe/Mo/glass samples at the desired interface. Gluing the front surface of the CIGSSe/Mo/glass samples to a metal plate using a Ag-containing conductive epoxy allowed a subsequent separation at the CIGSSe/Mo interface. The vacuum environment of the lift-off and the in situ measurements yielded a surface free from contamination and alkali segregation. To determine the minimum band gap energy (Eg-min) of the CIGSSe layer, we utilized surface photovoltage (SPV) spectroscopy. For semiconductors under sufficiently low illumination intensity, the SPV can be assumed to be proportional to the absorption coefficient α of the semiconductor: SPV ∝ α.124 And for direct band gap semiconductors, α exhibits a square root dependence on the illumination energy for energies just above the band gap: α ∝ (hν − Eg)1/2, where ν is the frequency of the photon and h is the Planck constant.125 Therefore, for direct semiconductors, Eg can be extracted from a linear fit to the SPV increase when the spectrum is plotted as SPV2. For determining band alignment at the buffer/CIGSSe interface, a CdS buffer layer was deposited by stepwise evaporation of CdS onto the treated CIGSSe surface. To determine the band alignment at the CdS/CIGSSe interface, we adopted a two-step method. For the first step, the energetic differences in the VBM and the CBM between the surface of CIGSSe and of the thick CdS buffer layer were evaluated by means of UPS and IPES. Subsequently, the interface induced band bending (iibb) was determined from changes in the core level binding energies of the constituents of these layers in conjunction with CdS thickness. The band offsets were calculated by the combining the difference and the iibb. By using this procedure, the effect of the interface dipoles was automatically included in the deduced band alignment.
GGI | CGI | [S]/([S] + [Se]) | ([S] + [Se])/([Cu] + [Ga] + [In]) | |
CIGSSe front-surface | 0.05–0.06 | 0.92–0.94 | 0.81–0.89 | 0.90–0.92 |
CIGSSe back-surface | 0.61 | 0.82 | 0.35 | 1.15 |
We conclude that the front-surface of CIGSSe fabricated by a selenization/sulfurization process consists of a heavily S-substituted chalcopyrite phase. This is different from the composition of the so-called Cu-depleted defect phase: CGI below 0.625 and an anion/cation ratio above 1.25 which is intentionally formed on the front surface of the CIGSe absorber by the three-state coevaporation process to reduce surface recombination by the selective lowering of the VBM at the surface.77,126 A theoretical study about thermal equilibrium phase diagram of the Cu2S–In2S3 and Cu2S–In2S3–Ga2S3 systems reveals that Cu deficient compounds such as CuIn3S5 and Cu(In,Ga)3S5 are not formed.72,127 This is consistent with the absence of Cu-depleted compounds on the S-rich CIGSSe absorber surface.
In contrast with the front surface, the back-surface has a Ga-rich, S-poor characteristics. The CGI ∼ 0.8 and anion/cation ratio ∼1.25 values are close to the values of CuIn3(S,Se)5, a Cu-depleted defect compound. The change in crystalline phase can be attributed to a reduction in the S/(S + Se) ratio. These results reveal that there are steep depth-directional gradients in GGI and S/(S + Se) in the CIGSSe layer, and that, in contrast with the stoichiometric chalcopyrite-like feature of the front-surface, the Cu-depleted phase should be dominant on the back-surface. UPS/IPES spectra of back-surface of the CIGSSe layer are shown in Fig. 21. In comparison with the front, the back-surface has the wider Eg of 1.55 eV, and the VBM and CBM core located at higher energies. In CIGSSe-related phases, it has been established that the main consequence of a decrease in the S-substitution ratio are an increase in the VBM and a shrinkage in Eg while an increase in the GGI results in a preferential increase in the CBM and an increase in Eg.72 A CBM above +1.0 eV and an increase in Eg are attributed to an inversion in the GGI and S/(S + Se) ratios. For the latter, the increase in the GGI overcompensates the narrowing induced by a decrease in the S-substitution ratio. In addition, a rather broad feature in the conduction band edge of the back-surface indicates a steep gradient in the GGI along the depth direction.
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Fig. 21 UPS and IPES spectra of the back-surface of the CIGSSe absorber layer exposed by lift-off in ultra-high vacuum. |
Fig. 22 shows the relationship between the square of excitation–photon intensity normalized surface photovoltage and the energy of the excitation-photon, of the CdS/CIGSSe structure. Since the diffusion length of photo-excited carriers in CISe-based cells is comparable to the depth of the region with Eg-min,128,129 the threshold energy of the excitation photon in the surface photovoltage spectrum (SPS) shows the Eg-min of the absorber.124,130 The observed Eg-min is 1.06–1.07 eV which is much smaller than the Eg of the front- and back-surface of the CIGSSe layer, which is evidence of the presence of a so-called double-graded depth-directional profile in Eg of the CIGSSe absorber. The value of Eg-min is close to the Eg of CuInSe2, which indicates that some parts of the interior region of the CIGSSe absorber is almost Ga free. Although the band edge positions of the interior region of the CIGSSe layers with a band gap energy of Eg-min are not determined yet, the Eg-min is similar to the Eg of CuInSe2. This suggests that the CBMs are also similar. We can estimate the CBM of the back-surface of the CIGSSe absorber should exceed that of the interior region by more than a few tenths of an eV. These results strongly suggest the presence of an adequate gradient in the CBM from the interior region to the back surface to form a so-called “back surface field.”131 Moreover, the Urbach energy (EU), which is extracted by fitting the subband gap SPV using the relationship of , where α0 and E0 are material dependent parameters,132 is in the range from 18–23 meV. It has been pointed out that an EU comparable or below thermal energy at room temperature is essential to realize a small open-circuit-voltage deficit and high photovoltaic efficiency.133 These results are, therefore, consistent with the observed high efficiency cells fabricated using identical CIGSSe absorber layers.
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Fig. 23 Changes in the (a) Cu 2p3/2, (b) In 3d and (c) Cd 3d XPS spectra of CdS/CIGSSe structures in conjunction with the thickness of the CdS layer. |
CdS thickness (nm) | Core level binding energy (eV) | ||
Cu 2p3/2 | In 3d5/2 | Cd 3d5/2 | |
0 (Front surface of the CIGSSe) | 931.97 | 444.65 | — |
3 | 931.84 | 444.60 | 404.85 |
6 | 931.81 | 444.58 | 404.92 |
50 | — | — | 405.40 |
The depth-directional profiles of the electronic structure of the high performance CIGSSe cells characterized by the in situ spectroscopic measurements are as follows.
(i) Double graded profile of Eg in the CIGSSe absorber; the Eg of the front- and back-surface of the CIGSSe layer increase due to the presence of a high S/(S + Se) ratio and high GGI, respectively. The interior region, in contrast, has a narrow Eg close to that of CuInSe2.
(ii) The large CBM (not lower than +1.0 eV) of the back-surface and the narrow Eg of the interior region indicates the presence of a so-called back surface field.
(iii) The interface between the CdS buffer and the CIGSSe absorber has band offsets and band bending favorable for reducing the interface-recombination and promoting carrier transport. Visualization of the location and the width of Eg-min in interior region in the CIGSSe absorber is the next subject of research, since these are crucial parameters for the absorption of long wavelength light.
In Section 2, the role of Cu-deficient phases, which are often referred to as ordered vacancy compounds, and a correlation with alkali-metal beneficial effects were reviewed. Also, greater than 18% photovoltaic efficiency was demonstrated from a 17-cell monolithically integrated lightweight and flexible CIGSe solar minimodule. In Section 3, epitaxial and polycrystalline CIGSe film growth and device performance were comparatively studied. An epitaxial CIGSe solar cell yielded 21% photovoltaic efficiency, which was a value comparable to highly efficient polycrystalline devices. In Section 4, crystal growth of Ag(In,Ga)Se2 was discussed in comparison to Cu(In,Ga)Se2 growth. It was suggested that Ag–Se bonds are weaker than the Cu–Se bonds. This may affect elemental migration during growth leading to large grain growth in polycrystalline films upon Ag addition. In Section 5, a comparative study of three-stage process CISe and CGSe film growth was reviewed. It was found that undesirable defects likely form and remain in CGSe films. Thus, an alternative two-stage growth process was proposed to mitigate defect formation and to enhance CGSe-based solar cell performance. In Section 6, Cd-free and all-dry processed CIGSSe solar cells, which demonstrated over 22% photovoltaic efficiencies were reported. In Section 7, it was concluded that open circuit voltage loss likely occurs due to carrier recombination in CISe-based solar cells. Reducing the absorption loss of the incident light while suppressing the recombination component are essential to achieve 25% or higher photovoltaic efficiencies. In Section 8, an analysis of the electronic structure at the CdS/CIGSSe interface using direct and inverse photoelectron spectroscopy was summarized.
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