Themed collection Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series

Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Jovana Milić, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Jovana Milić from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, Advance Article
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Mita Dasog, Dalhousie University, Canada
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Mita Dasog from Dalhousie University, Canada.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2025,10, 203-204
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Mohammad Malakooti, University of Washington, USA
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Mohammad Malakooti from the University of Washington, USA.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2025,10, 201-202
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Pengzhan Sun, University of Macau, China
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Pengzhan Sun from the University of Macau, China.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 2083-2084
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Valentina Castagnola, Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Valentina Castagnola from the Italian Institute of Technology, Italy.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 2081-2082
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Leslie Schoop, Princeton University, USA
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Leslie Schoop from Princeton University, USA.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 1228-1229
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Baisheng Sa, Fuzhou University, China
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Baisheng Sa from Fuzhou University, China.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 883-884
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Shalini Singh, University of Limerick, Ireland
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Shalini Singh from the University of Limerick, Ireland.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 184-185
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Ahu Gümrah Dumanli-Parry, University of Manchester, UK
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Ahu Gümrah Dumanli-Parry from the University of Manchester, UK.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1604-1605
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae, IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nano researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigators, Dr Luciano Colazzo, Dr Christoph Wolf and Dr Yujeong Bae from the IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience, South Korea.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1453-1455
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Saptarshi Das, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Saptarshi Das from Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1450-1452
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Ran Long, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Ran Long from the University of Science and Technology of China, China.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1300-1300
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Kayoko Kobayashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Kayoko Kobayashi from Kyoto University, Japan.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 308-308
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Sukjoon Hong and Dr Joonmyung Choi, Hanyang University, South Korea
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our latest Emerging Investigators, Dr Sukjoon Hong and Dr Joonmyung Choi from Hanyang University, South Korea.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 143-145
Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series: Dr Huiyuan Zhu, Virginia Tech, USA
Our Emerging Investigator Series highlights exceptional work by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. This editorial features an interview with our first Emerging Investigator, Dr Huiyuan Zhu from Virginia Tech, USA.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1119-1120
Introducing the Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series
Our Emerging Investigator Series will highlight exceptional work published in Nanoscale Horizons by early-career researchers working in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1118-1118

Chemical exfoliation of 1-dimensional antiferromagnetic nanoribbons from a non-van der Waals material
We show that simple chemical exfoliation methods can be used to exfoliate non-van der Waals, chain-containing compounds to 1D nanoribbons. After this process, they still retain magnetic behavior.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 479-486

Catalytic selectivity of nanorippled graphene
Experiments have shown that nanoscale ripples in a graphene membrane exhibit high catalytic selectivity toward hydrogen dissociation over other reactions involving hydrogen.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 449-455
Contact engineering for 2D Janus MoSSe/metal junctions
This study revealed the transition from Schottky to Ohmic/quasi-Ohmic contacts within the metal–MoSSe junctions and employed machine learning to predict the Schottky barrier, thus facilitating the realization of Ohmic contact in Janus MoSSe devices.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 264-277

Colloidal synthesis of the mixed ionic–electronic conducting NaSbS2 nanocrystals
Mixed ionic-electronic conducting NaSbS2 NCs with different sizes (50 to 90 nm) and shapes (cube, quasi-spherical cuboctahedra and truncated cubes) were synthesized using a colloidal approach by systematically changing the reaction parameters.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1262-1272

Edible cellulose-based colorimetric timer
A biocompatible and edible colorimetric timer is obtained by exploiting the dynamic colour changes of the cholesteric liquid crystalline mesophases of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) in aqueous suspensions.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 887-891

Template-directed 2D nanopatterning of S = 1/2 molecular spins
We demonstrate fabrication of a surface-supported array of VOPc with controlled spin-spin distance, electronic decoupling from the substrate, and individual addressability to realize molecular qubit platforms interfaceable to solid state devices.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 624-631
Hardware Trojans based on two-dimensional memtransistors
Hardware Trojans (HTs) have emerged as a major security threat for integrated circuits (ICs) owing to the involvement of untrustworthy actors in the globally distributed semiconductor supply chain.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 603-615
Cu and Si co-doping on TiO2 nanosheets to modulate reactive oxygen species for efficient photocatalytic methane conversion
The Cu and Si co-doping could rationally regulate the electronic structure of TiO2 nanosheets and maneuver the reactive oxygen species for methane activation, which achieves significant photocatalytic methane conversion into ethane.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 63-68

Atomic-scale dents on cellulose nanofibers: the origin of diverse defects in sustainable fibrillar materials
Atomic-scale dent structures on the surfaces of cellulose nanofibers were detected. These dent parts constituted at least 30–40% of the total length of the dispersed nanofibers, and deep dents induced the kinking and fragmentation of nanofibers.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1186-1191
Molecular mechanics of Ag nanowire transfer processes subjected to contact loading by a PDMS substrate
A nanomechanical design method for the laser transfer process of a single AgNW is proposed. The nonlinear mechanical behavior of AgNWs with various geometric conditions is fully characterized through MD simulations and experiments.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 1073-1081
Heterostructured Bi–Cu2S nanocrystals for efficient CO2 electroreduction to formate
We report the proof-of-concept design of interfacial sites with a selectivity-governing and hydrogen evolution reaction-suppressing domain (Bi) and an electrokinetic-promoting domain (Cu2S) for efficient CO2 electroreduction to formate.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2022,7, 508-514
About this collection
Nanoscale Horizons is proud to present this growing web collection, highlighting the exceptional work being conducted by early-career nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers. It showcases rising stars in the early stages of their independent careers, who have been identified as having the potential to influence future directions in the field.
This collection features selected research articles and interview-style editorials from all of our Emerging Investigators, and will be updated when new Emerging Investigators are selected – so keep checking this page and watch the collection grow.
More details about the Emerging Investigator Series can be found in our introductory editorial. If you are eligible and interested in submitting a paper for potential inclusion in the series, please do contact the Editorial office ( for details.