Issue 4, 2019

Bioinspired carbon dots: from rose petals to tunable emissive nanodots


Engineering biomass into functional nanomaterials is captivating. The limitation of versatility in green precursors is pursued by exploring the formation of carbon dots with respect to the contents of the green precursor, i.e. Rosa indica. The intermediates formed at different intervals are analyzed. Moreover, the mechanism of heteroatom-doped Rosa indica derived carbon-dot is proposed.

Graphical abstract: Bioinspired carbon dots: from rose petals to tunable emissive nanodots

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Article type
25 Jūl. 2018
08 Janv. 2019
First published
09 Janv. 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2019,1, 1290-1296

Bioinspired carbon dots: from rose petals to tunable emissive nanodots

V. Sharma, S. K. Singh and Shaikh M. Mobin, Nanoscale Adv., 2019, 1, 1290 DOI: 10.1039/C8NA00105G

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