Issue 40, 2024

Breaking the symmetry of sulfur defect states via atomic substitution for enhanced CO2 photoreduction


Conventional sulfur vacancies, characterized by the symmetric coordination of metal cations (M1–SV–M1), typically serve as catalytic sites for CO2 chemisorption. However, symmetric SV sites, with a uniform charge distribution across adjacent metal sites, enable sluggish electron transfer kinetics for CO2 activation and dissociation, as well as a low defect-band center that renders photoexcited electrons less energetic. Herein, we introduced a Cu dopant into SV-rich SnS2 nanosheets (Cu–SnS2–SV) to construct asymmetric Cu–SV–Sn sites, which steer CO2 photoreduction to CO with a production rate of 48.6 μmol g−1 h−1 in the absence of a photosensitizer and scavenger, 18-fold higher than that of SnS2–SV with symmetric Sn–SV–Sn sites. Experimental investigations combined with theoretical simulations reveal that an asymmetric Cu–SV–Sn structure, compared with a symmetric Sn–SV–Sn structure, allows an upshift of the defect-band center, which significantly mitigates the energy loss associated with electron relaxation from the conduction band to the defect band. Moreover, the advantages of the Cu–SV–Sn sites over the Sn–SV–Sn sites are demonstrated not only by the increased Sn–S covalency, which facilitates electron transfer from catalysts to adsorbates, but also by the improved ability to stabilize COOH* intermediates, which lowers the activation energy barrier of the rate-determining step.

Graphical abstract: Breaking the symmetry of sulfur defect states via atomic substitution for enhanced CO2 photoreduction

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Article type
17 ستمبر 2024
27 ستمبر 2024
First published
27 ستمبر 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 27220-27228

Breaking the symmetry of sulfur defect states via atomic substitution for enhanced CO2 photoreduction

Y. Ma, H. Tao, X. Guo, P. Yang, D. Xing, V. Nicolosi, Y. Zhang, C. Lian and B. Qiu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 27220 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06622G

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