Daniel A.
Moritz H.
Austin G.
Tom J.
Christian M.
*a and
aEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM) Photovoltaics and Thin-Film Electronics Laboratory (PV-Lab), Neuchâtel, Switzerland. E-mail:;;
bCentre d’Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM), Rue Jaquet-Droz 1, 2000, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
cLaboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics, Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
dSustainable Advanced Materials (Ser-SAM), Department of Physics, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
eAdvanced Instrumentation for Nano-Analytics (AINA), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Materials Research and Technology Department, 41 Rue du Brill, Belvaux L-4422, Luxembourg
fSwiss-Norwegian Beamlines at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, F-38000, Grenoble, France
gFluxim AG, Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 2, Winterthur, 8400, Switzerland
hDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
iUniversity of Luxembourg, 2 Avenue de l’Université, Esch-sur-Alzette L-4365, Luxembourg
First published on 9th May 2024
The technique of alloying FA+ with Cs+ is often used to promote structural stabilization of the desirable α-FAPbI3 phase in halide perovskite devices. However, the precise mechanisms by which these alloying approaches improve the optoelectronic quality and enhance the stability have remained elusive. In this study, we advance that understanding by investigating the effect of cationic alloying in CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite thin-films and solar-cell devices. Selected-area electron diffraction patterns combined with microwave conductivity measurements reveal that fine Cs+ tuning (Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3) leads to a minimization of stacking faults and an increase in the photoconductivity of the perovskite films. Ultra-sensitive external quantum efficiency, kelvin-probe force microscopy and photoluminescence quantum yield measurements demonstrate similar Urbach energy values, comparable surface potential fluctuations and marginal impact on radiative emission yields, respectively, irrespective of Cs content. Despite this, these nanoscopic defects appear to have a detrimental impact on inter-grains’/domains’ carrier transport, as evidenced by conductive-atomic force microscopy and corroborated by drastically reduced solar cell performance. Importantly, encapsulated Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 devices show robust operational stability retaining 85% of the initial steady-state power conversion efficiency for 1400 hours under continuous 1 sun illumination at 35 °C, in open-circuit conditions. Our findings provide nuance to the famous defect tolerance of halide perovskites while providing solid evidence about the detrimental impact of these subtle structural imperfections on the long-term operational stability.
Broader contextAchieving record single-junction and tandem perovskite devices has been driven by compositional tuning of formamidinium-rich perovskite formulations. However, FAPbI3 is challenging to stabilize at room temperature as the desired α-FAPbI3 phase transitions to photoinactive wide-bandgap hexagonal polytypes. Macroscopically, alloying FA+ with Cs+ has proven to be a promising strategy for stabilizing cubic FAPbI3-like structures at room temperature. In this context, there is a lack of fundamental understanding of the stability mechanisms afforded by these alloyed approaches. Othman et al. studied the local structure in cesium–formamidinium perovskite absorbers using advanced nanoprobe techniques. They showed a variation in the crystallographic defect density with respect to the Cs/FA molar ratios and demonstrated that they are not sites of significant recombination losses. While they limit carriers’ transport and deteriorate the device's longevity. |
Various strategies have been adopted to suppress the formation of the δ-FAPbI3 phase, notably cesium (Cs+) alloying with FA+ on the A-site of the perovskite crystal structure.15–17 Cesium–formamidinium (CsFA) cation mixing has demonstrated improved cubic perovskite structure stability by tuning the so-called Goldschmidt tolerance factor (t) towards a value of t ∼ 1, which empirically forms a stable cubic perovskite phase.18 This stabilization has been rationalized by first-principle calculations claiming that A-site mixing results in entropic gains which lowers the free energy required to form the cubic phase, whereas on the contrary, the δ-phase formation energy becomes too large to overcome the configurational entropy increase.19 Interrogating the stability behaviour established by CsFA alloying has been reliant on either theoretical studies or bulk-averaged macroscopic measurements.20 By contrast, little effort has been devoted to understand the stability mechanisms driven by the CsFA alloyed approach from a nanoscopic point of view. In this context, there is a lack of fundamental studies to characterize the local structure of CsFA perovskite absorbers compared to their triple-cations (CsMAFA) counterparts.21–24 The reasons are manifold: generally, probing the perovskite nanostructure requires the use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques operating with high energy electrons (200 keV) where the beam-sensitive nature of hybrid perovskites makes it extremely challenging to obtain reliable local structural information from the pristine material.25 Additionally, CsFA is challenging to fabricate in high crystal quality and compact morphology without optimized precursor solution ageing combined with the use of hydrohalic acids as additives; an experimental methodology that is incompatible to reproduce and imposes constraints on the process feasibility.26–28 Lastly, there have been a few reports mentioning complexities of CsFA elemental mixing at the solution stage as well as uncertainty of compositional control in the final thin film due to the presence of inevitable phase separation when Cs content is >30 mol% for the latter and low solubility of the inorganic Cs salts in solvents for the former, which render this perovskite formulation as disadvantageous and ultimately hampers its deployment in solar cell devices.29–31 To mitigate these issues, a small amount of MA+ is typically added to CsFA perovskite precursors to aid in the crystallization of a high-quality film. On the downside, volatile MA+ can decompose readily and initiate degradation during device operation.32–35
Stimulated by the challenging nature of CsFA perovskite absorbers and motivated in probing the intrinsic stabilization mechanisms induced by cation alloying, in this work, we unravel the underpinning local structural evolution in CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskites and assess its influence on the optoelectronic properties, device performance and operational stability. We find a compositional dependent correlation between the nanoscopic defect nature and Cs/FA molar ratios. We further evaluate the effect of these structural defects on the optoelectronic quality of the perovskite films and devices. We show that these structural defects are not sites of significant recombination losses, while on the other hand, they appear to impede carriers transport in devices. Finally, we demonstrate that trace amounts of these structural defects, undetected macroscopically, lead to compromised stability in the long-term testing under operational conditions. Our results construct a global picture of the nanoscopic landscape, which endows the defect tolerance of perovskite materials to structural disorders, while highlighting the detrimental impact of these nanoscale phase impurities on limiting the device longevity.
Interestingly, no SFs were detected in Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite absorbers in all the metrically cubic structures near the [011]C zone axis (from an analysis of 25 diffraction patterns (DPs) that were obtained across multiple batches and experiments) (Fig. 1(b), (e) and ESI,† Fig. S3a–d). A similar observation was reported by Li et al. for MA0.8FA0.2 when tuning the composition of MAxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite films.37 A further increase in Cs content (x = 0.2–0.3) results in the appearance of unwanted Cs-rich non-perovskite secondary phases known as δ-CsPbI3 as presented in Fig. 1(c), (f) and ESI,† Fig. S2c, f, g and h, Note S1. On the basis of these observations, we conclude that Cs alloying changes the intrinsic FAPbI3 perovskite defect density in which low Cs concentrations (Cs < 15 mol%) reduce the {111}C SFs with a minimum reached at Cs0.15. On the other hand, the presence of CsFA substitutional alloying limit as well as elemental mixing complexities in the precursor stage with high-Cs content (Cs > 15 mol%) tend to trigger the formation of segregated Cs-rich δ-CsPbI3 clusters in the perovskite films.29–31 Therefore, there is a compositional dependence of structural defects prevalence and Cs/FA molar ratios (Fig. 1(g)). We note that we did not observe any single domain that could be indexed with the δ-FAPbI3 crystal structure (2H or even the polytypes 4H and 6H14) in all of the analysed CsxFA1−xPbI3 films, which suggests that single-halide systems have a lower density of bulk hexagonal polytypes compared to mixed-halides.21 For all the Cs-alloyed films, kinematically forbidden reflections in the cubic phase were detected. These can only be indexed to a cubic superstructure with the Im space group near the [011]C zone axis (ESI,† Fig. S4).38 Recently, Doherty et al. studied these forbidden reflections in similar FA-rich perovskite compositions such as CsMAFA, attributing them to octahedral tilting whereby the BX6 corner-sharing octahedra slightly tilt away from a perfect cubic symmetry in a long-range ordered fashion.22 The unit cell parameter of the Im
space group is effectively doubled (∼12.6 Å) with the structural ordering of the lattice tilting, leading to so-called superlattice reflections. However, since we did not observe any of these superstructure reflections in the neat FAPbI3 films from a study of hundreds of DPs, we cannot exclude the possibility of CsFA cation ordering on the A-site as a driving force for these superlattice reflections in these alloyed systems. Moreover, upon in situ annealing of a pure FAPbI3 film inside the TEM at 170 °C, we detected the emergence of hexagonal polytype phases with a domain that could be indexed to the 6H-FAPbI3 phase along the [37
]H zone axis as highlighted in ESI,† Fig. S5. This observation indicates the thermal decomposition of the metrically cubic FAPbI3 film is possibly due to FA+ loss which results in a change of the corner-sharing stacking sequence (metrically cubic perovskite) to a mix of corner-face sharing octahedra (hexagonal polytypes) when annealed at elevated temperatures. Prolonged heating under vacuum should eventually lead to lattice shrinkage, morphology deformation and degradation of the perovskite film.39
The perovskite films were examined macroscopically using X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, shown in Fig. 2(a). The 001, 011, 111, 002, 012, 022 and 003 of the metrically α-cubic FAPbI3 perovskite structure in addition to peaks corresponding to PbI2 and the ITO substrate are present. Although, the inks containing 10 mol% excess PbI2 for all compositions, which is reported to improve efficiency,40 we noticed a change in the relative 001 PbI2 to 001 perovskite peak intensities located at 12.67° and ∼14°, respectively. We rationalize this observation by the likelihood of the existence of definite packaging density of Cs-ions relative to FA+ on the A-site of the perovskite lattice to form the metrically cubic phase where the threshold is found to be at Cs0.15. Upon exceeding this limit (Cs > 15 mol%) and with the oversupply of Cs-ions, the perovskite lattice starts to be likely strained and gradually decomposes into PbI2.41 The Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite film exhibits the smallest full-width at half maximum (FWHM) for the main 001 perovskite peak in addition to the highest relative intensity of 001 perovskite to 001 PbI2 peaks, inferring enhanced crystalline ordering of the perovskite lattice (Fig. 2(b)). Furthermore, the incorporation of the smaller-sized Cs cation into the FAPbI3 crystal lattice leads to a shift to higher angles for the 002 perovskite peak, implying smaller d-spacings and hence, lattice contraction (Fig. 2(c)). For the Cs0.3FA0.7 films, we observe a peak broadening and a disruption of the aforementioned trend where the peaks do not stagnate with respect to width and position, but are broader and weaklier defined, indicating unsuccessful Cs-incorporation and actual disruption of the crystal lattice symmetry at these higher concentrations. Additionally, HIM–SIMS measurements (ESI,† Fig. S6k–o) demonstrate the distinct formation of segregated CsPbI3-rich clusters. These observations are consistent with the previous reports about the presence of a Cs-substitution limit in CsFA alloying.30
Morphologically, the perovskite surface of the FAPbI3 film consists of rough (verified by atomic-force microscopy (AFM) in ESI,† Fig. S8) terraced-edges, which are likely SFs based on our TEM data, as corroborated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images in ESI,† Fig. S7a. In stark contrast, the CsFA alloyed films display well-defined domains and a decrease in domain sizes relative to FAPbI3 films with increasing Cs content (ESI,† Fig. S7b–g). Here, we refer our discussion to an overlooked aspect in perovskite literature: domain crystal quality rather than domain size. It is widely accepted that growing large grains with fewer grain boundaries is beneficial for charge transport and thereby, gaining efficiency improvements.42–44 However, it was recently reported that SEM observations are usually based on morphological domains comprised of multiple grain entities rather than being singular grains themselves and that the domains’ local orientations are much more critical than their sizes.45 In concert with these observations, we found that Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 films possess relatively smaller-domain sizes but are SF-minimal indicating higher structural quality. Meanwhile, low Cs-content (Cs0.05FA0.95PbI3 and Cs0.1FA0.9PbI3, respectively) alloyed films consist of larger domains with considerably higher densities of SFs. Therefore, this calls for diverting efforts into the promotion of the domain quality through the elimination of structural disorders rather than seeking to only enhance the domain size. Needless to say, an ideal growth condition entails creating large domains with high crystal quality perovskite films.
To investigate how these structural and morphological features influence the films’ optoelectronic properties, we first sought to address whether those nanoscale defects contribute electronically to shallow or deep trap states. To test for the presence of shallow traps, we performed ultra-sensitive external quantum efficiency (EQE), kelvin-probe force microscopy (KPFM) measurements (Fig. 3). Ultra-sensitive EQE measurements were conducted on encapsulated CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite devices using a home-built sensitive EQE apparatus.46Fig. 3(a) shows the normalized EQE spectra of CsxFA1−xPbI3 devices plotted as a function of photon energy, and compared for different concentrations of Cs. We note that the sharp peak located at approximately 0.92 eV is electrical device- and/or EQE apparatus-related pick-up noise since the genuine spectral features in the EQE are never as sharp as this 0.92 eV peak.47 On the other hand, the line-shape of all perovskite EQE spectra is dominated by the 0.85 eV and 1.2 eV interference peaks, which includes an additional, Cs-concentration dependent, mid-gap trap signal (see inset in Fig. 3(a)), this is expected and in line with the literature.48 As shown from the integrated sub-gap EQE (inset in Fig. 3(a)), where the integrated area can be treated as rough measure for relative changes in trap signal/density (under the condition that the device thickness is the same, hence, interference effects are the same), with a reduction upon Cs-alloying, likely linked to improved performance through reduced recombination losses.49,50 The apparent Urbach energy spectra,51, were calculated based on the normalized EQE spectra, and are shown in Fig. 3(b). Here, the Urbach energy is found to be approximately 11.5 ± 1 meV for all perovskite devices (inset in Fig. 3(b)) indicative of the absence of Cs-induced changes in shallow trap (or tail) states.47 We further tracked the impact of Cs alloying on the surface potential distributions using KPFM. It is worth noting that surface defects can modify the potential distributions of perovskite surfaces.52 Since these measurements were done under ambient conditions and subsequently, consecutive measurements on the same scan area may not always yield the same absolute values, we focused our interpretation only on surface potential variations (degree of homogeneity) and not absolute potential values. As shown in Fig. 3(c)–(e) and ESI,† Fig. S9a–d, the surface potential fluctuations of all perovskite films were comparable regardless of Cs content. The standard deviations of surface potential distributions are presented in Fig. 3(f) and the electronic-roughness values are compared in ESI,† Fig. S9e. To verify our surface potential findings and exclude the possibility of any topographical features induced artifacts (such as valleys present at grain boundaries that might not be detected by the tip), we plotted correlation maps between the surface topography and potential values as shown in ESI,† Fig. S10a–g. We then were able to firmly conclude that they are not correlated with very low correlation factors (R) < 20%, confirming the soundness of our experimental results (ESI,† Fig. S10h). Likewise, there is no signature of differences in surface potential mimicking the shape of the observed striped contrasts due to stacking faults. This means that the observed potential variations do not reflect directly in a change in surface potential.
Furthermore, measurements of photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) versus Cs concentration show only a minor effect of Cs content on the film-averaged non-radiative recombination rate at 1-sun illumination intensity (ESI,† Fig. S11). Taken together, these measurements suggest that these structural defects are not inducing either surface or deep traps and hence, are not sites of significant recombination losses.
Applying temperature-dependent ultra-sensitive EQE measurements on unencapsulated CsxFA1−xPbI3 PSCs, we were able to probe the dynamic (Edyn) and static (Estat) energetic disorder.53 The latter has been shown to be intrinsically related to zero point motion of phonons rather than structural imperfections,47,54 while the former is a metric for temperature-dependent phonon occupation (proportional to phonon energy).55 We note that the temperature regime (between 25 °C to −120 °C) was chosen such that phase-transition of the main perovskite structure (i.e., FAPbI3) at the higher and lower temperature limits were avoided.52 ESI,† Fig. S12a–g displays the normalized EQE of the CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite devices (x = 0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3, respectively) plotted as a function of photon energy and compared against different temperatures. The insets show the corresponding calculated apparent Urbach energy spectra, from which the Urbach energies were determined. The Urbach energy for the CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite devices at room temperature were found to be 12.1 ± 1 meV (x = 0), 11.5 ± 1 meV (x = 0.05), 11.8 ± 1 meV (x = 0.1), 11.0 ± 1 meV (x = 0.15), 11.5 ± 1 meV (x = 0.2), 11.9 ± 1 meV (x = 0.25), and 11.5 ± 1 meV (x = 0.3). These values are in good agreement with Urbach energy values obtained on encapsulated devices in inset Fig. 3(b). ESI,† Fig. S13a–g shows Urbach energy values plotted against the temperatures and compared for all the CsxFA1−xPbI3 PSCs. While symbols are experimental data, black solid lines are fits to the Einstein solid model: , where
is a temperature-independent constant, ωv is a characteristic phonon frequency, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and kB is the Boltzmann constant.47 Based on the Einstein solid model, temperature-induced Edyn and E0 disorder contribute to Urbach energy EU(T), via EU(T) = [E0 + Edyn]/σ0, where E0 is expected to dominate at the low-temperature limit (i.e., for T → 0, EU(T) →E0). E0 (defined here as phonon zero-point energy) is found to be 3.26 ± 0.24 meV (x = 0), 3.82 ± 0.09 meV (x = 0.05), 3.75 ± 0.15 meV (x = 0.1), 4.55 ± 0.18 meV (x = 0.15), 5.39 ± 0.09 meV (x = 0.2), 6.68 ± 0.13 meV (x = 0.25), and 4.00 ± 0.15 meV (x = 0.3). The Urbach energy at room temperature, EU(RT), the Einstein solid mode fit parameter E0 and σ0, and the calculated approximate Einstein temperature,
, and phonon wavenumber are provided in Table S2. The corresponding calculated wavenumbers match very well to Pb–I octahedral and cage-cation phonon modes, respectively, as obtained from Raman spectroscopy, reported in the literature.53–55 While the Einstein solid model can be extended by introducing an additional term Estruc to account for, inter alia, defect state-induced structural disorder, however, only for Estruc = 0 reliable fits of EU(T) for the CsxFA1−xPbI3 perovskite devices were achieved. The absence of an additional structural disorder in these materials suggests that static disorder is solely dominated by quantum mechanical phonon lattice vibrations (phonon zero-point energy).49 This indicates that the introduction of Cs atoms in the perovskite lattice does not impose structural deformations as our data can be explained by a simple Einstein solid model with no need for an additional structural disorder as expected for example with amorphous silicon (a-Si),47 which is in accordance with our observation of almost no changes in Urbach energy with Cs doping.
Next, to investigate the effects of the nanoscale defects on the photo-conductivity of the CsFA perovskite films, we performed time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) measurements and observed a comparable increase of carriers’ mobilities in the range of 30–40 cm2 (V s)−1 upon Cs introduction, except for the Cs0 as shown in Fig. 4(a). Notably, these values present intra-grain/domain “within the internal structure of the grain itself” mobilities, yet barriers at the edges of domains may result in effective reduced mobilities throughout the film.56 We further note that the TRMC traces are recorded at an incident light intensity of 5.5 × 109 photons per cm2 per pulse, which corresponds to an initial charge carrier density of approximately 1014 cm3 per pulse. Complementarily, we conducted impedance spectroscopy and potentiostatic polarization measurements (see ESI,† Note S2 for details),57,58 and observed that the electronic conductivity (σelectronic) is maximized in the Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite film, while the ionic conductivities (σionic) decrease with increasing Cs content (ESI,† Fig. S14a and b). We suspect that this change in ionic conductivity is related to a change in lattice constant upon Cs incorporation (Fig. 2(c)). It has been shown that compression of the lattice reduces ion migration by increasing the associated activation energy.59 In addition, we find that the ion densities (nion) remain almost constant with increasing Cs content (ESI,† Fig. S14c). As a result, the change in ionic conductivity is probably related to a change in the ion mobility.
To evaluate the local photo-current at a nanoscale, conductive-atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) was used with a white LED providing ∼1 sun excitation, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The energy-levels diagram for the different layers comprising the pseudo-device stack and the work function (WF) of the platinum (Pt)-coated silicon (Si) tip are depicted in ESI,† Fig. S15, based on prototypical literature values.60–62 Note, to enable local information, we refrained from depositing metal electrodes, which would collect charge-carriers from a larger area due to their high lateral conductivity, i.e., reducing spatial resolution. As can be seen in Fig. 4(c)–(e), the spatial photo-current conductivity and homogeneity are peaked in Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite system compared to the Cs0 and Cs0.3 pseudo-devices, indicative of effective carriers’ transport and collection properties. This trend agrees with the short-circuit current (JSC) obtained from full devices (presented later in Fig. 5(c)) with an R = 0.63 in ESI,† Fig. S16. These results provide an indication that nanoscale defects rather than charge carriers’ mobilities retard the charge carrier transport within the CsFA absorber layers. Therefore, we can conclude that the increased conductivity in Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 is more likely attributed to the high crystal perovskite film quality. Moreover, although the SFs/Cs-rich clusters do not reduce the intra-grain carrier mobility, they seem to affect the inter-grain (across a set of individual grains) transport, as evidenced by C-AFM measurements.
Since the photo-electric properties such as JSC of metal–halide perovskites vary greatly among different facets,63–65 we used 2D synchrotron grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) to probe the in- and out-of plane films’ texture. As shown in Fig. 4(f)–(h) and ESI,† Fig. S17a–d, theCsxFA1−xPbI3 (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25, respectively) perovskite films display similar diffraction rings in the 001 and 002 main perovskite peaks at q about 10 and 20 nm−1, respectively. Notably, upon Cs alloying (pronounced even at Cs0.05), the random azimuthal orientation observed in the FAPbI3 film shifts to a mild preferential 001 face-up orientation66 relative to the substrate coinciding with a corner-up orientation of the 011 perovskite plane (ESI,† Fig. S18a–d). This plausibly further supports that the SFs/Cs-rich defective phases impose transport losses rather than the crystal orientation.
We aimed to investigate the impact of the differences observed in nanostructure and optoelectronic properties on the device performance and long-term operational stability for different Cs content inCsxFA1−xPbI3 PSCs, while keeping the hole/electron transport layers and device configuration the same. We fabricated devices using an inverted (p–i–n) architecture based on indium-tin oxide (ITO) glass/(2-(3,6-dimethoxy-9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethyl)phosphonic acid (MeO-2PACz)/perovskite/buckminsterfullerene (C60)/tin(IV)oxide (SnO2)/silver (Ag), as sketched in Fig. 5(a). Remarkably, the Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite film reached a maximum PCE of 19.3% with a JSC of 22.8 mA cm−2, an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.02 V and a fill-factor (FF) of 82.8% (Fig. 5(b)–(e)). We further attempted to link the device data to the films’ optoelectronics. First, we performed a performance loss-breakdown analysis by extracting the quasi-Fermi level splitting (QFLS) for different charge-transport layers (CTLs)/perovskite combinations in comparison to the mean qVOC of the devices. The losses are comparable for all stacks, however, we noticed major differences between the obtained qVOC and QFLS for the poor-performing (notably Cs0 and Cs0.05) devices, as shown in ESI,† Fig. S19. We sought to understand this effect with a link to carriers’ mobility and therefore, conducted a set of drift-diffusion simulations rendering qualitatively a similar effect with respect to the VOCversus QFLS (albeit significantly less severe) and likewise a drop in the other PV metrics below a mobility of 1 cm2 V−1 s−1, as shown in ESI,† Fig. S20. The qualitative similarity between the QFLS/VOC trend is in perfect agreement with a recent study by Warby et al.,67 yet there is a significant quantitative disagreement. We tried to understand this disagreement in greater detail and re-examined the current–voltage (JV) statistics and found that the missing link is the systematically lower apparent shunt resistance in the cells with Cs-content <15% contributing to a lower VOC, FF and JSC in addition to the other detrimental effects due to the unfavourable nanostructure properties (ESI,† Fig. S21). Thus, we point out that the poorer intrinsic nano-structural quality of the perovskites with various Cs content (except Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3) together with a lower apparent shunt resistance account for the observed effects on device performances. Notably, we extracted the apparent shunt resistance as a function of illumination intensity and observed a strong intensity-dependence, in particular for the lowest-performing Cs0 samples (ESI,† Fig. S22). A classical electrical shunt (i.e., direct connection of the ITO to Ag) would not have such an intensity-dependence. In contrast, impaired charge collection, e.g., through a reduced mobility of at least one of the charge carriers, results in such a behaviour, more commonly observed in, e.g., organic or similarly excitonic solar cells. These observations are in full accord with results by Elmestekawy et al.,68,69 who show a comparable reduction of intrinsic quantum confinement in FAPbI3 upon Cs substitution and discuss the impact of reduced confinement on device performance. Our investigations complement these observations via a nanoscopic investigation where the origin of said confinement is likely the nanoscopically separated domains emerging from the shown SFs and in excellent agreement with the predictions by Wright et al.70 Voltage-dependent EQE measurements suggest that primarily the hole transport is limited in the case of low Cs substitution (ESI,† Fig. S23).
Furthermore, we aged unencapsulated perovskite absorbers at constant simulated solar spectrum illumination in ambient atmosphere without an ultraviolet (UV) filter at ∼65 °C (ESI,† Fig. S24). In parallel, encapsulated devices (with cover slip and UV-cured glue) were aged under continuous full-spectrum of 1 sun illumination at 35 °C and open-circuit conditions in a nitrogen (N2) environment (Fig. 5(m) and ESI,† Fig. S25). We note that ageing PSCs at open-circuit conditions is reported to accelerate degradation compared to maximum power point tracking (MPP).71 Notably, the optimum Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite device sustained 85% of its initial PCE for 1400 hours, whereas all the other devices completely degraded within comparatively different and shorter timescales, consistent with their yellowish-visual appearances (Fig. 5(f)–(l)), particularly in the device-active area regions which is indicative of PbI2 phase formation generated as a by-product of the absorber layers decomposition.72
Finally, we conducted accelerated ageing combining electrical and thermal stress testing under 1 sun illumination at a higher temperature of 85 °C in ambient atmosphere for unencapsulated devices at MPP conditions, following the standardized international summit on organic PV stability (ISOS) protocols73 (Fig. 6(a)). This accelerated ageing study uses the same device configuration shown in Fig. 5(a). The Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite device maintained 95% of its peak performance for 40 hours. In contrast, the Cs0 and Cs0.3 PSCs degraded faster over the same measurement period with a similar ‘burn-in’ degradation period after 40 hours. To investigate the long-term intrinsic structural stability, we further performed XRD measurements for aged CsFA perovskite films that were stored in a N2 environment under full-spectrum sunlight illumination for a duration of 2, 280 hours (Fig. 6(b)). The structural analysis of the aged films reveals the emergence of the photo-inactive δ-2H FAPbI3 and γ-CsPbI3 phases manifested by Bragg peaks at 2Theta angles of 11.78° and 13.29°, respectively. The δ-2H FAPbI3 phase appears for the Cs0, Cs0.05 and Cs0.1 perovskite films, while the δ-CsPbI3 phase shows in Cs0.2 and Cs0.25 films. We point out that these phases were not detected in our fresh films (Fig. 2(a)). Significantly, the Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite absorber retained the metrically cubic perovskite peaks with no detection of unwanted secondary phases, confirming the robust structural stability. These results validate our argument based on the TEM observations, that the presence of subtle structural imperfections such as hexagonal/orthorhombic phases, undetected with bulk XRD measurements, stimulate the growth of degradation sites under operational stressors, which deteriorate the device longevity. The behaviour of the relative intensities of the 001 perovskite to PbI2 peaks is similar for fresh and aged samples, as compared in Fig. 6(c), which demonstrates enhanced perovskite crystallinity for the Cs0.15FA0.85PbI3 perovskite absorber. We thus conclude that PbI2 particles, SFs and Cs-rich clusters are the most problematic phase impurities and are key drivers for absorber layer degradation on the long-term. Overall, our collective findings endow that despite the defect tolerance of perovskite materials with respect to the initial optoelectronic properties and device performance, these nanoscale defective phases seed degradation on the longer run which ultimately limit the device operational stability.
For TEM experiments: the perovskite films were directly spin-coated on ultra-thin C-coated Cu TEM grids that were sticked to ITO glass using a Kapton tape. To minimize any environmental potential-induced degradations such as moisture exposure, the samples were placed in a nitrogen (N2)-filled cylinder immediately after deposition inside the glovebox and then transferred into the TEM chamber in less than 5 mins of air exposure.
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The TRMC signal is expressed in the product of mobility (μe + μh) and charge carrier yield φ, which was calculated from the maximum change in photoconductance ΔGmax:
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |