*a and
aJiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Functional Molecular Materials Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, 341000, PR China. E-mail: kqlu@jxust.edu.cn
bSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, PR China
cGuangdong Basic Research Center of Excellence for Ecological Security and Green Development, Key Laboratory for City Cluster Environmental Safety and Green Development of the Ministry of Education, School of Ecology, Environment and Resources, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, PR China. E-mail: hanbin@gdut.edu.cn
First published on 1st July 2024
Constructing a dual-functional reaction platform combining photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and selective organic synthesis is an effective approach for utilizing both photogenerated electrons and holes to obtain clean, renewable fuels and high-value chemicals. Herein, we synthesized a composite photocatalyst of nickel phosphide (Ni2P) and graphene (GR) dual cocatalyst modified zinc indium sulfide (ZnIn2S4) for efficient photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol (BA) coupled with hydrogen production. In this dual co-catalyst system, GR as an electron relay station can accelerate electron transfer, and Ni2P can facilitate the separation of photogenerated carriers in the composite while providing the active site for proton reduction. As a result, the ZnIn2S4–GR–Ni2P composite exhibited significantly higher activity in the photocatalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol (BA) coupled with hydrogen production than blank ZnIn2S4, ZnIn2S4–GR, and ZnIn2S4–Ni2P. This study proposes a new method of combining dual cocatalysts with semiconductor photocatalysts to simultaneously utilize photo-induced electrons and holes for synergistic coupling of photocatalytic organic synthesis and hydrogen production.
Zinc indium sulfide (ZnIn2S4) as a bimetallic sulfide photocatalyst has shown favorable prospects due to its good visible light absorption capability and chemical stability.16–21 However, its fast photo-induced carrier recombination and absence of active sites have limited its further application.22–25 To address this issue, introducing appropriate co-catalysts is a practical method.26–28 Due to the favorable electrical conductivity properties and chemical stabilities, graphene (GR) can be used as a co-catalyst to accelerate the transfer of the photo-induced carriers of the semiconductor.29–31 Moreover, the nickel phosphide (Ni2P) cocatalyst has been widely investigated in recent years due to its metal-like properties with benign conductivity.32–34 Ni2P has a strong binding capacity for protons or hydrides, but the adsorption for hydrogen is weak, which means it can be used as a superior active site for H2 production.35,36 Therefore, rationally compositing GR and Ni2P dual cocatalysts with ZnIn2S4 will be an effective means to boost the photocatalytic performance of ZnIn2S4 toward photoredox coupling of benzyl alcohol oxidation with H2 evolution.
Herein, GR and Ni2P dual cocatalyst modified ZnIn2S4 nanoflowers have been prepared by simple hydrothermal and in situ photo deposition processes. The developed ternary composites can simultaneously utilize photogenerated electrons and holes to actuate the oxidation of benzyl alcohol (BA) to benzaldehyde (BAD) integrated with H2 evolution. With a hydrogen production rate of 1287.8 μmol g−1 h−1 and a benzyl alcohol conversion rate of 100%, the ZnIn2S4–GR–Ni2P composite outperforms most analogous hybrid cocatalyst systems in the literature and ZnIn2S4, ZnIn2S4–GR, and ZnIn2S4–Ni2P. The synergy of the dual cocatalysts in enhancing the transfer of charge carriers and accelerating the surface reaction is the fundamental cause of the superior visible-light photoactivity and selectivity over the ZnIn2S4–GR–Ni2P composite. We hope that this work can facilitate the rational design of semiconductor-based photocatalysts for the sustainable production of visible-driven clean hydrogen energy and value-added chemicals.
Crystal structure information of the samples has been collected through the use of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). Fig. 2a exhibits the XRD spectra of ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and ZIS–GR–Ni2P. Fig. 2a shows that the primary ZIS diffraction peaks occur at 2θ values of 21.5°, 28.3°, and 47.2°, respectively. These values correspond to the crystal facets of hexagonal ZIS (JCPDS No. 65-2023) at (006), (102), and (110).40 No characteristic diffraction peaks of GR are detected in the XRD spectra of binary ZIS–GR and ternary ZIS–GR–Ni2P samples, which is a result of the weak peak and low content intensity of GR. Furthermore, the characteristic diffraction peak of Ni2P has also not been observed, which is because of the amorphous nature of the photo-deposited Ni2P.34,41 The properties regarding optical absorption of the samples have been examined using the UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS). ZIS displays noticeable absorption edges at a wavelength of about 510 nm, which corresponds to the inherent band gap absorption, as seen in Fig. 2b. Additionally, ZIS's band gap value is determined to be 2.63 eV using the Kubelka–Munk function (Fig. S3†).42 After loading of GR and Ni2P, the visible light region absorbance of ZIS gradually increased.
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Fig. 2 XRD patterns (a) and DRS spectra (b) of ZIS, ZIS–GR, and ZIS–Ni2P. XPS spectra of Zn 2p (c), In 3d (d), S 2p (e), and Ni 2p (f) of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite. |
The samples' element composition and valence state have been examined by utilizing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The energy spectrum diagram of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite in Fig. S4a† reveals the presence of S, Zn, In, Ni, P, and C elements, consistent with the results of TEM elemental mapping. As shown in Fig. S4b,† by comparison with the XPS spectrum diagram of GO (Fig. S4c†), it can be inferred that the peak intensity of oxygen functional groups in ZIS–GR–Ni2P is lower, indicating the effective reduction of GO during the process of hydrothermal synthesis.29,43,44 As depicted in Fig. 2c, the peaks of Zn in ZIS at 1045.2 eV and 1022.2 eV correspond to Zn 2p1/2 and Zn 2p3/2, respectively, implying the presence of Zn2+. The presence of In3+ in the sample is indicated by the peaks in Fig. 2d at 452.7 eV and 445.1 eV, which correspond to In 3d3/2 and In 3d5/2, respectively. In Fig. 2e, the peaks at 162.7 eV and 161.4 eV belong to S 2p1/2 and S 2p3/2, confirming the presence of S2−. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 2f, the two main peaks at 871.5 eV and 853.8 eV belong to Ni 2p1/2 and Ni 2p3/2, respectively, accompanied by the satellite peaks at 873.7 eV and 856.1 eV, indicating the presence of Ni2+.43 As demonstrated in Fig. S4d,† the peak at 134.4 eV belongs to the P of Ni2P, while the peak at 128.9 eV belongs to phosphorus oxide formed by surface oxidation during the testing process.42
The photocatalytic performance of blank ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite has been evaluated through photoredox coupling of benzyl alcohol oxidation with the H2 evolution reaction (Fig. 3a). As shown in Fig. 3b, the hydrogen evolution efficiency (694.9 μmol g−1 h−1), benzyl alcohol conversion rate (29.6%), and benzaldehyde selectivity (44.5%) of blank ZIS are relatively low.45,46 After the introduction of GR or Ni2P, the photocatalytic activity of ZIS–GR or ZIS–Ni2P can be improved. When co-catalysts GR and Ni2P have been simultaneously introduced, the ZIS–GR–Ni2P ternary composite exhibits the most superior photocatalytic activity, with a hydrogen evolution efficiency of 1287.8 μmol g−1 h−1, 100% benzyl alcohol conversion, and 90.9% benzaldehyde selectivity. Furthermore, in comparison with previous research, the ZIS–GR–Ni2P system exhibits superior behavior of photochemical selective conversion of BA to BAD and simultaneous hydrogen production (Table S1†).
To assess the stability of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite, a cycling test has been conducted. As depicted in Fig. 3c, the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite exhibits good stability after five cycles with no discernible deactivation. Moreover, as shown in Fig. S5a,† the SEM image of the used ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite reveals that the morphological structure of the nanoflower sphere remains unchanged. Furthermore, the XRD pattern of the used ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite, as depicted in Fig. S5b,† is identical to the crystal structure before the reaction, providing further evidence of the excellent crystalline phase stability of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite. Furthermore, as shown in Table S2,† the ICP-OES test of the reaction solution over the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite indicates that there is no obvious leaching of metal ions (Zn2+ and Ni2+) during the recycling test. These results indicate that the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite is a stable catalyst for photoredox coupling of benzyl alcohol oxidation with H2 evolution.14
N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms have been used to calculate the sample's specific surface area and pore size distribution curve.11 As shown in Fig. 4a, the curves of blank ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and ZIS–GR–Ni2P are a typical type IV isotherm and the significant increase in adsorption capacity in the high-pressure region indicates that these samples all have mesoporous structures. According to the pore size distribution plot in Fig. S6,† the mesoporous distribution probability of ZIS–GR–Ni2P is considerably greater than that of ZIS, ZIS–GR, and the ZIS–Ni2P composite. Furthermore, as indicated in Table S3,† the specific surface area and pore volume of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite are the largest, indicating that introducing a dual cocatalyst can increase the specific surface area and expose more reactive sites of ZIS. As illustrated in Fig. S7,† the contact angle test is used to measure the hydrophilicity of prepared materials. Generally, the smaller the contact angle, the better the hydrophilicity of the cocatalyst. The contact angle of ZIS–GR–Ni2P is the smallest, indicating that the ternary composite can absorb more water molecules and rapidly release hydrogen bubbles, reducing the blocking area and exposing more surface active sites, which contributes to reinforced photocatalytic hydrogen production activity.
The photoelectrochemical tests have been used to reveal the correlation between the enhancement of the photocatalytic performance and the separation and transfer efficiency of photogenerated carriers of the obtained samples.47 As depicted in Fig. 4b, the polarization curves (LSV) of blank ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and ZIS–GR–Ni2P are presented, and it can be observed that the ternary composite requires the lowest overpotential when reaching the same current density. In addition, the Tafel slope is obtained after linear fitting. Fig. 4c shows that the slope of ZIS–GR–Ni2P is much lower than that of ZIS, ZIS–GR, and ZIS–Ni2P, indicating faster reaction kinetics and better interface charge efficiency over ZIS–GR–Ni2P. In addition, Fig. S8† illustrates the cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and ZIS–GR–Ni2P, respectively. As seen in Fig. 4d, the double-layer capacitance (20.6 μF cm−2) of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite is significantly larger than that of blank ZIS (8.9 μF cm−2), ZIS–GR (10.7 μF cm−2), and ZIS–Ni2P (11.9 μF cm−2), indicating that introducing GR and Ni2P increases the reaction surface area and exposes more reaction sites of the ternary ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite. As demonstrated in Fig. 4e, the transient photocurrent–time curve of ZIS, ZIS–GR, ZIS–Ni2P, and the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite reveals that the sample ZIS–GR–Ni2P has significantly higher photocurrent response intensity than the other samples, indicating that its charge transfer rate is the fastest and the separation efficiency of photogenerated carriers is the highest.48 Studies using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) have been carried out to gain a thorough understanding of the charge migration at the catalyst–electrolyte interface (Fig. 4f).49 Among the three catalysts, ZIS–GR–Ni2P has the smallest curvature radius, indicating that the resistance of ZIS–GR–Ni2P in the process of charge transfer is the smallest. To further investigate the separation ability of photogenerated electron–hole pairs, a steady-state photoluminescence (PL) spectrum test has been conducted on the samples. As shown in Fig. 5a, the PL intensity of ZIS–GR–Ni2P is the lowest, indicating that introducing a dual cocatalyst can enhance the separation efficiency of photogenerated carriers and suppress carrier recombination, thereby enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the sample.
Control experiments have been carried out to reveal the mechanism of benzyl alcohol oxidation coupled with the hydrogen evolution reaction. As shown in Fig. 5b and c, the photocatalytic reaction is proven to be light-driven by the fact that the reaction cannot continue after removing the photocatalyst or visible light irradiation. Adding CCl4 as an electron scavenger hinders the production of H2, while adding the hole scavenger triethanolamine (TEOA) stops the generation of benzaldehyde, indicating that photogenerated electrons and holes are involved in the generation of H2 and benzaldehyde, respectively. Furthermore, the generation of benzaldehyde is strongly inhibited by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), indicating that a free radical intermediate is involved in the formation of benzaldehyde.50,51 In addition, the effect of different BA solution concentrations on the reaction has been investigated. As depicted in Fig. S9,† the activity of the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite remains unvaried after the concentration of BA is changed. To gain more understanding of the photocatalytic mechanism of this cooperative reaction system, the active intermediate over the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite is identified using the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique with DMPO acting as the radical scavenger. As disclosed in Fig. 5d, the absence of signal peaks in the dark reaction state suggests that light is necessary for the production of free radicals. After the reaction system is exposed to visible light radiation, the sextet peaks that are associated with the DMPO-trapped carbon-center radical (α-hydroxybenzyl, Cα) are observed, proving that α-hydroxybenzyl is the main intermediate in this system.11,45
As shown in Fig. S10a,† ZIS displays an n-type semiconductor trend when viewed in the context of the Mott–Schottky curves, with its flat band potential fixed at −0.63 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Since the conduction band (CB) position of an n-type semiconductor is closer to its flat band potential, the CB position of ZIS is therefore projected to be −0.43 V vs. NHE. With respect to the band gap data that were previously acquired, the valence band (VB) position of ZIS is determined to be 2.2 V vs. NHE, using the formula EVB = ECB + Eg (where EVB, ECB, and Eg represent the energy values of the VB, CB, and band gap separately).52 In addition, as shown in Fig. S10b,† the Fermi energy level of GR is −0.28 V (vs. NHE, pH = 7). In light of the aforementioned findings, we propose a possible mechanism for BA conversion combined with H2 evolution over ZIS–GR–Ni2P. As shown in Fig. 6, ZIS in the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite is initially excited to produce electrons and holes upon exposure to visible light, and the electrons then migrate from ZIS's conduction band (CB) to GR. Afterwards, Ni2P anchored on ZIS–GR can further capture and transfer photo-generated electrons located on GR. H2 is created when these photogenerated electrons on Ni2P combine with protons in water. Meanwhile, the photogenerated holes located in ZIS first oxidize BA, leading to BA dehydrogenation to form a carbon-centered radical (˙CH(OH)Ph), which is then oxidized to produce BAD. Due to the introduction of the dual cocatalyst, the photoexcited electron–hole pair can be effectively separated, which leads to a more efficient and timely oxidation of the carbon-centered radical into BAD and reduces the formation of C–C coupling byproducts, thus presenting the high selectivity of BAD over the ZIS–GR–Ni2P composite.51,53
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta02289k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |